From the Island Owner to the King

DAY 118 Sharp-nosed pit viper, human bear

Chen Rui stood still, his right hand suddenly pinched both sides of the snake's head as accurately as lightning, and then grabbed the back half of the snake with his left hand.

Chen Rui turned his head and said to everyone, "It's a sharp-nosed pit viper. We call it a five-step snake here. It is more poisonous than a cobra. It is exaggerated to say that after being bitten by it, it will be poisonous within 5 steps. It can be seen that it is highly toxic. It is reported that the statistical mortality rate of being bitten by the five-step snake is 24%, and the mortality rate of those who are seriously injured is more than 70%. "

Everyone looked at the sharp-nosed pit viper twisting its body in Chen Rui's hands, and everyone felt a little numb in their hearts, and they were afraid.

Because the sharp-nosed pit viper is entrenched in the bushes that everyone is going to pass through.

Beforehand, no one had detected the existence of the horned pit viper. It would be very troublesome if anyone passed the bush and was bitten by the horned pit viper.

Because everyone does not have the anti-venom anti-venom with sharp-nosed pit viper, this anti-venom has long been discontinued. After being bitten, if the anti-venom is not injected in time, it will die within a few hours.

At this point, everyone admired Chen Rui sincerely.

At a distance of more than half a meter from the poisonous snake, the speed of the shot is very fast, and the naked eye can hardly see his shooting movement. , this is not something an ordinary person can do.

There is also Chen Rui's insight into potential dangers in the wild, which is very keen.

It is not unreasonable that Chen Rui survived for several months in the most dangerous Amazon jungle in the world.

With a flick of his arm, Chen Rui threw the poisonous snake more than ten meters away, and everyone continued on their way.


Everyone walked in Daqingshan for a day.

On the horizon, the sun is about to set.

Chen Rui stood in an open place and raised a hand towards the sun so that the sun was above his fingers.

Then each finger's distance from the horizon represents 15 minutes, and four fingers represents an hour.

Chen Rui compared, the sun is still 7 fingers away from the horizon, that is to say, the sun will go down in less than 2 hours.

Chen Rui chose an open, sheltered place and stopped, turned his head, and said to everyone, "Let's go here today, there are less than 2 hours of light left for us, everyone hurry up to build tents and pick up Some firewood."

Everyone nodded and said, "Okay."

Everyone put down their backpacks.

Some stayed to pitch tents and set up camp.

Several young people in the expedition went to the nearby woods to pick up some dead branches and leaves.

Chen Rui looked at them with a relaxed and leisurely expression, and seemed to be talking and laughing along the way. He didn't seem to realize the danger of this jungle.

Chen Rui had to remind everyone, "Everyone, I have to remind everyone again!

It is already deep in the Daqingshan Mountains, where there are few people, poisonous insects and wild beasts, and it is very dangerous.

In addition, you may have also heard some terrifying legends about some ghost mountain spirits in the depths of Daqing Mountain in the village. Why such legends are circulating is not without foundation.

There are many mysterious and unexplainable things in this forest that could kill you before you even notice. Therefore, I remind everyone not to be lighthearted here, and to be vigilant at all times. "

Hear Chen Rui's warning.

Everyone shivered involuntarily and felt a little hairy in their hearts.

"Is it true that there are bears haunting the Daqing Mountain, which is rumored in the village." A young man with a pockmarked face carrying a camera asked Chen Rui.

Hearing this, Chen Rui nodded and said, "Man bears do exist, my grandfather used to be a forest ranger, he once saw man bears in this forest, and he told me about it later.

The human bear he has seen weighs more than 800+ kilograms. It can climb trees and swim in water. The posture and facial features are human-like, and the sex is strong, and it can plunder cattle and horses for food.

Even hunters in the mountains do not dare to provoke the 'man bear' easily. "

"Doesn't the hunter have a gun? Shoot with a gun." Someone asked.

Chen Rui shook his head and said, "You're thinking too simply, a beast like the 'Human Bear' is fat and strong, with rough skin and thick flesh, even if the bullet hole pierces through the chest and the blood flows out of the intestines, it can dig soil and turpentine plugs. Keep the wound. Shooting it with a gun will only provoke it. A man-bear in a rage is very scary and will chase and swoosh on whoever hurts it."

Having said that, Chen Rui paused, looked up at the sunset that was about to go down in the sky, and said to everyone, "Okay, the sun is going down soon, there is not much sunshine left for us, everyone quickly put the tents down. Build it up. Some people go to pick up some firewood, make a fire at night, don't go too far, don't separate from each other, don't panic when you are in danger. I'll go get us some food for dinner."

"it is good."

Everyone went to work separately.

Some people set up tents and set up camps.

Some people went to pick up dry wood and dead leaves and start a fire.

Chen Rui intends to find some food for everyone's dinner.

Chen Rui collected some mushrooms and wild vegetables in the jungle.

A creek was found not far from the camp.

The creek is shallow and crystal clear.

Chen Rui could see some fish swimming in the creek.

The fish are relatively small, about the size of two fingers.

Chen Rui used a dagger to cut a branch on the tree, cut it into a cross with four prongs, and made a simple harpoon.

Chen Rui took off his shoes and walked into the stream with his socks.

The water in the stream is very cold, ice-cold to the bone.

A fish swam to Chen Rui's feet.

Chen Rui's eyes were quick and his hands were fast, but the hand holding the harpoon trembled.

A fish is on the harpoon.

Throw the fish ashore and continue to fork.

Chen Rui worked in the creek for more than an hour. Seeing that the sunset on the horizon had the last rays of light, the sky was about to darken.

Chen Rui walked ashore.

In less than an hour, Chen Rui harvested more than 20 fish.

These fish live in mountain streams for a long time. They are moistened by mountain springs and streams. They have no fishy smell, and their meat is tender and smooth.

Cook it in a pot, do not put fish seasoning, it is a pot of delicious fish soup.

More than 20 fish, each with the size of two fingers, boiled into a pot of soup, plus the dried meat, biscuits and other dry food brought by everyone, enough for everyone to eat.

More than 20 fish were gills and guts removed in the stream, washed, cleaned briefly, and returned to the camp.

In less than an hour, more than 20 fish and a large handful of wild vegetables and mushrooms were caught.

More than 20 fish, as well as wild vegetables and mushrooms provide high protein and high energy enough to survive for a day in the wild.

Chen Rui once again let everyone see the super wild survival ability of an adventurer who once lived in the most dangerous place in the world.


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