From the Bird

Chapter 635: Luck

The sea was dark, fishing boats on the pier were hanging with incandescent lamps, and the tide was beating against the beach.

"Are they all installed?"

The osteotome took off his sunglasses and glanced at the carriage.

"Relax, Brother Bone, this is the last one."

Several members of Shengji moved a heavy freezer into the dark compartment, all relieved.

"Finished!" Cut the bone and patted his palm: "Go to Uncle Chai and share the money. Don't go back tonight. Make my car and go to the big heroes, I'll be the East."

Taking advantage of the crowds of money, Beaver Tsai and Liu Shiqing and Wen Le watched for a long time: "Aconite, when do you want to take these shipments away, go to the Mahjong Pavilion on Yuehua Street to find the chicken. What about money? "

"When we go to pick up the goods, we will give you the rest of the money. Thanks to your help this time, Brother Bone."

Liu Shiqing smiled.

The rapid telephone ringing interrupted the conversation.

Wen Le, crouching aside, pulled out her phone from her pocket: "Hey? Boss?"

"Set up the goods and come back immediately. I have something to tell you both."

"Got it."

Wen Le hung up the phone and said to his face, "The boss told us to see him right away."

Liu Shiqing listened and hammered the bone-cutting chest: "I'll see you later."


The bone-cutting tiger didn't speak with a face on his face. There was always a shadow in his heart. He shouldn't help the aconite, but now that it was done, it was too late to say anything.


"Yes, sorry, Chief, yes, yes."

Liu sir spoke to the phone, his head covered with sweaty beads. Li Yaoguang sat opposite, looking up at his young boss.

"Is good."

Liu sir lowered the telephone tube, rushed to Li Yaoguang and said quietly, "Uncle Li, the director asked you to answer the phone."

Li Yaoguang stood up and took the phone.

"Yao Guang, I heard that there was a fire at the police station last night. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."

Li Yaoguang answered humblely.

"I heard about your side, and you are doing well. No one in Hong Kong can cover the sky with one hand, and everything can be calm, so don't have a policeman. No matter who is involved, you have to investigate thoroughly this time. Give the public an explanation. Starting today, Hanlin Cold Chain ’s corpse case has set up a special investigation team. You are the team leader and you should report it directly to me in any case. "

"Yes, thank you, Chief."

"But don't betray good people. There are many eyes staring at us now. If there isn't enough evidence, don't grab people casually."

"Yes. Okay, don't disturb the director."

Li Yaoguang hung up the phone, and Liu slumped in a wide office chair and wiped his sweat straight: "Uncle Li, we have been colleagues for more than ten years. What can you discuss slowly? There is no need to call the director?"

"I'm a dozen years old. Seeing retirement, I don't have a bad temper to go to the next level to make a small report. I don't know where the director knows."

"What are you going to do with the corpse case? Any new clues?"

"Maybe there is."

Li Yaoguang said vaguely.

People came and went in the corridor, and Li Yan sat on a chair drinking water alone. Judy had hired him a lawyer long ago, and Jin Boqing was operating, and even ZTE Baode was fighting for salaries. In addition, his confession has been confirmed, the grocery shop owner testified that he did buy cigarettes at the time of the crime, and the maid of Judy Villa also saw Li Yan in and out, and an iron card for surveillance video. In short, Chen Zhengcong ’s death, In any case, it has nothing to do with him.

A hand holding a paper cup reached him, and Li Yan looked up as Li Yaoguang.

"Judy's lawyer produced enough evidence to elute your charge. At the time of the incident, you were in Sham Shui Po. It was impossible to run to Po Kong Road within five minutes to kill and then go back without changing, unless it is Superman. Since the investigation Clearly, you can go through this procedure with the one named Judy. "

Li Yaoguang lowered his voice: "I have no right to have a conversation in the interrogation room."

"Thank you."

Li Yan said, took the water in his hand.

"You're welcome. But then again."

