From the Bird

Chapter 437: farce

"what happened?"

"Yes ..." Zheng Yuanning was a scholar. Some words were not good enough. He whispered in Wu Keyang's ear and clapped his hands: "It was broken by two foreigners, and that was what happened."

"This!" Wu Keyang hesitated for a while and gritted his teeth. "He must be held by me, and all checkpoint ports must be blocked, and no one can enter or leave. This can't let the teacher know now. I have to reconcile ... you What are you doing? Take someone! "

Wu Keyang whispered.

Zheng Yuanning wiped his sweat with his sleeve: "Xiaguan go here, go here."

Li Yan rubbed his ears in the lobby and leaned his back, seemingly drunk.

"You got a conversation.

In the face of a pot of boiling water, Cha Xiaodao's eyes cleared: "Accept."


Li Yan's voice came over.

Cha Xiaodao lowered his face into the pan, and watched the churning bubbles in the pan, then laughed: "Is the news so well informed?"

"The devil's dear is Chen Tianfang, who hosted a banquet to entertain me. Now at the wine table, the grandfather of the prefectures and counties in the prefectures and counties of Nanzhili, and the governor of the transport sent by Jingli sit together. Iron plate, it's all over us. "

"I'm sorry to trouble you."

"What's the matter! I'm indispensable for punishing and punishing evil. If you get angry, let's make a noise, but after all, if you are unfamiliar with life, you have to discuss it from the long run."

"I'll listen to you."


"what happened."

"No, it's fine."

As soon as Li Yangang looked up, Wu Keyang returned to the banquet with a heavy expression.

On the stage is Kunqiang's "Longevity Hall", which is singing to the section of "Amazing Change".

Chen Tianfang at the banquet listened to God's heart. He beat the beat from time to time. He didn't open his eyes, but just said, "Keyang, what's the matter?"

Wu Keyang replied: "Ah, knock on the door a little trivia, the teacher does not need to mind."

Mr. Tian Fang opened his eyes and straightened at him: "Since then, I won't leave you after dinner, business matters. It's not easy for you to get your fame, and you must not disappoint the emperor."

"Teacher instigates, students remember every word."

Li Yan glanced at Wu Keyang and glanced at Chen Tianfang, and suddenly he had an idea.

"Sword, you tell Yongchang to call Fei Lei and bring the suffering master and the body here."


Cha Xiaodao made the noodle soup, divided into three bowls, sprinkled some green onions, poured a layer of hot oil, and returned to the lobby.

The woman was well-dressed, but she was lost and drowsy.

Hao treasurer wrapped a heavy bandage on his face, his expression cringed and numb.

Cha Xiaodao put the food plate on the table and asked the woman, "What's your name?"

The woman returned to her mind, "Mrs. Hao Anshi."

Cha Dao nodded: "Eat noodles."

Then he glanced at the shopkeeper again: "What about you?"

The man was embarrassed and said a leak: "Violet Hao Guiwang."

Cha Xiaodao handed Cao Yongchang a bowl.

Obtained another bowl for himself, apparently did not prepare this Hao shopkeeper's share.

"Come and tell me clearly. Who are those people?"

Hao Anshi trembled his face, looked at Tang Shui's own face, and suddenly cried wow, she knelt down on the ground and scratched her head like pounding garlic: "Hey man, let's go, this evil man is covering the sky with one hand, you won't leave , You can't get away without the officers coming. "

The shopkeeper Hao also knelt on the ground, only scratching his head and not daring to speak.

"I ask you, and you answer, who are you, and who are those people?"

Hao Anshi cried, speechless.

Or Hao Guiwang first opened his mouth: "The man is a local gentry, Chen Tianfang's second son Chen Dong, an adulterous playboy. Our husband and wife only moved to Zhoushan a few years later. We had thought about opening a restaurant for a living. ... "

"The government doesn't care?"

Hao Guiwang laughed with a sorrow: "Do you guys pretend to be those two tolerances? The county here is Zheng Yuanning, but the Chen family called immediately, and the domestic slaves were just around the corner. We just fight against the people. Where can we provoke it?"

Cha Xiaodao's eyes looked like Hao Guiwang was going to eat him: "If you would like to die!"

Hao Guiwang cried as he scratched his head, unable to say a word.

"Nuoda's Zhoushan, Noda's Changguo, and Noda's Ningbo House, can't find an official who decides for the people?"

"Either I'm stopped, or I'm forced to resign, or I'm dead. It's unclear. What's left is anger and anger. If you don't mingle with it, it's a great cleansing officer."

