From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict’s Journey

Chapter 38: News comments, take the initiative to stand out (ask for collection, ask for support

  Chapter 38 News comments, take the initiative to stand out (please collect, please support)

  Physical training only lasted for forty or fifty minutes. The specific time to finish the exercises depends on the monitors.

  Some squad leaders are nice, such as Squad Leader Li and the new Squad Leader No. 4.

  The first batch, when the time comes, close the exercise and take the whole class away.

   There are also other perverts, such as Ye Sanshi, who insisted on being dragged until the fourth squad leader took them away and made everyone run another 400 meters, and turned around and did 50 push-ups.

  In his words, the sun is about to set, and the weather will turn cold soon. Let you exercise more, so that you will not catch a cold. I am the monitor for your own good, and I am considerate of you.

   Well, when he said this, he completely ignored the voices of everyone grinding their teeth.

  Backed to the dormitory and gave him a few minutes to solve his personal problems, then Zhang Ping'an was called away first to do a small duty.

   Dinner at ten past six.

  This time, everyone sang very loudly at dinner. It was a loss after breakfast and lunch, and everyone yelled at their throats.

  Finally, one time, this also allowed everyone to return to the dormitory after eating, and there was still 20 minutes of free time for activities.

  Of course, during the 20 minutes of free time, Deng Hai only asked Ye Sanshi what other plans he had next when he came back.

  Ye Sanshi just said it casually.

  In fact, when everyone returned to the dormitory, they were asked to carry a small horse, familiarize themselves first, and read the rules and regulations.

   It is impossible to get up and talk, let alone free activities.

   "Successful technicalization of rules and regulations!"

  Looking at the rules and regulations, Wang Ye did not resist.

   Moreover, he looked at it very seriously, unlike Deng Hai opposite, who had a constipated expression.

  Under Ye Sanshi's supervision, Wang Ye was using the system while watching.

  Wang Ye tried to technicalize the rules and regulations.

   There is no accident, the rules and regulations have been successfully technicalized.

   This also lifted Wang Ye's spirits.

  It is good to be able to skill.

  He actually doesn't like memorizing things very much. If he can improve his level through skillization and master it quickly, that would naturally be the best thing.

  However, there is not much time for Wang Ye to gain experience.

  Because the whistle was blowing downstairs.

   At 6:50, the whistle blows on time to gather the whole company.

  Going to watch TV.

   This was what Ye Sanshi said together when Deng Hai asked.

  At seven o'clock every day, unless there are special circumstances or special arrangements, you must watch the news broadcast.

And because of the psychological preparation, even though everyone still can't hear the difference between these whistles, they didn't panic. They closed the rules and regulations on their hands, carefully put them on the bed, tidied up their instruments, and went downstairs together. up.

  Electric classroom.

  Everyone unlocked a new place for the recruit company, which is actually the fourth floor of the recruit dormitory building.

  There is a very large room here, and it is not crowded even for recruits to sit in.

   "Quiet, watch the news broadcast, you must be serious. After watching it, people will come to the stage to comment on the content of today's news broadcast. I hope everyone will study hard and watch carefully!"

   Today, the platoon leader is on duty, and he is the one who is speaking on stage now.

  As soon as he said this, the expressions of all the recruits in the audience suddenly collapsed.

   "Fuck, do you still have to comment?"

   "What the hell? Watching the news and commenting? How do you say it?"

   "Wait don't hit me, don't hit me!"

   Some people prayed directly.

  Wang Ye is also a little speechless, he still needs to comment!

  However, the mature psychology made Wang Ye realize that this was also an opportunity after he was speechless.

  For the army, it pays attention to unity and leadership.

  Although it really doesn't wait to be drawn, it jumps out on its own initiative, which is a bit eye-catching.

   But after doing this, as long as you perform well, it will definitely be a big bonus.

  Wang Ye has not forgotten that he still has the task of being the deputy squad leader.

  Ten days is a long time, according to the way of living today, it is a bit long, but it is only ten days if it is short.

   Every opportunity must be seized.

  Wang Ye made a decision in his heart.

  Of course, it is only a preliminary decision. The specific situation depends on what content will be broadcast on the news network, whether I can summarize it myself, and whether I can make a good comment.

