From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 181 The Sensation in Exchange Square

And half a week after Lawrence purchased the Daily Observer.

On the right bank of the Seine, the Place de la Bourse is crowded with people.

It was noon. The financiers who had finished their morning work walked out of their offices and gathered in restaurants and cafes around the square as usual, enjoying expensive lunches and exchanging the latest industry news.

After all, an ill-informed financier is no different than a lame dancer.

"It's been really bad lately."

An accountant in a silver wig stirred his cup of coffee, shaking his head at his companion and complaining.

The companion nodded in agreement and said:

"Yes, all banks have chosen to raise interest rates simultaneously, which is simply adding insult to injury to the already severe investment environment."

"But this is also because there are really no good projects on the market worth doing. Instead of investing money in those smoky factories that may close down at any time, it is better to lock it in your own safe."

The accountant threw two sugar cubes into the coffee cup and sighed.

"But there are opportunities. I think you must know that some time ago."

The companion thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"The investment made by Montmartre of the Bank de la Commerz de France. Since he made such a large-scale capital injection in this environment, it means that there must be something extraordinary about that company."

When he heard this matter mentioned, the accountant couldn't help but show a bit of regret on his face. He spread his hands and said:

"It's a pity that we know absolutely nothing about that silver company, and all we can hear in the market are unrealistic rumors."

After saying that, the two of them sighed at the same time in perfect agreement.

Although there are a lot of rumors about the Corsica National Silver Company in the market, few of them can provide solid evidence and confirm the source of the news.

There are only two pieces of information that investors can be sure of right now:

First, this company is very likely to have the participation of the French royal family.

Second, there is indeed a silver mine on Corsica, but the specific information about this silver mine is currently unknown.

"Well, if this opportunity slips away in front of me, I will regret it for the rest of my life. But the information I have now is indeed too little."

The accountant picked up the coffee and took a big sip, licking his lips and said.

For those of them who deal with money all day long, the most uncomfortable thing is not that they did not make any money, but that the opportunity that could have made a huge sum of money was lost because of their own hesitation.

But the current lack of information forced them to be cautious.

In fact, such ambivalence exists not only among these two people, but also in the entire Paris investment circle.

Even the bankers and investors at the top are no exception. On the one hand, they smell opportunities from Mr. Montemar's bold investment, but on the other hand, they are also somewhat afraid of the current almost zero information.

I don’t know how many wealthy investors have collected their cash flow, leaving a large amount of idle funds, and are eagerly waiting for the latest news about this company.

Just when the two of them were troubled by this, there was suddenly a strange movement at the door of the cafe.

I saw a little newsboy standing at the door of the store. He was holding up the newspaper in his hand and shouting something hard at the customers inside.

The accountant did not hear clearly what the newsboy shouted, but he was surprised to see:

As the newsboy's shouting stopped, a dozen gentlemen near the store were stunned at first, and then jumped up from their chairs regardless of their grace, scrambling to take out their money and surround the newsboy.

In just the blink of an eye, a whole circle of people surrounded the newsboy, like a group of hungry wolves that had been hungry for three days.

Those who were the first to get the newspaper immediately anxiously returned to their seats and started reading. Many people even took the newspaper and glanced at it for a few times before running out of the cafe, as if they wanted to report the news to their superiors immediately. Didn't even have time to settle the account.

"Oh my God, did something big happen?"

The accountant frowned and looked at the messy cafe, then waved to an acquaintance who had already received the newspaper and asked:

"Hey! Friend, is this today's financial news? What happened?!"

But the other party was staring at the newspaper as if he hadn't heard what the accountant said. It wasn't until more than ten seconds passed that he realized what he was saying and hurriedly said to the accountant:

"No, this is not the Financial News, this is the Observer Daily."

"The Daily Observer? I remember that wasn't a trash tabloid?"

The accountant glanced at the bright white newspaper in the other person's hand in puzzlement. He was a little surprised that the paper of the junk newspaper had finally been replaced, and then asked:

"What's the news? It's like going crazy."

