From the Bird

Chapter 86: Dormant head, fire skeleton

"OK, OK."

Li Yan didn't know what to think and couldn't help nodding.

He tapped his thumb on the table, remembering the information of the generals of the pirates obtained through a glimpse of Jinghong during the rain battle.

It took a while to say.

"Among the allied forces of the Warring States Period, Liu Sheng, the new four-day king, but Ma Shouzong Yan has grown old, this time led by his eldest son Liu Shengchang. He was cut off by his right arm with Tianxiong and Jiujiing Sudu. As for the dark plot ghost, Ono, thankfully, the birth of Molich at ten o'clock for a long time is not my enemy, and it is not a cause for concern. "

Li Yan's remarks can be said to be extremely arrogant, coupled with his deep and shallow scars, and his voice is louder to crack the wound, which is not convincing.

But such a person, under the eyes of the Warring States Company Coalition, first killed the first team to command the president of Konishi, and then picked the third team to command Kuroda. The commander of the Ninth National Congress of Toyotomi Hideyoshi Corps, he singled out two of them. Of course, there was the intention of the coalition forces, and it was dragged by many North Korean wild gods. But there is no doubt that during that night's **** battle, Li Yan alone won the credit for the entire Renchen war.

"The East Country Warriors have many loyalty, the West Country Warriors have two flowers, Zongmao, one with a dragonfly cut, and one with a famous sword. In the interest of weapons, both of them can barely make an assessment of the" Ten Capitals "among Yan Fu. If they meet again ... "

"Accurately speaking, it is Vice Shidu, which is roughly equivalent to 39% of the awakening degree of the bird, and is facing the bottleneck of the first awakening degree."

Yu Shu interrupted Li Yan, adding.

Li Yanwenyan frowned and asked, "Are there any stronger soldiers than the two of the Warring States?"

Yu Shu stared at Li Yan for a while.

"There is one."

"Kill me and kill him, we are two clear."

Li Yan did not hesitate.

"Okay ~"

Yu Shu nodded, and asked with interest: "This Yan Fu incident is so difficult. It's all my fault that you survived and died. It's so easy for me to pay off your favor?"

Li Yan grinned and didn't care about the injuries.

"Is it possible, I will still hold your thigh and ask you to lie down with me and the warring states?"


Yu Shu's face was dull. She stared straight at Li Yan's face and put her little finger next to Li Yan's cracked lips.

"Follow me later. Think about it?"

Li Yan was wrong later, his eyes stared at Yu Shu, and he shrugged.

"The red ghost and you miss you, I don't think so."

Yu Shu's eyebrows sank, but he didn't do anything, just lowered his head and smiled.

"That's the answer."

Li Yan walked out of the camp tentatively without saying more.

"Why not go? You beheaded Konishi and Kuroda. The evaluation of the Yan Fu incident is definitely above" Shangji ", but the remaining is a life of nine deaths. Do you want to fight" Daji ", or are you interested in Bunta? Dragonfly cut? "

Li Yan stopped.

"Never mind, but it doesn't matter."

Li Yanyang looked at the outside of the camp with a trembling throat: "I haven't had many friends in my half-life, and I still have a few, but I'm just stumbling in the world. I can't easily say the word" fate ", but there are two hundred here. Many people gave their lives to me, pulled out the sword and were willing to charge me, calling me from the bottom of my heart, Lord General. "

At the moment, Li Yan, who turned his back, was really red at the moment, and Deng Tianxiong, who had fallen like a horse, was right in front of him.

"I don't need guns and evaluations. I just want to kill all those bastards."


"Admiral Li, President Li Qi wants to see you."

There are many general banners with the last name of Li in the Ming army. No one will admit it.

"Let him in."

Li Rusong didn't close his eyes one day and one night, but he was still stunned, and the funeral and exhaustion left no trace on the man. He repeatedly raised Li Yan's senses, and after that night, he even felt that the general banner could be captivated.

Li Yan followed in.

As soon as Li Rusong looked up, he looked for a moment.

In front of this man, the wound was very severe, the body was bloated with bandages, and there was a strong smell of medicine. The complexion is pale, the eye sockets are sunken, and the flesh is close to the bones, but there is no feeling of frustration, as if all the spirits are immersed in the bones, and the tall and thin shelf gives a strange and intense feeling.

The fire skeleton, Li Rusong thought of these four words.

"What is it?"

Li Rusong cherishes words like gold. Only those who are familiar with him know that he will only pose this face to those close to him, such as Shen Heyan.

"The end will want to ask the Lord to do something."


One night of heavy rain washed out the snow, and the muddy snow covered the mountain road. The mountains and forests were turbid, and they were no longer bright.

"Hang up at the age of 24. My dead ghost brother is really suffering."

The monk in Kuroda, or in good faith, looked up at the scattered corpses and the slashed deer distance on the hillside, tearing the saury in his hand,

"No, Anim."

The speaker was black and red, with a red face, balding, and only two black hairs on his head.

The first lord of Isesan. Zhongsheng is the first generation of the Bendu clan.

Known as "Ghost's Heihachi", "Mikawa Parachutist", "Japan's Zhang Fei".