   Really can't, Wang Ye will definitely not take the initiative to go up and make a fool of himself.

   Soon, the news broadcast started.

   For a while, the entire electric classroom fell silent, only the sound of the TV.

  Everyone was shocked by the long line saying that people were invited to come up and comment.

   Even if you dare not to look carefully, you are afraid that you will be unlucky and draw yourself.

  "The national troop transport work is in full swing

  When one person joins the army, the whole city welcomes him.”

  In the news broadcast, after the beginning, the first news was actually the news about the national military enlistment.

  Scenes of transporting troops from various places emerged.

  In this scene, the eyes of some of the recruits in the electronic classroom turned red.

  Although you only experienced this process yesterday.

  But, in just one day, everyone feels that a long, long time has passed

  The news broadcast, about the picture of troop transport and news, was played for a few minutes, and then other news began to be broadcast later.

  National events, international news.

  Wang Ye looked at it seriously, and at the same time, he was also preparing words and language in his mind.

  Finally, the 30-minute news was over, and a row leader re-entered the stage.

  As he took the stage, the atmosphere in the entire electronic classroom became serious for a while.

   Describe the current situation in one sentence.

  Everyone felt heavy as if they had just finished visiting a grave, and the scene was as quiet as a memorial service.

  Of course, Wang Ye does not count. He is summarizing his own draft in his heart, and secretly assessing whether it is appropriate for him to summarize and comment in this way.

   "After watching the news, are there any comrades who are eager to come to the stage?"

  No one said anything, and even many people didn't dare to look directly at the row of leaders on the front stage at this time, bowing their heads and praying secretly that they would not be drawn.

  They don't know, according to the general process of development, watching the news broadcast for the first time, there will definitely be no recruits who will take the initiative to come on stage.

   Next, a platoon leader will be below, picking out a few unlucky people who dare not look directly at him, are obviously afraid of going on stage, or don't want to go on stage to comment.

  At this moment, the company commander instructor, as well as all the veterans, are ready to wait and watch the excitement.


  A report sounded full of energy, directly making the eyes of the entire electronic classroom instantly focus.

   "Fuck, Brother Wang, you are such a warrior!"

  Beside, Deng Hai made a low voice after seeing clearly who was speaking.

  Wang Ye didn't look at him, after all, he really attracted the attention of the audience at this time.

   In fact, it is true, no matter the recruits or veterans, they are very surprised at this time.

  At this time, does anyone really want to take the initiative to take the stage?

  Wang Ye ignored everyone's eyes, just looked at the row of leaders on the stage.

  As a mature man who has been in society, this small scene and psychological pressure can still be borne.

  Of course, there is still a little nervousness.

  However, Wang Ye can still control this nervousness, and it won't make him forget his words nervously.

   "Okay, it seems that there are still comrades who are brave enough to take the lead." The platoon leader was actually very surprised. Are there really recruits so brave?

  However, he was not slow to respond.

   "That's right, comrade, are you going to come on stage to comment?" The platoon leader confirmed again.

   "Report, I would like to be the first on stage."

   Speaking of this, Wang Ye showed a slight smile, looked at the other recruits who were looking at him and said again: "The main reason is that I see that other brothers are very nervous, and I happen to be thick-skinned.

  Using the situation in a game I played, I would like to be a cushion for everyone to relieve their tension first. "

   The leader of the platoon doesn't quite understand the game.

   Few of the current veterans may have played DNF.

   After all, it was only released last year.

   What's more, they are all serving in the army, how can they have time to play games online, even if they have limited vacation time, they probably don't have the time and mood to play.

   Naturally, they don't understand this.

  However, they don't understand, the recruits understand!

  As I said before, there are few obedient boys who can join the army at this age, and playing games online is even more commonplace.

  So Wang Ye's words fell at this time, and there was a burst of uncontrollable laughter at the scene.

   Thank you book friend 2021030110254198 for your tip and everyone’s monthly and recommendation tickets.

   Hmm. As for the reward from the rudder master, I won’t thank you. It’s because I swiped it myself, and I want to be on the new book list on Monday.



  (end of this chapter)

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