From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 311: Although far away will be punished!

After completing these key things, he didn't care about the rest, he devolved his powers, and formed a cabinet to help him handle government affairs, freeing himself from the busy government affairs.

There are only ten members of the first batch of cabinets. In addition to the six ministers, there are four other members, Shi Zhixuan, Song Que, Wei Zheng, and Changsun Wuji. They may be added in the future as appropriate, but that's all for now.

With the cabinet to help with government affairs, he put his main focus on cultivating leeks.

Under Gu Chong's high-profile reforms, various tasks emerged one after another, and the tens of thousands of players in Da Sui did not have to worry about not having any tasks to do.

In order to facilitate the management of the players, Gu Chong also separated a foreigner Zhenfu Division from the Jinyiwei, and included most of the players in it.

In addition to the ability to monitor, arrest, interrogate, collect military information, and instigate enemy generals, the Yiren Zhenfu Division is also responsible for administering all players in the Great Sui territory.

Governing players with players is a long-term strategy.

As for the occasional player who wondered why Da Sui appeared in the future Jin Yiwei, Gu Chong pushed the player with his idea, and no one was confused anymore.

Seeing that Da Sui players are showing off tasks and rewards in the forum every day, and even their own power, how can other neutral players stand up?

They all asked to join Da Sui and share a sip of soup.

Gu Chong did not refuse anyone who came.

In just one month, the number of players in the Da Sui faction has soared by 30,000, and it is also growing at a terrifying speed.

On New Year's Eve, there were more than 100,000 players in the Da Sui camp, making Gu Chong's old face smile like a chrysanthemum.

On the first day of the lunar new year, Gu Chong issued an edict to change the year name to Shengtian, taking the idea that people must conquer the sky, and then summoned his generals and civil servants to offer captives to the Taimiao to promote the country's prestige.

At the same time as this event, Gu Chong sent a letter to all the foreign countries around the Great Sui Dynasty, requesting that the Great Sui must be unconditionally surrendered, the territory should be merged into the Great Sui territory, and all the royal families should be moved into Luoyang, under the supervision of the Great Sui Jin Yiwei .

Including the overseas East Ying Island countries.

As soon as this statement came out, it was like firing a map cannon, immediately causing all the alien forces in the world to revolt.

It has to be said that the development of alien races has received the greatest support during the hundreds of years of turmoil in Shenzhou, and various alien forces have tightly surrounded Da Sui.

To the north is the Turks.

In the west, it is Tuyuhun.

To the east is the Dongying Island country.

From Goryeo, Silla, Baekje, and Heishui in the northeast to Linyi, Jinla, and Funan in the southwest, there are really countless.

It's just because the Great Sui Dynasty is so powerful and unusual that each of these forces has been repaired more or less, plus their own discord and struggle, that's why they have the name of Yang Jian Sheng Khan.

But the Holy Khan is just a good name. In name of submission, he sometimes asks his ministers to bring something to the Great Sui Dynasty as tribute, which is equivalent to the Great Sui's vassal state, and the Great Sui has no actual jurisdiction over them.

If there is a conflict with the Great Sui, if he says he will fight, he will fight, and the Holy Khan will naturally step on the ground.

And now Gu Chong wants to control the territory and population of these alien races, it is almost like taking their old lives. The edict was issued for seven days, but there were very few responders.

Only Goryeo, who was violently conquered by the Great Sui Dynasty, shouted long live, expressing acceptance.

Gu Chong also expected this. After all, seizing territory is like killing one's parents. These are all local emperors. It is strange that they can hand over their power with one order.

He just wanted to find an excuse to start a war.

The main reason is that the number of players in the Great Sui Dynasty has exceeded 100,000, and they have begun to roll in, so Gu Chong will continue to increase the fertilization efforts by means of war.

In the process of conveying the order, some aliens have aggressive means.

For example, the Black Water clan killed the envoy of the Great Sui and sent the body back.

The Turks, Tuyuhun and Dongying Island also imprisoned the envoys of the Great Sui.

The Da Sui group was furious!

The more Han envoys were killed, the nine counties were slaughtered!

King Wan killed the envoy of the Han, in the North Que of Touxian County!

North Korea kills the envoy of the Han, and immediately kills it!

After getting the news, Gu Chong immediately led an army of 100,000 people to personally attack the Heishui clan.

Heishui lived in the area of ​​Changbai Mountain. He was the ancestor of Dajin and Manchu in later generations. He was brave and good at fighting.

This battle lasted for a whole day and night. In the end, under the leadership of Gu Chong, the 100,000-strong army of the Great Sui buried all the hundreds of thousands of black water, and then executed the "genocide order" issued by Gu Chong. More than 10,000 clansmen carried out inhumane massacres and were buried alive.

Whether it is a man, a woman, or an old man or a child, none of them will be left behind!

Before death, everyone is equal!

This war of genocide shocked the whole world, and all countries released the envoys of the Great Sui that had been detained.

As for the other people who were lucky, Gu Chong also ordered the entire Da Sui army to start, and they were bound to be completely destroyed.

In this way, several large Sui armies started together, and successively destroyed small countries such as Silla, Baekje, Linyi, and Funan.

At this time, Gu Chong will take various measures to help them "reduce the Under the heavy cavalry of the Da Sui army, the small countries have been destroyed one after another, and only Tuyuhun, Tujue, and Dongying are the three. a force.

Among them, the Turks and the Great Sui never died, and the Tuyuhun and Dongying, one relied on the plateau topography, and the other relied on the sea barrier, and still had luck.

Gu Chong dispatched Song Que to attack Tuyuhun and Han Chahu to attack the Turks, while Shi Zhixuan continued to preside over the raiding of Buddhist temples in China, and oversaw the construction of large ships to prepare for the crusade against Dongying.

At this time, among the two major forces of Tuyuhun and Turks, Tuyuhun had a large territory, but its strength was almost vulnerable compared to the Da Sui. However, Song Que, who commanded an army of 300,000 people, was not careless.

And the Turks in the north, even if they were defeated by Gu Chong's hands before, were still powerful, and they were still on the grassland, so Han Chuhu didn't dare to be careless.

Of course, there is no fear.

The Turks on the steppe were already half dead, and Han Zhanhu had full confidence in defeating them.

Even if the Turks have strong mobility, it is impossible for everyone to ride a horse, and many women and children cannot escape on horseback at all.

This time, Gu Chong not only wanted to destroy the alien race, but also plundered a large number of laborers to contribute to the construction of the Great Sui Dynasty.

Whether it is building canals, building schools, opening reservoirs or paving official roads, countless labors are needed.

When they came to this grassland, some people might not bear the order to plunder a large number of people, but at least none of the high-level generals were not excited about fighting against alien races.

They all represent military exploits and honor.

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