The man didn't even raise his head when facing the accountant's question, and said impatiently:

"I suggest you hurry up and buy a newspaper and read it. It's the Corsican National Silver Company that has news."


The accountant couldn't help but stare, and looked at his companion. Both of them had unconcealable surprise on their faces.

Is there any news about the mysterious silver company that has attracted the attention of the entire Paris financial community and is rumored to have a royal background?

The accountant had no time to think about it. In the Exchange Square, business intelligence was more valuable than gold.

He quickly took out his wallet, grabbed a few silver coins from it, and joined the rush to buy.

After a lot of waiting and fighting, the accountant was lucky enough to get a copy of the latest Observer Daily and returned to his seat. He couldn't wait to spread it out on the table and start reading with his companions.

On the front page of the newspaper, there is a bold line of bold characters:

"Insider reveal! Exclusive disclosure of the investment of the Bank of France in the National Silver Company of Corsica!"

Just by reading the title, the accountant swallowed nervously and moved his eyes closer, fearing that he would miss any word above.

This report occupied two sections, and it took the two of them several minutes to read it.

But after reading the report, the two people could not help but show excitement and joy on their faces.

The report briefly described the news that Mr. Montmartre purchased a quarter of the shares of the National Silver Company for one million livres, and also revealed that the National Silver Company will soon be established in Paris under the agency of the Bank of Commerce of France. Listed on the stock exchange.

Although this report only contains these two sentences, in the eyes of these astute financiers, the value of these two pieces of information is already immeasurable.

Not only did they see that the market value of the National Silver Company was estimated to be over four million livres, but they also learned that the company would be publicly traded on the stock exchange.

Although more specific details about the National Silver Company have not been disclosed, these two pieces of news alone are enough for those financial institutions and banks to quickly adjust their capital structures and allocate the most appropriate amount of funds to prepare for the National Silver Company. The company's investment.

As the flywheel in the printing plant continues to rotate, funds in the Paris financial community are also flowing rapidly, and a financial storm sweeping the entire Ile-de-France is already brewing.

At the end of this report, the accountant also keenly discovered that there was a line of bold font indicating that the Observer Daily would disclose more exclusive information about Corsica National Silver Company in the future.


The companion took a deep breath and said slowly:

"I really don't know why this newspaper suddenly came to this news. Could it be that Mr. Bonaparte disclosed it on his own initiative?"

The accountant was flipping through the reports at the back. After hearing his companion’s speculation, he suddenly pointed to an editorial in the back section and said:

"Impossible. Look here. This is an editorial criticizing and satirizing Governor Bonaparte, saying that foreigners like him should not hold royal positions at all. God, these critical words are so sharp and completely inappropriate. Be merciful."

"It's true. It seems that this newspaper is dominated by the political opponents of Governor Bonaparte. They should have deliberately released this news."

The companion touched his chin and analyzed carefully, and came up with a very reasonable and mainstream guess.

"That's it, I guess."

The accountant nodded quickly and then put the coffee in the cup and the unfinished dessert into his mouth, rolled up the newspaper on the table and put it away, stood up and left.

"Huh? Why are you so anxious all of a sudden? Where are you going?" My companion asked with some confusion.

"Didn't you see, this newspaper said that they will continue to disclose exclusive information about that company in the future."

The accountant tidied up his clothes, threw a few silver coins on the table, and said as he walked out:

"I have to go to the post office quickly to order the Observer Daily for the whole year. I must not miss it if I really want the latest news."

"Oh, you really reminded me. I have to go too. We just happened to be taking a carriage."

The scene in the café was just a microcosm of the Place de la Bourse. Now, the heart of the entire Parisian financial world was boiling because of this newspaper.

The first words financiers say when they meet are not greetings, but asking each other if they have read today's Observer Daily.

Suddenly, today's Daily Observer has become a scarce commodity and hard currency in the Exchange Square, and some people are even willing to purchase it at a price of twenty livres.

The little newsboys who were usually looked down upon also briefly became the stars here. In every corner of the square, there were people who took the trouble to ask them with a smile if they had any remaining copies of the Observer Daily.