Cha Xiaodao stared at Hao Guiwang: "Now Chen Er told me to kill, and you can't escape. I ask you this soft egg. So far, do you dare to report to the officer?"

Hao Guiwang covered his head in pain: "It's useless to go to the county hall. Are you still a little like this?"

"We are not going to the county. Yongchang, eaten the noodles, and you go to the dock to call Fei Lei." Zha Xiaodaodao drank the hot soup in his mouth with green onions: "Let's go to Tianfei Pavilion."


Zhu Changyun toasted: "Before I came here, I only knew that Mr. Tian Fang was a gentry and a merchant for the court, but I didn't know that Mr. Tian Fang also had such a profound view of science."

"Master Zhu's words are heavy. The old man just learned some superficial high-level handouts. When he was young, he got lucky and got a lift. He didn't make further progress for decades. For example, this year, old Zhiyun, he didn't dare to talk with Master Zhu about physics."

Li Yan secretly yawned.

At the door, suddenly a loud voice burst into excitement, and the tune of Kunzi of the table was agitated.

"what happened?"

A servant stumbled and looked at Chen Tianfang at the wine table, speechless.

In front of the noble and elegant mahogany archway of the Tianfei Pavilion, a husband and wife knelt, Zha Xiaodao rushed to the flatbed, and there was a body on the cart.

The onlookers had three layers inside and three outside, and some people recognized the satin clothes of the body, flushed with excitement, and their voices became louder and louder.

Chen Han came out with his fists, he saw the body in the car, his body was shaking, and he pointed at the small knife sitting in the car holding his knee, "Locked him!"

Barracks with round helmets, knives, and firearms swarmed up.

"And slow."

A large number of banquets poured out from the Tianfei Pavilion, and it was not others who spoke out loud but Li Yan.

Chen Han stared angrily at Li Yan: "What does Li Zhenfu mean?"

"This person is my official, not to mention which law he has broken, and you want to take him."

"He killed my brother."

Li Yan stared at him, "I don't know where Mr. Chen is the official."

"I have no official office."

Chen Han said indignantly.

"Then how did Mr. Chen break the case by himself, and how was it ordered that the soldiers came forward to lock up the people. Didn't they eat the court?" Li Yan looked at these soldiers with helmets and armors. Which yamen soldier. "

"It's my soldier in Suzhou South Camp."

Lin Anhou also came out. He first glanced at Chen Er's body on the carriage, and his eyelids jumped before he said to Li Yan, "Do you have any opinion on Li Zhenfu?"

"Your soldiers listen to others, will Zhou Yafu's Xi Liuying also listen to a flat-headed people?"

When these people were arguing, Chen Tianfang was also helped out. When he saw the body of his son, he just stepped back a few steps and was held by the crowd to help him without falling down.

Wu Keyang looked back and forth, only to see Zheng Yuanning, who was ashamed and unfaced. He rushed over in a few steps: "Isn't I asking you to take someone? Why did people come here!"

Zheng Yuanning's face was bitter: "This man is so good, we can't hold him back."

"You can't tell him to come here!"

"His horse is really evil, and our janitors have no time to stop it."

Wu Keyang hated pulling his sleeves, and in front of Cha Xiaodao: "Who are you? Why did you make trouble here? You killed the man in the car?"

Cao Yongchang on the side of the car pouted: "This man, you can't see the two living people kneeling under the archway. A dead body on the car fell forward and rushed forward. Could the man belong to a vulture?"

"Bold, how could you, a yellow-mouthed child, intervene!"

Wu Keyang was furious.

Cha Xiaodao immediately said: "The corpse behind me, relying on the evil servant, ran into the house privately, raped the mistress, and made me run into it, and then gave me food. Now there is nothing in the store, the bitter master is also, Adults should ask questions. "

Wu Keyang sneered: "I only saw that the deceased had a bitter master. As for the truth, how could you have believed it?"

The whole scene was in a mess, and the high-ranking officials and nobles who were usually leisurely and savvy all quickly became corrupted. Most of them were bystanders and celebrities. They mostly pointed and showed different attitudes, and there were also people who were happy.

"All right!"

An old roar spread across the door, and everyone was ashamed.

Chen Tianfang couldn't stop coughing. He was old and fragile. He looked weaker and weaker. He looked around but went straight to Li Yan.

"Li Zhenfu, is this strong man your official?"


"Can it be registered?"

"In the hands of Master Li Rumei, Chief of General Liaodong."

"Okay." Chen Tianfang turned around, throwing away his cane, and knelt to Zheng Yuanning like a quail.

