From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict’s Journey

Chapter 66: The new task is too much... (ask for collection, ask for support

  Chapter 66 new task, too much (seek collection, please support)

   "This quilt looks like it's new, but it doesn't look like cotton when you touch it!"

   "I won't change the core!" A squad leader muttered, and while speaking, he glanced at the instructor and Wu Jianfeng.

   "Just look at it." Wu Jianfeng walked directly to Wang Ye's bedside.

  In the dormitory of Class 5, the quilt on the bed now, if you look closely, you can still clearly see three obvious grades.

  The quilt on the lower bunk on the left hand side of the door is the best, and the tofu block is the most standard, but if you look at the quilt, you can tell that it is an old quilt, and it must be Ye Sanshi's bed.

  As for the remaining quilt, Wang Ye's is the most beautiful one.

  Although it is a little swollen now, the shape and edges of the tofu block are still clear.

  The rest can only be said to be much better than those in other classes, and they all have the shape of tofu cubes, but they are more swollen, and even the edges and corners are a little rounded at this time. Naturally, the check is sure to check out the best quilts other than the squad leader.

   Soon, Wang Ye's quilt was opened in Wu Jianfeng's hands.

  The cotton wool inside is exposed.

  Pure white cotton, you can tell the old from the new at a glance.

   "Really new?"

   "How did you stack it?"

   All the squad leaders were dumbfounded.

  Ask yourself, if the quilt is exchanged for them, they don’t have much confidence that it can be folded like this, after all, it’s a new one.

  Is Ye Sanshi so awesome?

   All the monitors suddenly panicked.

  Because they suddenly thought of Ye Sanshi's calm appearance just now.

   Could it be that the recruits really did it under the guidance of Ye Sanshi?

  He, Ye Sanshi, has far more insight and strength than everyone else when it comes to making quilts?

  No one knows this, because as a non-commissioned officer and an old squad leader, the level of any quilt-making will not be low.

   And their quilts are all pressed, and when they are usually folded, there is generally no big difference in level.

   "Let's check out the other quilts!"

   At this moment, a squad leader spoke quickly.

  In fact, if time didn’t allow, he would have said, I’ll help them wash their quilts.

  Return these quilts directly to the furnace, and help them wash them off, including the quilt core.

  See if they still have the ability to stack them well.

  But, such a shameless idea, I can only think about it.

   Of course, it can’t be washed. To be on the safe side, check the quilt, take it apart to check the quilt core, and then lift it up and shake it a few times.

  The quilts of Class 5 have only been pressed for two days, and it is impossible to completely compact and shape them.

   Fiddle with it, not to mention fluffy to the state after washing, at least it can be fluffy a lot.

   "Squad leader, is there something to call us back?"

  In the training ground, everyone in Class 5 was following Ye Sanshi to the dormitory building. While walking, Gu Yinan couldn't hold back and asked a question.

   Didn't make a report either, but Ye Sanshi is obviously in a good mood now, with a smile on his black face all the time.

  Hearing this, he didn't mind that he didn't make a report, and his smile widened when he turned around: "It's time to show your strength."

  Ye Sanshi simply stopped, and then said to everyone in class five: "Line up!"

   Immediately, everyone responds quickly.

   Soon, the queue stood up.

   Didn’t do anything. Standing at attention, Ye Sanshi said directly: “Just now, the company commander and the instructor led us to conduct an internal evaluation!”

   "Have we got the mobile red flag?" Gu Yinan asked again with a look of surprise.

   "No, but it's coming soon!" Ye Sanshi smiled unabated.

  Looking at the crowd, he didn't want to be a secret this time, and told all the things just now.

   All of a sudden, everyone in class five reacted differently.

   "Damn it, you actually doubt us?"

   "Squad leader, what are we waiting for, go back quickly, let us help you slap them in the face.

   Still eating quilts?