Even the most authoritative newspaper, Financial News, has become almost unreadable reading material on the Exchange Square today.

Those analysts and actuaries who were drunk at the lunch table were pulled back to the office by their managers before they sobered up and asked them to immediately conduct analysis based on the latest news from the Daily Observer.

Investors even spread today's newspapers flat on the table, carefully reading and guessing every word, trying to squeeze every bit of information from it.

There were even bright-minded people who got on the carriage to the newspaper office with large checks in their pockets, trying to get deeper information directly from the newspaper office; of course, they were all politely invited back by President Hailsson.

Outside the Exchange Square, today's Observer Daily also caused quite a stir.

In a very ordinary flower shop by the Seine River, a female worker looked at the newspaper in the hand of another female employee and asked strangely:

"Huh? My dear, why are you reading the newspaper all of a sudden? This newspaper looks very expensive. Our monthly salary is only twenty livres."

The female staff member raised the newspaper in Yang's hand and said with a smile:

"It's actually not expensive. This one only costs five suls. The content is quite interesting. I mainly read the novels in it."

"Really, but five sours a day is a lot of money."

The female worker shook her head and was not interested in the newspaper in the clerk's hand.

"That's not the key." The female staff member chuckled twice, took the newspaper to the female worker, pointed to a series of independent numbers on it and said:

"It says that the newspaper will conduct a public lottery every month. If you win the number, you can get five hundred livres directly!"

"Five hundred?! Oh my god, this is just like a lottery ticket, but it seems cheaper than a lottery ticket."

The female worker muttered as she looked at the newspaper. Then she couldn't resist the temptation of the five hundred livres. She counted out a few moldy copper coins from her small purse, called the newsboy on the street and bought a copy of the Observer Daily. , just think of it as a matter of luck.

In Building 78 on Main Avenue, President Hailsen proudly invited back another investor who came to inquire about the news.

At this time, he no longer looked as decadent as he had a few days ago, and the shabby dress he was wearing was thrown directly into the trash, and he changed into a more shiny and smooth black dress.

Although the small building was still dilapidated and smelly as usual, President Hailsen felt for the first time that his persistence over the years was worth it.

Today is the first day that the new version of the Observer Daily was officially released. President Hailsen almost didn't sleep a wink all night because of this, for fear that he would delay the important event of His Excellency Bonaparte due to negligence.

However, only halfway through the day, President Hailsen received repeated requests from the printing house for additional printing. At the same time, he also learned that the Observer Daily on the market was close to being out of stock.

Although there are no official statistics yet, President Hailsen can estimate that the sales volume of the Observer Daily has exceeded 10,000 copies.

Such an achievement was something that President Hailsen had dreamed of for many years but had not yet realized. He originally thought that he would never have such an exciting moment in his life.

He even wanted to bring the champagne he had collected for many years to the newspaper office to open it and let the foam spray freely in every corner of the office.

Of course, despite the excitement, President Hailsen did not forget who had brought him this achievement.

"Monsieur Bonaparte, he really is."

A few tears welled up in the corners of President Hailsham's eyes, and he murmured Lawrence's name in an almost pious tone.

As a senior editor, he knows very well what are the important factors that make the Observer Daily sell out of stock today.

Undoubtedly the inside information Lawrence provided about the Corsican National Silver Company.

Thinking of this, President Hailsen quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, put aside his excitement for the time being, rearranged his appearance and sat back at the desk.

He wanted to use his own work to repay His Excellency Bonaparte's kindness.

At the same time, when the financial world in Paris was ignited by this small newspaper, Lawrence, the initiator of all this, did not personally witness all this happening.

On the Île de la Cité, there is another magnificent building complex, the Palais de Justice in Paris, just over 400 meters away from Notre Dame Cathedral.

Lawrence was standing in front of the gate of the Palace of Justice, calmly admiring this building that symbolized law enforcement and law, kindness and strength.

This is the seat of the Paris High Court and the office of the French Chief Justice, the Marquis de Maupe.

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