From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 728: Immortal God King

Mengshenji, who had escaped 100,000 miles, had calm eyes.

It turned out that he never wanted to fight Gu Chong from beginning to end.

Appeared in Gu Chong's Mount Xumi, swallowed 50% of the boat of good fortune, and became the queen of the perfect artifact because of the idea of ​​the Yang God as the core.

At that moment, Mengshenji had already understood that even if he and the Great Destruction God King joined forces, they could only barely remain undefeated.

If he really wants to fight, facing Gu Chong's flawless King of Divine Artifacts, the Eternal Realm he just restored will definitely be beaten back to its original shape because of this battle.

The king of flawless artifacts is so terrifying.

There is a sun **** in there to suppress the thoughts, as if the sun **** is presiding over it.

The sun **** means limit, that is to say, the power of that mountain will never run out.

They can't compete in terms of strength, and they can't even waste time.

The more he fights, the more dangerous he is, and even dragged to the end, it is very likely that both him and the Great Destruction God King will be boiled to death by Mount Sumeru.

Therefore, Mengshenji made the most correct decision in an instant.

He abandoned the Great Destruction God King, let the Great Destruction God King stand alone, and then took the opportunity to leave quickly.

"The Great Destruction God King is definitely not Yincheng's opponent, but it still takes time for Yincheng to eat a God King who smashes a vacuum body and a King of Divine Artifacts in a short period of time."

This gave him time to escape.

Mengshenji stood in the eternal kingdom, chasing in one direction, thinking inwardly.

If Yincheng got the body of the Great Destruction God King, and then got that immortal monument, his strength would definitely skyrocket again.

However, in the next moment, there was an extremely calm meaning in the eyes of the Dream God Machine:

"Since he had the king of flawless artifacts just now, no one is his opponent. What I can do now is to seize the fateful moment of Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji and turn their 50% into good luck. The boat will continue to be taken over, and it is the most important thing to continue to grow my strength.”

After Gu Chong obtained the "King of the Invulnerable Divine Artifact" just now, the three-legged confrontation was instantly broken, and Yincheng became the only one in this world.

The only thing the Dream God Machine can do now is to seize the current opportunity, find a way to enhance his strength, and then go to the place of origin.

If there are two kings of artifacts, he can be qualified to go to the land of origin to **** the legacy of the sun **** and vacuum crusher who have fallen there from ancient times to the present.

Then, with the help of the power of those ancient and ancient masters, he was pushed to the Sun God.

Under the circumstance that Yincheng is now the only one in the world and has an extremely terrifying ability to calculate, no one has a secret in his eyes.

Only by becoming the Yang God, this is the only chance for the Dream God Machine.

Only the sun **** can break everything!


Here, in the Xinghe battlefield, after Meng Shenji betrayed the Great Destruction King and escaped alone.

The Great Destruction God King struggled to support.

Finally at this moment.

The cracks on the immortal monument are vertical and horizontal, and the essence leaks out, as if the rich essence of the artifact like rivers and mountains flows out.

The next moment, these essences were swallowed up by the "Kunpeng Transformation Formation" on Mount Sumeru!

The stronger one side swallows, the weaker the other side.

Not long after.

The entire immortal monument was absorbed into Mount Sumeru.

One fifth of the immortal monument.

The king of artifacts comparable to the boat of creation and half the power of the eternal kingdom in its complete state.

The Immortal Monument was originally the king of the strongest artifact created by the most ancient master Changsheng the Great.

At this moment, one-fifth of it was completely swallowed by Mount Sumeru.

In the blink of an eye, an aura of "big destruction" in the galaxy was uploaded from Mount Sumeru.

At this moment, the Great Destruction God King not only lost the immortal monument, but also faced the suppression of Mount Sumeru with "doubled" power.

He roared in one direction in fear:

"Immortal God King, come and save me!!"

Among the stars.

The immortal monument of the Great Destruction God King was taken away, and his body was in danger of being suppressed under Mount Sumeru.

This moment is comparable to the most dangerous moment in his life when he was caught by the Great Emperor Changsheng and refined into the Immortal Monument.

The Great Destruction God King realized the great terror.

At this moment, I don't care about anything anymore, and I have given up everything. I don't hesitate to use the original essence of the **** king to crush the vacuum, open up the mysterious boundary, and send a signal of life-saving.

This force broke the space and passed it to the depths of a mysterious space.

There, there was a huge stone monument several times larger than the original immortal monument of the Great Destruction God King.

This is the largest immortal monument that seals the Immortal God King.

At this moment, in the mysterious space, I sensed the message of help from the god-king of the same kind with the power to sacrifice everything.

Immortal God King woke up from the monument, and immediately, he was furious.

"How unreasonable, how dare someone take my immortal monument!!"

Five immortal monuments sealed the five **** kings, and they each held one.

But the Immortal God King has always regarded these five immortal monuments as his own property.

The other four god-kings broke the seal one after another, and those immortal monuments were only temporarily placed there.

As long as the Immortal God King completely refines this largest immortal monument and breaks the seal, his power will far exceed the peak period of the ancient times.

After coming out, he can easily take back the immortal monuments of the other four **** kings, and then collect the final and perfect king of the strongest artifacts, becoming the mythical giants comparable to the Great Emperor Changsheng, Daoist Fortune, and Tai.

But I didn't expect that this time, the Great Destruction God King was assigned to cooperate with Mengshenji, and the immortal monument on the Great Destruction God King would be taken away, and even the Great Destruction God King was at stake.

For the Immortal God King, this is simply a crime of his own glory and heinous crime.

He also instantly understood who that person was from the Divine King of Great Destruction's distress message.


It was the one who he thought a few years ago would definitely destroy his luck in occupying the Great Thousand Worlds.

He first killed the terrifying **** king under his command, and now he wants to kill the **** king of great destruction, and also took away one-fifth of the immortal monument.

For a moment.

Even if the real body has not yet escaped from the immortal monument.

The power that the Immortal God King has unsealed in these tens of thousands of years is also terrifying enough.

Lightning moment!

The blood of the God King of the Great Destruction God has paved the way, allowing the Immortal God King to directly break the space, accurately locate it, and descend into the universe galaxy.


Among the stars.

Originally, the Great Destruction God King was about to be suppressed under Mount Sumeru.

A huge stone monument even more majestic than the previous immortal monument slammed into it from the left.

However, at this very moment!

Gu Chong's eyes flashed, showing a wily smile:

"Finally waiting for you!"

At the moment when the immortal monument shook to Mount Sumeru.

A space within the galaxy suddenly burst.

A real big hand stretched out from the space.

A feeling of being torn apart.

Spread from there.

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