Zheng Yuanning was an agitated spirit, and suddenly didn't know what to do.

"Dad, you are."

Chen Han hurried over.

Chen Tian let go of his hand and banged at Zheng Yuanning: "Master Zheng is a local parent officer. This case is supposed to be an adult trial. Now the bitter master and the body are here. What is the truth, please ask Master Zheng to check."

Zheng Yuanning filled with indignation and hurriedly helped Chen Tian put it down: "Mr. Tian Fang rest assured, I must also return your son innocence!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Tianfang held Zheng Yuanning's palm: "It is not the innocence of my son, the innocence of the suffering Lord, but the innocence of the injustice. This case involved human life, and according to my Daming Law, my emperor God must personally look at it before he can be guilty. God is clear, if there is any grievance, you ca n’t escape the eyes of the emperor of God! If my child does such a desolate thing, it will be hard to blame.

As he said with a bitter smile: "The old man taught his son no way, although the situation is still unclear, but I know about my unscrupulous son. Li Zhenfu, the official, is probably right."

"Uh, uh, sir, please hurry up."

Chen Tianfang was helped, and his face was scary, and he said to Li Yan: "Li Zhenfu, although the case has not come to the fore, your official is confessing to killing my son. According to my law, unless it is a crime Treason, ultimatum, removal of demons and other serious crimes, or there is an official mission with the king's life banner, otherwise even the court official, you cannot kill yourself. My son's crime or death, your official brother, also violates the Great Law Law, you should also go to prison and wait for the truth to be discussed. What will you do to calm down? "

Li Yan's eyelids sank, and he glanced at Cha Xiaodao unconsciously.

When I came to the Tianfei Pavilion, it was meant to make the matter bigger. Even though the two Chen Ke covered the sky with one hand, the officials in Zhejiang still had to be shameless. At least, they didn't dare to do too eye-catching tricks.

After thinking about it, Zha Xiaodao started to raise his head, then lowered his head a little, and then Li Yan arched his hand: "Mr. Tian Fang's words make sense."

Li Yan's eyes turned, and he suddenly said, "But my brother, originally from the Dragon Tiger Mountain, was dispatched to me by the Dragon and Tiger Supervisors of Liaodong. According to my law, I should be detained as a criminal. You can only ask questions, you cannot be sentenced, and you cannot live in a cell. "

Wu Keyang asked, "Do you say yes? Where is the voucher?"

"With the token of the Liaodong Heavenly Master, Master Wu still doesn't believe it. He asked Dragon Tiger Mountain himself. Anyway, a paper crane goes back and forth, and it won't take long to get to and from Jiangxi."

What Li Yan said was of course a false story, but once, he might use this to delay time. Second, he could test the attitude of Longhu Mountain.

I also want to know that Chen Ke's family borrowed pig pig dragons to raise their own weight. Dragon Tiger Mountain must have treated them as thorns in their eyes ...

"Okay, I will naturally ask."

Wu Keyang coldly.

"Zili, my son."

Chen Tianfang moaned loudly.

Zi Li is Chen Han's ambassador. He heard that he hurriedly supported Chen Tianfang.


"Let's do the rest. I'm tired."

He bowed to many gentry and celebrities present: "Old age is already old and physically weak, and I am shocked to hear the pain of bereavement. His bones can't stand it. Today's banquet is gone. I will have the opportunity to thank him in the future. "

He was paralyzed halfway over Chen Han, with a stunned look: "Go, go."

"Come here, pick them up. Go back to the door and ask questions."

"This matter has nothing to do with my nephew."

Cha Xiaodao pointed to Cao Yongchang.

Zheng Yuanning said with a grin: "A monk can't run a temple if he runs."

Having said that, he sent the man forward to lock the investigation knife and wanted him to return to the door.

"What you see, it's all gone! It's all gone!"

Some people drove the people, but they couldn't stop the growing applause and cry.

"Cangtian has eyes!"

"Retribution, this is retribution!"

Chen Han sent his old father away, first standing in front of Cha Xiaodao.

"Good dogs don't stand in the way."

Cha Xiaodao gave him a cold glance.

"I will visit you when I have time, to investigate the officer."

Chen Han gave way aside, Li Yan had to follow Cha Xiaodao. Unexpectedly, Chen Han secretly said behind Li Yan: "Li Zhenfu, I wanted to make a friend with you, but today, our Liangzi is a solution. No more. "

Li Yan ignored him and left.

Chen Han clenched his fists, and there was strange blood rolling in his eyes.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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