From the Bird

Chapter 640: Golden house

The lengthened Lincoln car was galloping on the highway to Jin Boqing's mansion.

Jin Longyang swallowed a sip of water, and unconsciously glanced at Li Yan next to him. The car air conditioner, worth tens of thousands of yuan, seemed to be broken, and the cabin was so cold that it was white.

Li Yan rubbed her face flushed, leaning on her back and calling.

Cha Xiaodao's loud voice came from the microphone.

"What happened to you? Hang me up? Hang up twice?"

"It's hard to say what you're looking for."

"We can't figure out the errand on Yang Yan's side. I want to ask you to go. Hello, are you listening?"

Li Yan took a breath and sat upright, Jin Boyang felt a warm wind blow on his face. The tingling sensation that just fell into the ice cave just disappeared without a trace.

"I'm listening, talk carefully?"

After speaking, Li Yanjingling sounded. In the long silence, only the sound of engine starting and exhaust could be heard in the entire compartment.

Two or three minutes later, Cha Xiaodao said on the phone that he was clear.

"Oh, interesting."

Li Yan also recalled Ye Shiru of the Tianyi body.

"When do I need my helper?"

Yang Yan took the phone: "The sooner the better. How about tomorrow?"

"Okay, the reward you promised was Jade Emperor, and I didn't sit up and start the price. This time, I should give you a favor."

Yang Zheng glanced at Xiaodao: "One yard is one yard. Before, I just said that I would like a knife to help. Now you have one more, and the reward is not included."

"You're generous."

Li Yan thought for a while: "Then I asked for a drink at the bar."

"Haha, let's talk. We will wait for you at 8 am tomorrow, Pearl Tower on Castle Peak Road."

"it is good."

The Lincoln car turned into a section of lush mountain road and saw the single-family villa on the mountainside through the window.

"Mr. Li, we are almost there."

Jin Longyang reminded softly.

"Got it."

Li Yan hung up the phone.

The car drove into Jinzhai's parking lot. After getting out of the car, Jin Longyang took Li Yan to a quiet house, the yard was covered with green hemp, and there were rockery and artificial fountains.

"Mr. Li, the old man used to have rules. He must take off his shoes when entering this yard."

Jin Longyang talked in his mouth, but his eyes looking at the yard showed a little bit of fear and fear.

Li Yan glanced at him, then raised his head, black ripples in his eyes.

Jinghong glanced.

I saw an ox lying on the middle of the mountain and the horns poked at the sky.

[Feng Shui Bureau: Bulls push the mill]

This was originally the Feng Shui Ji Bureau, but the cow in front of him was full of biting wounds, and he could see Senshen's bones. The big bull's eyes were covered with bloodshot blood, revealing a strong venomous bloodthirsty taste.

"Is Comrade Li Yan here? Then don't take off your shoes, stomp on the stone."

Jin Boqing's voice came from the room, and he was still full of gas.

"Father's rules still have to be observed."

Li Yan took off his shoes after speaking. He put on his white socks and stepped on the uneven green hemp stone, and as soon as he entered the yard, a slight **** smell penetrated into Li Yan's nose.

When Jin Longyang saw this, he quickly took off his leather shoes and moved into the yard with a small broken step, more than half position behind Li Yan. Then he slammed into the room: "Dad, why don't I go and see you with Mr. Li?"

"no need."

Jin Boqing said flatly: "Just ask Mr. Li to come in alone. You have to urge a lunch. Mr. Li will eat with us today."

"Okay, okay, I'll go."

Jin Longyang kept his feet on the ground, grabbed the leather shoes outside the door, like a rat gnawed by a dog, and left without a hitch.

Li Yan stepped on the green ramie stone to enter the door, and the sensation of cold air came to his face.

The bamboo pole held a length of red inscription, and embroidered gold on it. "The emperor Qingyi and Jin Chongwen lived for fifty or nine years. The worship of Mukden on the incense club of Hongci Palace in Xiding,"

On the altar is a pink paper-shell palace, with dried fruit preserves, pig heads, roast goose and roast chicken all at the front of the censer.

On both sides are paper-gold golden boy girls, wearing shrouds and blushing on their faces. The two columns are no less than fifty pieces of paper. There are riding horses, a Buddha who leans on a crane, a bearer who carries a sedan chair, and a scholar wearing a Fangguan. The ordinary paper people are much shorter than ordinary people, but these paper people are of a real size. Jin Boqing's face on the teacher's chair is pale. He is surrounded by paper bundles. He can't even recognize him at first glance.

"Hehe, my dear son, you really owe a little filial piety."

Li Yan walked into the room, and used his hands to poke away the poor paper people in the room. Suddenly, a white and slender woman's palm stuck out of the paper man, and grabbed Li Yan's wrist. Li Yan's eyes were abruptly sharp, and a scream screamed suddenly throughout the room, and his snowy hands dipped in coals and retreated.

Jin Boqing did not stop coughing. Li Yan stepped forward and took a poke. When he saw a tea cup on the table, he quickly poured a cup for Jin Boqing.

Jin Boqing waved his hand to indicate that it was not necessary. After a while, his face was a little bloody, and he was able to respond to Li Yan with spirit: "There is no filial son in front of the sickbed. I ca n’t solve this problem, and I ca n’t live this age. Does it matter, comrades?

"It doesn't matter, the police have eluted the suspect."

"That's good, that's good."

Kim Bo nodded.

"I usually do meditation in this small yard. This house asks someone to design the Feng Shui Bureau, called the Niu Niu Tu Mill, which can suppress the evil. Ordinary rich people will not set up such a bureau. This yard is The stone mill in "The Bull Pushing the Mill" can suppress the ghosts and not harm others. "

Jin Boqing looked around the house's dark paper and suddenly burst into tears: "Ginmen's craftsmanship was originally only for social drama, funeral, sacrifice, and divination. When I was young, I was daring and ignored the teachings of previous people. It's also very vicious, and I think I can count on it. These ties are my painstaking efforts in my youth. Comrade Xiao Li helped me cut them out. "

"Isn't the old man planning to pass on Golden Gate again?"

Li Yan asked,

Jin Boqing shook his head, and his tears were still on his face: "Many things can't help but I can't control them. I also understand the thoughts of my children. After I die, these meddlings are likely to cause disasters and simply ruin them."

"Good to say."

Li Yan tapped on the tatami gently, and Jin Boqing blinked, feeling that the air suddenly became moist. There was even a layer of water drops on the wooden walls and paper people.

Before he could talk, a black vortex emerged from the heads of the two. Numerous violent Laleille water tigers were raging in the paper like bronze arrows fired by the riot.

Jin Boqing's eyes widened in disbelief, and the paper tie of a modern girl in front of her was shaken back and forth. She almost emptied the bamboo basket before landing.

Messy men and women cried and roared for just ten seconds, and the whole room was wiped out! There was nothing left but scattered paper scraps and bamboo pieces.

A bronze water tiger floated before them. There was a little white confetti left on the lips.

"It's not too late, sir, take out those three facial masks. I'm a matter of last life."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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