From the Bird

Chapter 457: Stack of little demon wind (end)

The faucet and scales of the dragon head that came in were exposed. It opened its blood basin and opened its mouth to bite Pang Er, looking at the difference in body shape. This bite could swallow most of Pang Er's body into his stomach.

The first person to respond was Cha Xiaodao. He was deterred and swept out, without touching the ground, and swiped his right hand to Pang Er's legs.

The leader is on the top and the sword is on the bottom. Although Cha Xiaodao had not anticipated this scene beforehand, it did not affect his reaction between the electric light and flint, added a killing move, and killed Pang Er together.

Unexpectedly, Pang Er shouted and opened a purple dan pill with his mouth open. There was a sound like a cracked peanut shell in the air.


Dan Wan fell to the ground, and the Emerald Dragon and Cha Xiaodao disappeared without a trace.

There are two black lines on the purple danmaru. Take a closer look. One is the dragon body of Panwu, and the other is the figure with a knife.

【Tai Yin】

Category: Consumables

Quality: Legend

Longhu Mountain has a method of taking a shot, taking opponents into the shot, and the shots often contain dark fire and wind, which is enough to refine all living things, but it consumes a lot of dragon and tiger.

Pang Er's face was red and his hair was white.

This instantaneous change and turn, the rest of the rider is also shocked.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the purple danmaru.

Mr. Thirteen's roar came out of it: "This is impossible, I clearly have dragons and tigers ..."

Before the voice in the crack was finished, Pang Er posted a piece of golden rune paper, which sometimes bulged out of the bag, but it was not damaged.

With Fumaru in his hand, Pang Er shouted luck!

[Tainyin] As one of the ninety-nine top rune papers of Tianshi Tao, even in the hands of the princes and nobles, there are not a few. This time Pang Er was ordered to catch the fire slaughter, and he received one, which could only be used once.

Whether the Emerald Demon Dragon attacked alone or the Fire Slaughter attacked alone, as long as it didn't come forward as before, a few Pang Er had just died.

Pang Er grabbed the pill wrapped by Fu, without waiting for a sigh of relief, suddenly heard a scream of mosquitoes on his head. He was also a bird of surprise, and looked up and shouted, "Who!"

At the same time he spoke, a money dart had hit the sky, but only missed a splint.


Cao Yongchang, who had watched the room downstairs from the wormhole's hole, rushed out of the door, and cleverly walked down two or three steps.

He rushed to Ma Jue in the backyard and woke up his throat with all the shopkeepers in the inn's kitchen.

"My uncle was caught in a small pill and wow!"

Li Yan's eyes moved in the lobby, but unexpectedly Zhu Yan yelled, "Zhenfu is about to lose!"

Suddenly a burst of violent force broke out of her graceful arm, and the bench under Li Yan's **** broke off!

Li Yan's thighs supported his elbows, but his body remained motionless, and sweat had fallen from his forehead.

Sweat also leaked from Zhu Yan's neck. When she saw that Li Yan had lost the bench, her upper body remained motionless. With a little effort, she laughed and said, "Take care of your horse."

Speaking of a bow, she also held her knees against her elbows. Her arms had already pressed Li Yan's feet to 60 degrees, and it was hard to imagine that the slender wrists could have such amazing strength.

Pang Er shouted: "Move the kid away!"

With the energy of Tiqi, Cao Yongchang has been investigated for a long time. The only thing they don't understand is why the fire slaughter brought such a little bitch, but since walking with the fire slaughter, it can't be ignored.

These twirling horses were strong, one by one, rising into the air, and went to the backyard to capture Cao Yongchang.

There is only one way to the backyard. These tikes are bound to pass through the lobby.

Seeing seven or eight shadows passing by Li Zhu's wrestling table next to the Eight Immortals. Li Yan snorted suddenly, the wave-like murderous spirits came out of the body, and slammed into the not-so-large room.

Murderous wave!

Zhu Yan was lost for a moment, Li Yan laughed, pulled his wrist back suddenly, and pressed Zhu Yan's hand directly.

Zhu Yan's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Uh ~

The blood-red bell on Zhu Yan's wrist suddenly burst into a white smoke, reminding Li Yan for no reason of overloaded electrical appliances.

[Dragon Elephant Bell]

Category: foreign body

Quality: Legend

The wearer will have the power of a dragon.

The few tikes who chased Cao Yongchang strode forward and ran forward, suddenly their brains buzzed, and their feet seemed to be empty. One of them almost fell, and some simply fell to the ground, although only one or two were delayed The breathing time was enough for Cao Yongchang to run to Ma Jue.

Cao Xiaozi reached the front of Ma Jue's shack, squeezing ten high-headed horses who murmured in the cold wind that squeezed on the edge of the shack. He grabbed Fei Lei's mane lying on the grass alone: ​​"Fei Lei, follow me quickly, don't drag my uncle and General Li's hind legs."

The Fei Lei was also unambiguous and snorted. In the exclamation of Cao Yongchang, he was pushed to his back, and he shook his hoof and rushed out.

At this moment, several cyclists had arrived. Seeing that Cao Yongchang was about to leave, he threw iron tribulus, flying spikes, thunderbolts, and black pressure from the sleeve. It was the tiger and the boar that hit him in the front, and he had to be seriously injured, especially the hidden weapon was aimed at the horse's leg, in order not to let Cao Yongchang escape.