Bundo is forty-four years old this year and has a long history. The state is at its peak. Maybe another year or two, maybe another three or four years, he will cut the beloved dragonfly, but at least for now, the word "injury" is not empty words.

"I have a great responsibility for the death of Changzheng. We only paid attention to the main force of the Ming Army on the Datong River and looked down on the demon army who didn't know where it came from."

Bunta Tadashi said.

"Ah, I had that kind of worry before, but I didn't expect Mingren to move so fast. However, you still defeat that team, loyal to the boss, haven't you?"

Bundo gently stroked the bandage on his stomach. The fierce look of the young and bright man when he threw thunder and thunder toward him still lingered in his mind.

He smiled bitterly and said, "But he lost all the commanders of his fan team."

"Dead Brother is just a nominal leader."

The idea was not disapproving, "You are the backbone of the coalition, loyal to the uncle, and even Zongmao will admit it."

"Although no corpses were left, the big monsters have already been so badly injured that it is impossible to play a big role in the next siege. You know. If such a team is used to dash, our people are very It is difficult to stop, and we can only give it a good occasion, but now the winner is still in our hands. "

Nian satisfactorily grabbed a handful of snow pellets and felt astringent.

"Take the governor of the Ming Kingdom as a bait to wipe out the Ming army who supported it."


Swords, swords, halberds stand in mountains and seas, and the wheels are accompanied by vigorous flags. Countless Ming troops poured out of the horizon.

"Master Gao Gong, you are from Tianhu Taoism of Longhu Mountain, and you are good at numeracy. Will there really be no rainstorm in three days?"

Yi Yuwen rolled his eyes and heard a strange tone: "Carp spots in the sky, you don't need to look through the sun-spot valley tomorrow, does this even ask me?"

Yang Yuanwen nodded his head and said to the surrounding Ming generals: "That being the case, then tonight, our army will be attacked from the rear of the coalition side, heavy cavalry will open the way, bow riding and board swing riding (flaming cavalry. Liaodong The characteristics of the town) came out of cover, and a bee was laid down in the night, without asking how many enemy troops were killed, but only to ask the Lord to see, the inside and outside should be combined to break the puppet army! "

After a pause, he continued.

"The current situation requires an elite and heavy rider to quickly reach the enemy's front, but there is no shortage of soldiers among the pirates. If I were them, I would set up an ambush on the way. This is Yang Mou, and it must flow over. There is no supply. The situation is no less severe than us. At this moment, there is only one battle to die. Which general is willing to play this battle? "

There are no shortage of generous and brave generals in the field, not to mention many of them are from the Li family, and Li Rusong is trapped. These people can't wait to fly in the wings, but at this moment, the generals all looked at the side of the field.

This man wears a red dome, mountain-patterned armor, a bronze shoulder-swallowing beast with two arms, and a nine-foot bright red salamander with a cold face.

"Song Yan, the right army pioneer battalion, fights."

Yang Yuan silent for a while: "I don't doubt the pioneering spirit of Song Xianfeng, but the Pioneer Camp elite is now under siege. You are under a few dozen riders, and you are embarrassed."

Song Yan inserted Dasao into the flag and stepped out of the crowd a few steps.

He took a breath and looked at the various generals on the court.

"You ..."

He swallowed hard, then said:

"Brothers, Paoze, Song has a long life with you. This is all my arrogance and arrogance. No one in my eyes."

After a pause, he spoke a lot more smoothly.

"Everyone don't want to have general knowledge with my ignorant junior. I'm here to compensate you."

Then, regardless of Jiayu, he made a deep slap.

Yang Yuan opened his mouth, but didn't say a word in the end.

"What are the twists and turns here, everyone understands, younger brother ... I beg your brothers to borrow two thousand cavalry to my right army."

Song Yan spoke slowly, sentence by sentence:

"I have a dead mind in this battle. Don't give me any credit for rewarding me. All of my brothers who have borrowed soldiers can understand clearly. They can all be vouchers, younger. I have entrusted you."

He gave another salute, and his voice grew louder: "My brother has entrusted you!"


There was a voice after a long silence.

"No credit for money, oh, after all, you Song Xianfeng still look down on us, thinking that what we are greedy for, is your credit for money?"

Song Yan quickly said: "Little brother has no intention."

The man took a step and had a loud voice.

"For merit, it is who who is. I have n’t tried to grab the credit of others. I will not deal with you, but due to the general's favor, General Shen is in the hands of the pirates. None of us I will borrow the two thousand horsemen, but I will lend it to General Shen. It has nothing to do with you. I do n’t need to mention it in terms of reward. "

Baoding guerrilla Liu Kang also opened his mouth: "The pirates are powerful, and two thousand people are probably not enough. Baoding is a city of horses and horses. I have a thousand horsemen with copper and iron armor, and they are given to Song Xianfeng."

"Ma Bing doesn't have it in my hand. There are hundreds of sets of chain armor. Song Xianfeng can use it. Take it away. Since you call me Brother Brother Paoze, I will treat you as if you haven't said anything."

A Scarface Ginseng will say so.


"That's the truth."

Once the silence was broken, the echoes grew stronger.

Song Yan clenched his fists, watching the excited generals and choked his throat for a while. Had to clenched his fists.

"Song, thank you brothers!"

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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