Li Yaoguang pulled out a plastic bag for collecting evidence from his pocket. Inside was a distorted and distorted metal, and it was vaguely a pair of handcuffs.

"When the gas exploded, the viaduct not far away also collapsed due to a heavy overload of a heavy truck. My people found the handcuffs in the rubble pile there. There are still some surveillance videos from the explosion police. Tune, why don't you come and watch it with everyone? "

The only smile on Li Yancong's face was: "Li sir, what do you want to say?"

Li Yaoguang sat next to Li Yan, wiped his forehead with a sweat towel, and the wrinkles on his face were a little deeper: "You must think that this old man doesn't know what to do, so let's just kill the gas."

Li Yan heard the question and asked, "Why is my face so poisonous?"

"I'm just kidding. The boss forced me to be very tight. If you don't show me the way, I can only bite you. Otherwise, what should I do? Ask the boss to cry and tell that the case is too evil, and ask him to find someone else to check?


Li Yaoguang smiled a little on his face: "If you look at my age, you should respect the elderly. How can you help me?"

"I really don't know anything, but I'm really afraid of you, Li Sir."

Li Yan put his head to Li Yaoguang's side: "The person who will hurt you is Ye Shiru, I only know so much."

"Thank you."

Li Yaoguang narrowed his eyes, his eyes narrow and sharp.


"A sneeze!"

Ye Shiru, who was sitting in a Mercedes car, sneezed.

Xue Wenhai next glanced at her.

"Sorry godfather, I have a cold."

"You are a Tianyi noble person. You will not be invaded by all diseases and you will not sneeze. This is someone who is thinking about you."

Ye Shiru listened, looking a little uncomfortable.

The car was parked in the garage. Ye Shiruan helped Xue Wenhai through the garden and entered the red brick building. Wenwu and Aconitum were sitting under the crystal chandeliers in the lobby, such as foie gras and caviar. The ingredients set the table.


The two spoke in unison.

"Has everything been settled?"

"Yes. Boss, please call us back. Has the corpse case been settled?"

Aconite asked.

Xue Wenhai shook his head: "It's more troublesome, but it won't kill me for a while and a half. I have something else to say after I finish eating."

Wen Le cuts a piece of blood-stained beef and laughs: "Vivienne, I heard that you have eaten some people's meat, it's really fake."

"Really, I met a very evil person."

Vivian's eating manners were very elegant, and she did not show any frustrated emotions: "There is no situation, it is not uncommon to encounter some amazing people."

Xue Wenhai listened and said slowly: "I checked, the man is Li Yan, who came from the mainland, and Chen Zhengcong, who was doing business with Aconitum, also died in his hands."

He looked at Aconitum and Wenle: "The two of you were in the cold storage of Pugang Road the other day, and my Qisha sheep's blade money revealed that Aconitum had **** disaster, so I told you both to leave. I thought this disaster should be On my brother, now think about it, you are being beaten by Chen Zhengcong and Chiyu. "

Xue Wenhai said here, and suddenly became serious: "You open your business to gain extra money. I opened one eye and closed one eye, but this time I made a mistake and don't do it later."

"I'm sorry boss."

The aconite swallowed.

Wen Le asked in a timely manner: "Is there a remedy?"

"You don't have to worry about it. Aconite, you leave Hong Kong immediately, unless Pen Le goes to you, don't contact us. I'll call you back after a while. Pen Le, I remember that you were the lucky one. member."

"Yes, but those people I haven't contacted in a long time."

Plague nodded.

"Mr. Chen Lang, the chairman of the Mingkai Games, invited the famous Fengshui division of Guangdong and Guangxi to exchange the three famous Fengshui bureaus" Vientiane Returning to Spring "," Tiandao Tuori "and" General Unloading Armor ". It's been a week. Tomorrow you will go to the scene and help me Insight. "

"See the three big names?"

Benedict raised an eyebrow.

Xue Wenhai hugged his shoulder: "Never mind, but I want you to see and see for me, Sanqi noble."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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