The clinker Fei Lei snorted, and his eyes looked like a black horsetail. He swept back and forth twice like a steel knife. After the crackling sound, all the hidden devices were dropped by the horsetail, and Fei Lei sighed with pain. Run faster.

Ti rides on the horse quickly, but these famous horses, BMW, who do n’t know what to do today, do n’t know what ’s wrong, but only the tweets of Herod, regardless of how the Ti riders beat, they did not want to move their feet. Scared back.

With such a big movement, the store naturally got up at night. As soon as the pals came out of the room, they saw the bad guys carrying swords during the day, and they could not help narrowing their necks. The shopkeeper was about to ask, and a tyrant stared fiercely: "Go back! It's nothing for you!"

The treasurer was bitter, but he pulled the chef to run around the house, and scolded in his heart: "Go to the door of the door tomorrow, and tell you some of the gangsters who are arrogant, telling you to cross again!"


In the lobby, Zhu Yan and Li Yan were sitting opposite each other.

Tian Yan's boss, Zhu Yan, teased the tea cup on the table, his face was unknown.

Li Yan kept moving his fingers and did not hide his difficulty in winning.

Pang Er held the Fu Wan in his hand to Zhu Yan's side, and clenched his fist: "Master."

While talking, Zhu Yan's eyelids didn't go up, "Go to the side."

Pang Er was a little embarrassed, but still took two steps back with Fumaru.

The two princes quietly walked behind Pang Er: "Elder Pang, the horse is weird. Our horses are all abolished. Three brothers chased after them with armored horses, but they may not be able to catch up."

Pang Er replied in a low voice: "Mixed accounts, if you ca n’t catch up, you have to catch up. You stay, send the remaining brothers out to chase."

At this time, Li Yancai said, "It turned out that the court had long been able to suppress the Dragon Tiger Banner. This is really good. Since Li heard that a large number of Dragon Tiger Banners have fallen into the hands of demons, it can be said that it is impossible at night. Alas, lest the artifacts be covered with dust, and the society will suffer! "

His face was sincere. Eyes were staring at Pang Er's palm, but the sea was surging.

In fact, as long as you ask a question, some things have already started.

Who made the Dragon Tiger Banner?

It is Longhushan.

Who ordered the dragon and tiger flags of the two Beijing and thirteen cities to be sent to Jiangxi together?

It is Longhushan.

And who claims that the Dragon Tiger Banner restrained the National Religion Dragon Tiger Magic Spell Rune Paper?

Still Longhushan ...

These are the most crucial rules of the game, from the beginning to the end are unicorn dramas!

Are they all idiots? All scrambling to shoot yourself in the foot?

After listening to Li Yandi's words, Zhu Yan replied lazily: "The Dragon Tiger Banner can only suppress the first-order rune, and the ninety-nine first-run rune, which has evolved from the" Tai Xuan Dong Ji Jing ", is Those who are not subject to the flags, otherwise, the Jinshan ancestors won a large number of dragon and tiger flags. Would n’t they want to go to Beijing to make trouble? It ’s not a day or two that the flags fell into the hands of demons. This is also the reason that there has been no calamity in the slaughter of the city. "

"That's it. However, the Dragon Tiger Banner is still the most important weapon in the country, and it cannot be taken lightly."

Li Yan said with his mouth, my heart went back and forth.

The Bailian Rebellion and the Guizhou Toast Rebellion cannot be faked. The imperial court fought the eight-year-long anti-Japanese war, which was seriously injured and could not stand the frustration.

Even in the world of Li Yan, there was no dragon and tiger spirit in the Ming dynasty, and people often expressed their feelings that the Ming began to die in the Three Great Marches of Wanli.

God Emperor and Heavenly Master spend so much effort, what are they going to do?

Moreover, if the Dragon Tiger Banner is only a smoke bomb, then Taiyi Pavilion ’s extraordinary tolerance and even draw attention to Li Yan is very questionable ...

After listening, Zhu Yan laughed: "The withdrawal of the flags has nothing to do with my Tianwei Division and Yuyuan Division."

She stood up: "Li Zhenfu is really powerful, I am willing to bow down, so I followed the gambling contract and returned to Beijing. Today I only talked with Li Zhenfu about martial arts, and I do n’t know anything about it, and no one will know it again. . "

He glanced at the tent ride around him: "Pang Er, let your people go."

"And slow."

Li Yan stopped her.

Zhu Yan's eyes narrowed: "Does Li Zhenfu have anything to say?"

Li Yan shook his head and suddenly became silent. The scene was a bit stern and Zhu Yan was not consciously touching the red paper umbrella at hand.


For a long time, until Zhu Yan was a little impatient, Li Yan's face was relaxed: "Master does not need to have a bow and snake, I just hope that when these brothers catch up with the little thief, they will not hurt my horse. That is President Li Soldiers sent me. This beast has no brains, and anyone who rides it will run fast! There are several brothers. "

He clenched his fists.

"As far as Zhu Yan is concerned ..."

Li Yan slowly said, "I'm going to Yueping County, and going back to Beijing with Zhu Yan to take the road, why not go together?"

"Hum." Zhu Yan smiled affectionately, and then his eyes fluttered: "Pang Er, go and do your thing, I will sit with Li Zhenfu for a while, and go on the road with him tomorrow."


Pang Er didn't have any extra words, and just took the other Tie out to chase Cao Yongchang.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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