From the Bird

Chapter 455: Stack little demon wind is strong (middle)

In front of Ma Jue.

Paotang rubbed his palms: "I said, old man, I'm really sorry, I came with generous guests and brought ten horses, so you see ..."

Ma Jue's birch pillar leaned against an old man in a gray robe with a straw stick on his body and a stick in his hand.

The old man in the gray robe was a shop cast in the middle of the night yesterday. He didn't have silver money on his body. He only asked for two bowls of water, and wanted to spend the night in Ma Jue.

The treasurer did not refuse to see him so old. But now that the main payer has brought the horse, he has no reason to sleep in the stable again.

"Oh? Oh. Trouble the store."

The old man in the gray robe patted his **** and stood up, and the rushing lads smiled embarrassedly: "The shopkeeper, who is not in front of the village and behind the shop, see if you can give me two noodles, otherwise I am an old bone, afraid You can't get inside the city. "

"Well, wait a minute."

The guy stooped into the back kitchen and took the old man with two pieces of dead-skin noodles from last night in the stove and a large gourd of cold water.

"You can take it, I'm sorry, there are too many customers in the past two days, and the shop can't be busy. How old are you at this age, and we can't catch you?"

The old man took the cake and bite two bites, and grunted and drank into the gourd. It took a long time to stop his mouth, and the gourd was empty.

Paotang looked at the empty gourd and blinked: "Well, you wait for a while."

He took the gourd in the old man's hand, filled it into the kitchen water tank, and returned it to the old man's hand.

"Thank you, thank you."

The old man in gray robes hugged gourds and bread, bowed in the dashing hall, touched a wooden stick, and took the bread away from the back door.

Paotang sighed and shook his head: "People have nowhere to sleep, they have to take care of the horse first.

He drove the horses into the vacated stables, with some headaches. How could these ten horses settle?

Suddenly, the melodious bells at the inn's doorway ranged from near to far. The tall headed horses that had finally managed to squeeze into Ma Jue suddenly hissed fiercely.

"Treasurer, stay."

Li Yan put Fei Lei's reins on the pile and stepped into the door. The old man in the gray robe chewing pasta and passed him by the door, Fei Lei snorted anxiously, and Li Yan stopped suddenly.


"Li ... Uncle Li!"

Li Yan looked up, Cao Yongchang was leaning out of the window upstairs, beckoning at him.

Li Yanchong and Cao Yongchang smiled, looked back and drank his head to eat bread, the back of the old man who left silently, with a look of surprise.

The innkeeper was long overdue, and shook hands with Li Yan with a smile: "This guest officer, I'm sorry, our store is full."

"I'll have someone wait. Just squeeze one. Help me get the horse in."

The shopkeeper's face was difficult: "Here, Ma Jue is full, and ten horses, I don't know where to stop."

Li Yan smiled: "Ten horses are packed in, not bad for me."

He shoved a golden bean into the hand of the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper swallowed. Emphasis: "Success, I think of a way."

After all, the shopkeeper quickly called Paotang to lead the horse.

A bloodshot eye stared at Li Yan up the stairs, and then entered a room in a blink of an eye.

The man withdrew his gaze, annoyedly lowered his yarn dipper, and cursed fiercely: "Damn, it really is him!"

Several black men in the same room lowered their throats: "Pang Er, this is ..."

"Famous for North Korea, serving in eastern Liaoning, fighting off immortal Wuxian in the Bohai Sea, Zhejiang Province to fight against the King of Pig Po. Dragon War reincarnated, Li Yan Li Shouxie."

There was a brief silence in the room. The second brother Pang first said, "There is no such thing as a fame. Hum, neither the five immortals outside the customs nor the Great Overlord of the Sea can get the Dragon Tiger Banner from him. There must be collusion between the two. "

"A fire slaughter is not easy to deal with, and coupled with the reincarnation of Wuqu, we are not opponents."

Said one person.

"What are you afraid of? His surname Li wants to rebel? Dare to ride on Dragon Tiger?"

Someone couldn't help it.

Brother Pang glanced at him: "The people in our company are not good at business, and they have never been issued with a badge. Why do you say that you are riding a tiger?"