   I'll contribute my quilt later, I just haven't showered in the past two days, and it still smells a little bit! "

   "Hey, Lao Liang, you didn't wash your feet last night, so eat your quilt, I'm afraid they won't be directly poisoned!"

"Ha ha!"

  Everyone in class five laughed, even the smile on Ye Sanshi's face was undisguised.

   Of course, he took control right away.

   "Okay, be quiet first!"

   After stretching out his hand to stop everyone, he spoke again: "The ugly words are up front, don't let me lose the chain later."

   "Yes, guaranteed to complete the task!"

  Wang Ye didn't need to take the lead this time, all the recruits stood at attention and shouted.

   It's time to prove yourself.

   And it was in front of the company commander, and more importantly, it was so cool to be able to slap the other squad leaders in the face.

   "Yeah!" Ye Sanshi nodded with a smile, and put his eyes on Wang Ye: "Deputy squad leader Wang, you should pay more attention later.

  I can't help, but you can.

   Pay more attention, let everyone stack up well, and give full play to your level. "

   "Yes, guaranteed to complete the task!"

  Wang Ye is also a little excited about the upcoming opportunity to perform.

   In his early years, a deputy squad leader is not enough, this is also an opportunity!

   "Task reminder, prove yourself, express yourself, be rated as a pacesetter in internal affairs, and reward a little skill point."

  In his mind, the sudden task information came, which made Wang Ye slightly taken aback, and then Wang Ye clenched his fist.

   Good job!

  This skill point is exactly what I want.

   "Okay, I won't say much else, you must give me your all, this is your first war since you joined the army."

  Ye Sanshi restrained his smile, looked at everyone seriously and said: "Yes, you should treat it as a war that must be won, understand?"

   "Yes!" Everyone also suppressed their smiles and stood at attention to reply loudly.

  Ye Sanshi didn't say anything harsh this time, because he believed that the recruits under him were not fools and could understand what he said.

   This is a war, and if you win, eat and drink.

  Can you lose?

  If you lose the war, don’t you die?

   Soon, Class 5 set off again.

   After two or three minutes, I arrived at the dormitory building, and went upstairs without further ado.


  Ye Sanshi was in front, Wang Ye and others were behind. Ye Sanshi stood at the door of the dormitory and shouted a report.

  In fact, there were only two recruit squad leaders in the aisle at the door of the dormitory at this time.

   It’s just that Wu Jianfeng and the instructor are not outside.

  At this moment, Wang Ye and others were watching the two squad leaders outside the door, and they were also watching Wang Ye and other recruits.

   Of course, there was no communication.

"Come in!"

  Wu Jianfeng's voice came from inside.

   "Come on!"

  Ye Sanshi turned his head and greeted in a low voice, then walked into the dormitory first.

  Wang Ye and others also raised their legs quickly.

   Walking into the dormitory, Wang Ye and others were a little annoyed at first glance.

  My dormitory seems to have been burglarized.

   What the **** is the result of the struggle since four o'clock in the morning?

   were all torn and thrown on the bed in a mess.

  In fact, Ye Sanshi was a little dumbfounded at this time.

  It’s too much.

   Look at how these quilts are made.

   Other dormitory inspections are just torn apart and touched, let's check.

  But the quilt in my class seems to be almost rolled up into a ball inside the quilt cover.


   "Company commander, did the quilt of my fifth class encounter a tornado?" Ye Sanshi looked at Wu Jianfeng and Kang Hua resentfully.

   "Uh cough~" Wu Jianfeng was a little embarrassed: "Well, I just went to the bathroom with the instructor, and it was like this when I came back!"

   This statement is naturally a lie, mainly because he wants to see what is going on in Class Five.

   But want to see clearly, the more primitive the natural quilt, the more it can reflect.

  I didn't think much about it just now, but now that Ye Sanshi and everyone in Class 5 looked at him like this, he was somewhat embarrassed and embarrassed.

  (end of this chapter)

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