"Shao Chen, do you call the police?"

Choosing this block to start, the killer must be premeditated.

This street was relatively quiet and there were no passers-by. When the incident happened, only a tramp was lying on the dark corner of the street.

The rapid and fierce robbery naturally awakened the homeless man's dream, but he did not yell, but just sat up and looked over here.

As a result, the fight ended too soon. When the car left, he might have mistakenly thought that he was just dreaming, as if nothing had happened, lay down, turned over, and went back to sleep.

However, the person who can wander in Manhattan may have been a giant who understood the power of the world before. Having seen the world, it does not seem to be surprising to have this determination.

"Need not."

Chen Liang shook his head.

The other party is so unscrupulous, presumably full of confidence.

The alarm is mostly useless, on the contrary, it may cause trouble for themselves.

And he doesn't like trouble.

Chen Liang retracted the gun and tightened the windbreaker.

"Back to the hotel."

Shan Xin nodded, put his gun away, glanced at the tramp who was sleeping on the side of the road, and quickly left the block with Chen Liang.

"Don't tell Miss Jiang about the matter tonight."

Back at the hotel, Chen Liang told him that he didn't want Jiang Xin to be frightened when she knew it.

"Chen Shao rest assured."

"Okay, rest."

Chen Liang entered the house and was not busy taking a shower. Instead, he turned on the laptop equipped with the hotel and first checked the address he had just visited.

——48 Tennancy Avenue.

After browsing for a while, no relevant information was found.

Then, he deleted the record, and then re-entered a vocabulary.

—— World Holding Group.

This time, a lot of information came out.

From the introduction, Ward Holdings is a large company based in America with a long history and was established in the last century. The company has a wide range of businesses, spanning steel, automotive, energy, and even arms industries!


A name entered Chen Liang's sight.

Founder of Ward Holdings.

Nathan Ward.

Compared with domestic, foreign countries are indeed ahead in many aspects, for example, people's speech is very free.

There are all kinds of gossips on the Internet.

This allowed Chen Liang to easily understand the deeds of Nathan Ward and the development history of Ward Holdings.

In the early twentieth century, Nathan Ward, who was born in poverty, relied on his outstanding business talents to set up the Ward Group, which was mainly engaged in coal mine development.

In the third year, as his career progressed, he gradually gained the title of Coal Mine King. In order to effectively maintain his personal rule, he presided over the establishment of the infamous "Ward Service Office".

This is a violent organization composed of spies and private armed forces.

According to the New York Times at the time: "This is the largest existing private military organization."

The New York Times commented: Even the mercenaries owned by the militant 15th-century prince of Italy are not as powerful as the "Ward Service" lineup. It is a machine that brutally suppresses workers!

According to historical records, in 1932 and 1941, the "Ward Service Office" twice robbed and brutally suppressed unarmed workers, writing the darkest page in America's labor history.

And the two anti-humanitarian behaviors were recorded in detail online.

On March 7, 1932, the workers of Ward Company held a large-scale strike, demanding to reduce labor intensity, abolish factory spies, and guarantee 15 minutes of work breaks every morning and afternoon... etc.

When more than 3,000 workers came to Ward's factory gate, Ward first asked the local police and factory guards to spray ice water and tear gas on the workers with high-pressure water guns, and the workers responded with fists and frozen soil.

As a result, the conflict escalated.

In the end, Ward's factory guard fired at the workers, causing 25 workers to be injured, 4 people killed on the spot, and 1 newspaper reporter injured. The massacre caused an uproar in America at the time!

Subsequently, under pressure, the violent factory guards were punished, and a total of 16 people were sentenced to life imprisonment, and they were not allowed to see the sun again in their entire lives.

And as the actual controller of Ward Company.

With his powerful forces, Nathan Ward removed himself from this case and became a notorious extrajudicial fanatic.

After this incident, Nathan Ward's brutal personality not only failed to converge, but expanded.

Since the discovery of a large amount of coal resources at the end of the 19th century, Colorado has become an area where major mining companies vie for development. By the beginning of the twentieth century, Colorado’s coal industry employed as many as 15,000 workers, and coal mines have undoubtedly become The state's "employment pillar"!

Among the coal mining companies in Colorado, the Ward Group was not too early to join, but with its fierce behavior, its Colorado Fuel and Iron Ore Company quickly controlled nearly 200,000 square kilometers of coal-producing areas and became At that time, it was almost the largest coal mining enterprise in the western United States.

While Colorado's coal mines have brought great wealth to the Ward Group, mining workers are in extreme danger every day: mine explosions and collapses occur from time to time, and the miners have no sense of safety at all. During that period, because mining companies were unwilling to invest in maintaining mine safety, the death rate of coal miners in Colorado was more than twice that of miners in other parts of the United States!

As the industry leader at that time, Ward Corporation naturally bears an inescapable responsibility for this phenomenon.

A historian once described the role of mining companies in mining areas: "They are feudal rulers, and the company's rules are the'laws' in the dormitory area. Miners are strictly restricted to the dormitory area built by the company, like slaves. Around the dormitory, the company's'private forces'-hired brutal guards equipped with loaded robots and rifles to patrol around all the time. They prohibit any strangers from entering and at the same time prohibit miners from going out. In the mining area The mining company is like the emperor of the land, monitoring all aspects of the workers and imposing a curfew. Any miner who dared to express dissatisfaction with the company will be immediately dismissed, and he and his family will also be immediately expelled from the dormitory. Go down the street."

All this is naturally unbearable to America, which claims that human rights are above all else.

The purgatory situation of the Colorado miners quickly attracted the attention of the Miners Federation. In order to protect the rights of the miners and improve the benefits of the miners, they decided to hold a strike against the Colorado Fuel and Iron Ore Company.

The reason why Colorado Fuel and Iron Ore Company was selected as the strike target is naturally because of the Colorado mining companies, companies controlled by Nathan Ward treat employees particularly rudely.

But the leaders of these associations and coal miners obviously underestimated Nathan Ward's madness.

Their reckless behavior directly led to a terrifying tragedy.

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