It turned out that this group of people is the emperor guard, riding a tiger. It is directly under the guard of the Emperor of God, divided into six divisions and five divisions.

The Xuan Yuan Division is a more secretive and darker one of Ti Qi. Even if it is the same, many people only know the name of the Xuan Yuan Division, but they do not know the power and number of this team.

It is worth mentioning that Taiyi Pavilion has jurisdiction over the inner five divisions of Longhuti.

The Six Divisions under the Xuanyuan Division were not subject to any abstinence at all, but only obeyed the orders of the Emperor of God. It is not too much to say that he is the slave of the Emperor of God.

They came to seize Cha Dao, indicating that the emperor of God was angry, and he personally ordered the slaughter of fire.

"What's more, the daring behavior of this surname Li has already shocked the court. A small Wupin soothed, walked arrogantly, killing the capital prison, killing the county magistrate, and killing the prefecture. Li Rumei couldn't take his actions, but Taiyi Pavilion. Yi Yu guarded him, and with the dragon and tiger banner, he was stable to this day. Do you think he can't do anything to kill us? "

Pang Er said that his neck was a bit cold.

"Then wait for the people from Dali Temple and Jiangxi Jiansimen to come and do capture."

Pang Er still shook his head: "These people were tied to us, did they kill Huang Jiuya? Or did they kill the Overlord?"

He was discouraged to suggest, "What shall we do?"

"Not busy. Naturally someone can deal with him."

He greeted his brother to make a basin of water, pulled out a blank rune paper around his waist, bit his tongue and smeared the French on the paper, a blood-red flame burst forth, and he threw the blood fire rune paper into the water. In the basin, the water surface turned red, and among the ripples, a flame-like feature had been formed in the basin.

Pang Er clenched his fist: "Xin Yuan Si was the head of Pang Er. He has seen Master Tianwei in charge."

"The arrest of the fire was not smooth?"

The flame-like features spit out a pleasant female voice.

Longhuti rides six divisions outside, namely Tianwei, Cha Ni, torture, Fengzhu, Fuxian, and Yuyuan. The five senses of fire are among the tasks of Tianweisi. She followed Zhejiang Governor Wei Fuhai to destroy the White Lotus and killed the thief, Zhao Yiping. It's a celebrity around God the Emperor.


Several black runes crawled across the thin wall.

[Blessing of Heavenly Officials · Follow the Wind into the Night], the combined effect of Kui Zhitianquan's words can block the transmission of sound.

"You told me to wait for you here, not to be caught by the eyes and ears of the government."

Cha Dao cast a spell before asking with a frown.

Li Yan shook his head: "My official body, Jiucheng can't keep it. But the court wanted my official to be reformed, and he had to ask me to write a letter for self-discrimination and a trial at the Dali Temple. It wouldn't be a month or two. Before, I had taken Dan Niang away, and the worst result was nothing more than a slap. "

"Is it so serious?"

Li Yan nodded: "This time, we were originally forced into the game. I met Qin Chengyi along with his cheap master. They talked to each other." He pointed to Cao Yongchang.

"These two guys talked to me about their own minds. But they accidentally reminded me. I need to find the nine-winged Sudu first, and only she told me what happened on that day. So that I can make a decision. "

"So what are you doing to me?"

"I want to give this thing to you."

Li Yan took out a black handkerchief and handed it to Cha Dao.

[Nine-winged Sudu's feather weaving black parcel]

"Repay me when it's over, how many times has this thing helped me. I can't bear to send you."

"What do you want me to do?"

Li Yan drooled: "I speak slowly. The ancestor of Jinshan in Ganguang Cave received the nine-winged Sudu as the righteous daughter. He also issued invitations to invite people from all over the world. He has 500 drills, 13 Yoshiko, there are all kinds of magical powers. It is also difficult to deal with the illusion traps under the Fulong Mountain. You mix into the dry light cave, use this thing as a token, and recognize the nine-winged Su. Ask me for the events on the Dragon Tiger Mountain . "

"How can I mix in?"

Cha Dao scratched his head.

"Of course it didn't work in the past, but now you are a **** butchery, a heartbroken rebel. The heads of the prefecture and the marquis are your stepping stones into the dry light hole."

