This reception is very much like a celebration banquet.

Even though they paid a considerable price, compared with the disintegrated Bezos interest group, the Ward family has achieved a relatively complete victory in this dispute, maintaining the authority of the family, and showing itself to the outside world. The magnificent.

Cultural east.

Top floor of Warner Center.

Standing high on the iconic New York skyline.

Guests in the banquet hall are like a cloud.

All major chaebol forces sent representatives to join in.

"If terrorists attack here, America's economy will probably go back ten years."

"It's not that these people are still young, and the power in their hands is not great, but if someone really attacks here, the impact may not be less than that of 9/11. At least it will definitely arouse the anger of the entire upper class. It will definitely be much worse than Bin La Deng."

Chen Liang and Vera shuttled among the crowd.

Chen Liang was dressed in a gray suit and Vera wore a fishtail evening dress. Although she could not talk about a golden girl, she would at least not create a sense of contradiction between flowers and cow dung.

Just like Vera said, the people around, except for their prominent backgrounds, are also relatively young, which makes this reception not so dull and restrictive.

"Isn't that your ex-boyfriend?"

Chen Liang looked in one direction and raised his eyebrows.

"What ex-boyfriend, that's an idiot."

Vera said with disdain.

Sure enough, after a woman turned her face, she was far more ruthless than a man.

That's right.

Sean Rockefeller also came, holding a glass of champagne and chatting with a blonde beauty. From the smile on his face, he seemed to be in a good mood, as if he had forgotten the humiliation of Chen Liang that day.

"It seems that Rockefeller and your family have reconciled."

Chen Liang smiled.

"Do you know what Melissa is best at?"


Vera's eyes mocked: "Please please outsiders and suppress your own people."

Chen Liang smiled.

"Vera, it's not a good habit to talk bad about people behind your back. I told you about this issue a long time ago."

A cold voice sounded from behind.

"Am I not telling the truth, who knows what ‘unequal treaties’ you have signed?"

Vera was not surprised, and looked back at Melissa who came before her, the sneer in her eyes was unconcealed.

Pretending to be like before, it is indeed a bit too tired.

How good is it like now?

Everyone is relaxed.

Melissa glanced calmly at Sean in the distance.

"Blowing my head is not a shame, on the contrary it is a kind of wisdom, especially when the situation is not as good as others. The fate of the Bezos Group is a clear example. Fighting for the friendship of Rockefeller is something I must do, but I don't Did not betray the interests of the family."


Vera sneered.

"Who knows if what you said is true."

"If you don't investigate, you have no right to speak."

Melissa looked plain.

"If you continue to slander and frame up, don't blame me for letting the security ask you out. Don't forget, you are no longer a family member."

Today, she is wearing a black tube top evening dress, revealing her delicate collarbone, and she is wearing a dazzling gem necklace on her white and slender neck, just like a high queen.

Clothes and jewelry can be bought with money, but temperament is really not available.

In terms of beauty, Vera is actually not much worse than her cousin, but when the two stand together, the eyes of the crowd will definitely be on Melissa the first time.

She seemed to be born for focus.

Such a woman is indeed enough to make most men in the world feel ashamed.

"Shoo me out, if you didn't invite me, I wouldn't be too lazy to come!"

Vera refuted.

"I didn't invite you."

Melissa corrected her unkindness.

"I only asked him."


Vera's chest was blocked, her face flushed.

"Miss Melissa, everyone is here to cheer you up, and Vera and I are the same. We are noisy here, so don't let people watch the jokes."

In order to avoid the conflict from continuing to escalate, Chen Liang spoke out to complete the battle.

Melissa's eyes moved to him.

"Don't forget, I'm just wiping your butt."

"No one is forcing you. You can only blame yourself for being stupid. If you have the ability to tell everyone, you didn't kill Bezos."

Although perhaps let go of the knot, the resentment for so many years cannot be easily wiped out in a short time.

Vera seemed to be here to find the fault, and she was so ridiculous that people couldn't help worrying whether Melissa would slap her again.

But this time, Melissa was calmer, not sullen or angry, as if taking Vera's sarcasm off her ears.

The more she looked like this, the more uncomfortable Vera was. If Melissa slapped her in public, she would feel happy instead.

"After so many days, have you raised any money? The first heir to the Ward family, hey, won't you not be able to get this money?"

She tried every means to provoke and hit the bottom line of Melissa's patience.

"The 170 billion U.S. dollars is not a small sum, and because of Bezos's retaliation, we have also suffered a lot of losses. More than 300 people died, thousands were injured, and many mining areas were attacked. Six listed companies were maliciously short-selling, several steel plants were bombed, and the casualty's pensions and other items were conservatively estimated to add up to 20 billion losses."

"Melissa, what did you tell us about this? Don't you want us to bear these losses for you?"

Vera smiled brightly, but she was cold.

"We are not being taken advantage of, and these data, the ghost knows if it is true?"

Melissa looked at her indifferently.

Chen Liang felt that Melissa shouldn't lie.

Only at this time, money is more than just a number.

More than 300 people died and thousands were injured. This still does not include the casualties of Bezos's men.

A total of 20 billion was lost.

This shows how exaggerated the price he asked for.

This is the true structure of this world.

For the superstructure, almost most of the disputes are nothing more than a game of money, and the people below may pay their lives for it.

"Miss Melissa, I believe you will not fake things like this, this way."

Chen Liang pondered and said with a serious expression: "I do bear certain responsibility for the loss of your family this time. I will bear half of the 20 billion. So you only need to pay me 160 billion. "

Really a model in the industry, the conscience of the market.

With a fluttering mouth, 10 billion will be spared.

Melissa looked at him blankly, as if moved.


Vera was immediately dissatisfied.

"She got into trouble, why should you pay for her!"

The two of them sang and got in harmony, and the coordination was perfect.

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