From Becoming the Master of Monsters

Chapter 981 The fierce battle, the burning will!

Instead of being beaten all the time, it is better to inflict greater trauma on the other party under limited conditions.

Zeus, who was still immersed in the rhythm of "Ola Ola Ola", was inexplicably punched in the nose, which even left a nosebleed. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

And while he was dazed for a moment, his eyes suddenly received two more heavy blows.

It was also because of these two heavy punches that he completely woke up Zeus. At this moment, he realized that Yudou had completely given up on defense and chose to confront him head-on!

"Human, you are really smart. Let's take a look and see if we can't bear it first!"

Zeus, who noticed Yudou's intention, showed a crazy and excited look on his old face, and accepted Yudou's invitation without retreating.

Zeus could have retreated, but he did not do so because it would undermine his dignity as the king of the gods.

And if you retreat in the face of a human challenge, what qualifications do you have to call yourself a god?

Moreover, deciding the outcome in this way was what he wanted, so Zeus once again increased the speed of his punches.

The time-traveling fist that exceeds the speed of light, each punch has a speed of only 0.0000...1 second, so under normal circumstances the spectators cannot even see Zeus punch, and the opponent has already fallen to the ground.

But Yu Dou and Zeus were fighting each other in an almost infinitely static space, and the number of punches they struck had reached thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands!

No matter how short the time is, through the accumulation of numbers, those watching the battle can also feel the flow of time.

However, to outsiders, Yudou and Zeus looked like two fools at this moment, standing almost motionless.

But anyone who is careful will find that where the two of them are standing, the surface of the ground, their bodies, and even the flow of the surrounding air are changing every moment.

It's not that the two of them didn't move, but because their speed was so fast that it completely exceeded the limit of what their eyes could capture, so it seemed like they weren't moving at this moment.

At the same time, top gods such as Shiva and Ari also know that as the battle continues to this day, skills and strength have become unimportant now.

The competition now is simply about whose endurance and will are stronger.

It can be said that the gods have never seen such a powerful human being. Zeus is the representative of the gods and has a prominent status. At this moment, most of the gods are naturally praying for his victory.

"Shenyou, do you think there is anything wrong with Yuuto? Can he defeat Lord Zeus?"

Gray looked at the two figures in the field, clenching his fists nervously.

At the beginning, Gray didn't believe that Yuuto could win, but Yuuto's performance made her get slapped in the face again and again, so the little girl now has a certain degree of confidence in Yuuto.

He also asked Shenyou, who knew Yuto best, if Yuuto had any trump cards left that could create another miracle.

Upon hearing Gray's question, Brünnhilde and Horest also looked at Divine Blessing, and were also very concerned about the answer to this question.

"Most of Yuuto's abilities come from the source himself as a monster. In order to fight on behalf of humans, most of his abilities were sealed.

And this old man named Zeus is more capable than expected, so..."

"So even Yuuto might not be able to defeat Zeus?"

Before Shenyou could finish speaking, Brünnhilde had already answered with a look of frustration on her face.

In fact, from the beginning, Valkyrie did not have high hopes for this battle.

However, who knew that Yudou's performance could be so outstanding? Even when facing Zeus, the King of Gods, he could still gain the upper hand many times.

Since we have come to this point, it would be a pity to lose. Whether it is the humans or Brünnhilde present, they naturally hope that Yuuto can win.

"It's all because Yuu Dou is too trusting. He is obviously a swordsman, and he also has a powerful artifact like Shen Bless.

If we add Sister Horeste to the mix, we will definitely be able to defeat Lord Zeus in this duel. "

Gray was speechless when he thought of Yuto's "willful" behavior.

Yuu Dou was able to fight Lord Zeus with his bare hands, but if he used weapons, Yu Dou would be stronger and even defeat Lord Zeus.

But now the good victory was directly wasted by Yuto himself.

"Actually, it's hard to tell the outcome now. With the power of blackening as the 'evil in this world', and Yuto's own recovery speed, it's quite amazing.

Under normal circumstances, Yuto can persist even if he maintains a high-intensity battle for several months. "

As Yuuto's closest person, Shenyou definitely has the right to say this, and she also has absolute confidence in Yuuto's endurance.

However, in fact, in the eyes of all the spectators in the Valhalla Arena, Yuto and Zeus remained motionless for only a few minutes.

But as for the time, they had indeed been fighting each other fiercely for several weeks.

Don't forget that Zeus and Yuto are now in a time and space that is infinitely close to static, because each other's attacks either exceed the speed of light or are comparable to the speed of light.

It may have only been a few minutes outside, but the two of them had actually punched each other tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times during this period.

If the flow of time is normal, the battle between the two has indeed lasted nearly a month!

The two people were throwing punches continuously. Halfway through the fight, their heads were completely blank. The only goal now was to knock down the target in front of them!

There were no extra thoughts in his mind, and his body was numbly throwing punch after punch to achieve this goal.

In the "Atuo Mosha" form, Zeus's body was already on the verge of reaching its limit, and a large amount of blood spurted out from the restlessly beating muscles on his body.

As for Yuuto, even though he sustained more attacks, his body was already on the verge of reaching its limit. If it weren't for his "Super Speed ​​Regeneration" and "Evil in This World" abilities, he wouldn't even know how many times he would have died.

However, no matter how powerful the recovery power of "Super Speed ​​Regeneration" is, there is always a limit.

In the beginning, when Yuuto had enough magic power, his regeneration speed was naturally quite astonishing. However, as the intensity and time of the battle increased and his magic power gradually depleted, his regeneration speed began to become slower and slower.

Yuu Dou could tell that Zeus's body was close to its limit, and Zeus could also see that Yu Doo was at the end of his strength, so they both wanted to drag him to death.

It's impossible to hide. We've all been beaten for this. Now whoever shows cowardice first will definitely lose!

However, whether it is a human being or a god, there is always a limit. As the battle lasts longer, the strength and speed of Zeus and Yuto's punches gradually weaken.

Zeus can no longer use the "Transcending Time Fist", and the flow of time around him has slowly returned to normal...

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