After a pause, Li Yan said, "Furthermore, the ancestors of Jinshan searched for the dragon and tiger flags everywhere. If you dedicate them to the three flags in your hand, he will naturally accept you. Besides, you have a peach blossom and a seamless cloth, and you can feel the fish in troubled water. . "

Cha Xiaodao then nodded: "It sounds like that."

"It's not over." Li Yan said again: "The government is accumulating manpower, and will attack Fulong Mountain and regain the Dragon Tiger banner. Now a large number of elites sneak into Ganzhou. Taiyi Pavilion sent a high power, and the government also Several natural generals and housekeepers were dispatched, what a slave, General Xihai ... I didn't listen carefully, this is what Xue Shengzao told me. "

Breathing, Li Yan said: "I have promised Yi Yu of Taiyige to attack Fulongshan. I will help if necessary. When you enter the dry light hole, we can communicate at any time and act on the opportunity."

Za Xiaodao groaned for a moment, then suddenly looked at Cao Yongchang who was in a daze, "What should he do?"

Li Yan frowned, poking and asking, "Your business is not over yet?"

Cha Xiaodao knew and shook his head. His ephemeral biography of the Yan Fu incident did not complete.

Li Yan gritted his teeth, "If he is willing, take him with him."

Cao Yongchang nodded his head and said cheerfully, "Yes, yes, take me with me."

Cha Xiaodao frowned, but looking at Cao Yongchang's look, he did not refuse, did not agree, and said: "There is a trouble right now, there is a monster next door, the magic power is extraordinary. I do n’t dare to say that there are 2,000 years in Daoxing It seems to be coming at me. As for the people with guns and rods underneath us, they should be the people in the government. I want to say that at the latest tonight, these people are bound to lose their breath and do something to me. "

After listening, Li Yan asked, "There was an old sister-in-law who just left the shop just now. Have you stayed all night, do you have any impression?"

Cha Xiaodao shook his head: "No."

"..." Li Yan Moran for a while: "It's okay, maybe I'm more attentive. Leave it alone."

Li Yan frowned: "You have to be careful. Those you say should be riders of Dragon Tigers. To put it bluntly, they are the Emperor of God. They are not as good as you think."

Another room.

Pang Er recounted what happened to Li Yan in the inn and asked the man with the flames to decide.

"That's why, that Li Zhenfu has been mingled with Hu Tuo again? His Majesty Kai En didn't hold him accountable for the indulgence of his subordinates, but he didn't think about repentance and lived up to Huang En. Do you think Tai Yige can protect him for a lifetime? If it wasn't for Bai Lianjiao and Guizhou Yang Yinglong, it would drag my ti hoops on his hind legs, and escorting the banner wouldn't be enough for his Liao Dongwei people! "

The flame features sneered, and groaned again: "I ride a dragon and a tiger, and although I am only trying to solve problems for the next person, I cannot ignore the events of the imperial court. I received the wind, and Taiyige will attack Fulong Mountain. You are fishy Yuan Si's affairs also led the slaves, and they also participated. This martial artist Li Zhenfu wanted to pick the backbone among them, and now the court really can't do without him. He must have lied to him and went to get the head of the fire butcher. This is it! "

She said: "The first level of Zhao Yiping, I have painted it and sent it to Jingshi. The renegade party has been peaced. I will be idle now, and now that this matter is happening, I will immediately go down the path to the Tigers, and tonight It will be there. I'll take a shot and drag that Li Yan, and you will start to slay the fire butcher. "

Several tycoon riders promised in a low voice.


A plate of fragrant catfish was brought to the table. Putting the towel on his back, Paotang nodded and shook Mr. Thirteen: "Guest, I'm really sorry, you can use it slowly."

The thirteen gentleman had a bad temper, but he didn't bother venting to the servants who served others. He nodded and waited for him to go out. He opened his mouth and sucked, and the whole catfish swallowed into his mouth. Where is the mortal posture of eating fish? .

"It's so good to kill, even my fish dare to grab it, isn't it delicious? I've got you tonight, and then go to the trouble of the fire!"

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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