From the Bird

Chapter 606: Li and Li Yan

"It's really a flat ticket, you want to use force? Then how can Yang Ye fight that mountain spirit?"

"You have misremembered the rules. Now that Cao Yuanchao is absent, there are only five Yan Fuzhu in one seat. It is impossible for them to get to that point if they want to vote again."

"I'm still optimistic about Yang Yan entering the second seat."

"Even if he wants to fight, isn't Shan Ling trying to help his little lover to enter the second seat? This time the martial arts rules were originally designed to test the two-seat reserve that may have less than six divisions and lack self-protection capabilities. That makes no sense. Let Shan Ling and Yang Yan fight? Li Yan and Yang Yan should fight! "

"The top of the eight poles hits the top of the seventh house? Will you agree with Shan Ling and surname Li?"

There was much discussion at the meeting.

There was no expression on Yang Yan's face, as if they were not talking about himself.

"According to Shan Ling and I said before." As soon as Zhao Jianzhong said, the entire Yan Zhaohui would quietly quietly: "If she chooses to take the second seat instead of her, it should be her representative Yan Zhaohui who buried Taishang's three dead gods. . Just in case, Shanling, I will ask again in front of everyone, who do you want to designate? "

Dan Niang's face did not change color: "Just sitting next to me, Li Yan."

Li Yan looked up in time.

"I know."

Zhao Jianzhong nodded: "My understanding of Li Yan should be above the vast majority of people. His unsupported Qi is what I exchanged to him. Like Yang Ye, he is a good boy."

The old man Zhao said sharply: "But regardless of strength or popularity, the gap between Li Yan and Yang Yan is very obvious. Aside from Shan Ling, I think that within two years, Li Yan has not been able to compare with Yang Yan. Qualifications. Do not avoid relatives. As a ten-person leader of Yan Fu, I vote for Yang Yan. "

Houtu immediately raised his hand: "I also voted for Yang Yan."

Dan Niang sighed with disappointment, and Li Yan patted her shoulder to show comfort.

"I have a different opinion on this."

Speaking of candles Jiuyin.

"If he only compares Li Yan, he joined Yan Zhaohui today, of course, it cannot be compared with Yang Yan who had fought with Si Fan two years ago. Li Yan can sit here and listen to us discussing the possibility of him entering the second seat because of the new year. The second seat was originally prepared for Liu Si's walking. Without a helper with the strength of Six Division, can Yang Ye himself sit on this second seat? "

After a short pause, Zhu Jiuyin said, "I said before that if there were not enough reliable and powerful people to join the second seat, those two seats would be empty and don't overcharge. But you have been rejected now. I choose, and I recognize Shan Ling more. "

"I'll also vote for Shan Ling, for the same reason as Mr. Zhuo."

Su Ling said with a smile.

Two to two.

Decision power came to Zhan Yuejin.

Zhan Yuejin took a breath: "I choose Yang Yan. Whether it is Shan Ling or Li Yan, they have entered Yan Fu for too short a time."

Three to two.

Member Bai sighed with relief.

"One more thing, Yu Cao Yuchao was absent, but he gave my ticket to my agent. Everyone knows this. I have not fulfilled this ticket for a long time. The results of all the meetings in the past six months have been according to Yu. The Lord abstained. But for some special reasons, I voted for Shan Ling today instead of Yu Zhu. "


Zhao Jianzhong asked.

"It was a promise made before the DPRK."

Zhao Jianzhong nodded to show understanding.

Member Bai could not help shaking his head, but did not seem to show much emotion.

"So, the final result was a tie again, and both Shan Ling and Yang Ye came to the front."

Yang Ye stood up without hesitation, and Bai Xiao looked at him with some anxiety.

"Why do you think I will lose?"

Yang Yan put on a new coat, a blue scarf, and asked Bai Xiao with a smile.

Bai Xiao rolled his eyes: "I'm not afraid you will lose, I'm afraid you will die in the hands of Shanling."

Yang Yan could not help but laugh out loud.

the other side,

Dan Niang glanced at Li Yan and said slightly, "Don't let go of my hand?"

Li Yan let go of his hand, seemingly inadvertently asked, "Can you still stand up?"

Dan Niang stunned, and then laughed: "Of course it's okay."

Li Yan nodded and did not speak.

Dan Niang just stood up, and before she stepped onto the stage, she stepped suddenly, her face turned pale.

Immediately following the messy spell, she flew all over the ground from her sleeve. The transparent green mountain fire overflowed from her neck and hair, her footsteps softened and she almost fell to the ground. She was already mentally prepared. Li Yan held in his arms.

Most of the people present, including Yang Wei, were taken aback.

But one seat, as well as several second seats, looked as usual. The other two seats frowned first, and it didn't take long for them to realize the look of sudden realization. Then he unconsciously looked to Zheng Jinghong and lost.

Zheng Jinghong leaned back, glanced at the unstable mountain spirit in the corner of his eyes, closed his eyes expressionlessly, and secretly said in his heart.

"I promised you to vote for Shan Ling, and I did it. But I also told you that she must not be able to enter the second seat, friend, you can't blame me."

"We didn't mean to kill you, Yan Zhao would need to be too old." The official stared at Dan Niang: "You can be trusted and loyal. Find the poisonous poison that affects the six division-level wild gods only by explosion It took me a lot of thought, too. "

With this in mind, the referendum once again looked at the same member Bai.

Committee member Bai gave her a tea cup. It means clear.

Yan Zhaohui had two seats. In the past, only agents with more than six divisions were eligible to sit in this position. On behalf of Lianzhu Jiuyin, the violent people who believe in the law of selecting things, also recognize their ability.

Inheritance is the public input of the public transport class. In one hour, more than a dozen strategic bombers capable of carrying nuclear warheads, or other military weapons of the same technological level can be manufactured by hand. The upper limit of arms reserves is comparable to the combined arms of any of the two giants during the Cold War.

Considering only the purely destructive power and war capability, the public transport ranked first among the six divisions.

And the blessing from Yan Fuguang's strange ability allows her to attach various targeted effects on the basis of pure bombing weapons.

For example, now Dan Niang.

As long as the representatives present at the site have the authority approved by the six divisions or more, they can read a line from Dan Niang's current status bar.

[She Shan Shan Ling] (Tai Sui)


Human body: the body without the essence of the mountain, the spirit and the world, but it can obtain stronger human senses, including taste, vision, aesthetics and so on.

Jie Caiqing: Poisonous, only effective on wild **** creatures, cannot be expelled in any way, and disappears after 24 hours. Putting it into a state of mana riots, any violent movement may lead to the full collapse of the wild **** spirit body.

? ?

? ?

Comprehensive Strength Evaluation: Six Divisions

"How did you know."

Dan Niang asked Li Yan in a low voice.

"Let me do it."

Li Yan did not answer Dan Niang's question. Private forbearance would allow him to have the exploration authority comparable to that of the Sixth Division. He is more concerned about Dan Niang's physical condition than others. Naturally, he has long known that Dan Niang has no ability to fight Yang Ye at this moment.

He appeased Dan Niang and proposed to a representative on the stage.

"Father, you said just now, this vote is related to me, can you let me compare with me?"

Zhao Jianzhong looked at Yang Yan.

"I do not mind."

Yang Yan said coldly.

Zhao Jianzhong looked at another seat without any objection.

Then he nodded to Li Yan: "Yes."

Li Yan went straight to the stage and stood with Yang Yan. Zhan Yuejin took out a paper cup and did not see how he moved. Li Yang and Li Yang were packed into this wide paper cup.

At the meeting, most people stood up and stretched their necks into the paper cups.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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