From Becoming the Master of Monsters

Chapter 1271: Izanagi is coming!

  Chapter 1271 Izanagi is coming!

  Looking at the dark eyes like the night in front of him, looking at that cold and ruthless face and feeling the incomparably powerful aura, Susanoo couldn't help being stunned for a while, until his heart was completely shattered by the thunder!

  The heart was pierced by the thunder. There is no doubt that this is definitely a fatal injury, so the power that Susanoo obtained from "Yatata no Orochi" was triggered again.

  Of course, Susanoo quickly understood why Yuuto would say that the ability he was proud of was just an extra effort in front of him.

  Yuuto, who has entered the "blackened" state, once again gained a sharp increase in speed and strength. Susanoo tried to fight back, but unfortunately the effect was minimal.

  The mighty No. 1 Martial God in the God Realm, at this moment, is flying around like a ball, being punched and kicked by You Dou, not to mention completely powerless to fight back, it can only be said that it does not meet the definition of the term "opponent".

  The ability to resist eight fatal injuries, say a lot, but not a lot, in the end, with no power to parry, Susanoo died of hatred.

  The death of Susanoo also sounded the alarm for all other gods in the God Realm.

Yuto is not only the enemy of the gods, but also possesses the power to kill gods. The Eight Thunder Gods and Susanoo were already considered first-class gods in Takamahara, but now they have been killed by Yuto one after another. It also made these gods feel a sense of danger for the first time.

  The battle between Amaterasu Omikami and Tsukiyomi Ogami against Shiroyasha and Dragon God Orpheus has not yet been decided, but Baiye's Protoss and Infinity Dragon God have also suppressed each other.

  As for the Vulcan God Kagudo Ming, under the siege of Yami, Mijiu, and Jiuxiang, he is in a precarious state.

  Without Susanoo and Hachi Raijin who blocked Yuto, Yuto who freed up his hands naturally began to kill the Quartet.

  The so-called Tianjin gods of Gao Tianyuan are a little bit weaker than Susanoo. Although there are a little more in number, almost none of them are Yuto's all-in-one enemy.

   When You Dou, who holds two knives in his hand, enters the crowd of gods, it is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Killing gods is like facing a weak ordinary person, with the sword in hand and the sword in hand...

  The gods are naturally not characters who are willing to be slaughtered by others. Relying on their numerical advantage, they have tried to violently resist.

  It's a pity that they soon discovered even more desperately that this guy named Tianshangyuan Youdou was not only powerful in combat, but also a complete monster himself.

  There are normal creatures who can continue to be alive and kicking when their heads are pierced and their hearts are shattered. Even gods can't do this!

  And as the fighting time got longer, many gods also began to discover that Youdou was not just a half-demon, they could vaguely feel the divinity in Youdou's body, and this divinity was still rising!

  As for why this happens, it is actually very simple.

  Now not only Gao Tianyuan is fighting here, but also various cities in this world have started wars. Without the help of high gods like Gao Tianyuan, the servants and lower gods in this world, the spirit masters and the ghosts of Huangquan are completely enough to compete with them.

   Under the circumstances of Huang Quan's desperate gamble, coupled with the fact that the spirit masters and monsters are fighting hand in hand, the world's territory is constantly being recaptured.

  Ordinary people who are constantly being rescued, when they take refuge in the world created by Yuto, because of their gratitude to Yuto, they inevitably develop faith in it.

  As the number of people increases, the faith will naturally increase, and as the faith increases, the divinity in You Dou will naturally increase.

   "You have divinity in your body, which means that you are also a part of our gods. It is not appropriate to put a **** on the top, why bother with a group of mortals and evil spirits..."

   Seeing You Dou's unstoppable power, some gods couldn't help saying this, trying to recruit You Dou.

  However, it's a pity that his words are so ordinary, a head has been flying in the air, You Dou is playing with the blood of the gods on the flying knife, and said with an unwavering expression: "I have no intention of becoming a god, and I don't want to be in the same class as you.

  Gods, monsters, or humans are not much different from me. You not only hurt my family, but also ruined many of my best friends. Don’t you think it’s too late to beg for mercy now? "

  Because Yuuto is too invincible, and his body seems to be immortal, no matter how many times he is severely injured, he can regenerate at an astonishing speed.

  Faced with such a situation, the gods of Gao Tianyuan naturally completely lost their will to fight and began to flee in all directions.

  And the direction they fled was also very uniform, they all ran to a high mountain in Gaotianyuan, which was the highest point of Gaotianyuan.

  The **** of the sea, Tsumi-gami, and Kazin-shinana, who are both higher than the ancient gods, are the highest among the gods that Yuto chased and killed. At this moment, while looking back from time to time, they are calling their father **** Izanagi in a flustered expression.

Izanagi does not live in Takamahara, but lives in the Taga area of ​​Tankai. However, Amaterasu Omikami, in order to facilitate his visit to his father and keep in touch with Izanagi at all times, is on the highest mountain in Takamahara, serving as Izanagi. Xanagi built a shrine.

  The temple is located on the top of the mountain and hidden in the clouds. The **** of Takamahara can contact Izanagi through worship, and can also achieve two-way transmission through the temple.

  When You Dou killed Zhishen Temple, Sea God and Wind God had already completed their worship, and the statues in the temple were also shining brightly at this moment.

  Yu Dou didn't know what Sea God and Feng God had done, but the movement of his hands didn't stop at all, and he directly slashed at the necks of the two gods.

  However, just when Youdou's sword was about to fall on the necks of Poseidon and Fengshen, a space passage suddenly appeared in front of the statue. A spear suddenly pierced out of the wormhole, not only resisting the divine blessing cut by Yuto, but even sent Yuto flying with a spear.

   "As the gods of the God Realm, why did you kill Daming Tsumishen and Shina more than the ancient gods?"

  The person who spoke was a man with a bun on his head and a white dress on his body. He looked extremely young but had a dignified appearance.

  Poseidon and Fengshen are their own children, Izanagi naturally recognizes them, but Izanagi feels quite strange to Yuto, who is also divine but intends to kill them.

However, this world is known as "eight million gods", and there are small gods that he does not know. Izanagi is not surprised, but he does not understand why Yuto, a mere **** who was not born by him, can have such combat power and can The sea **** and the wind **** begged for help.

   "Father God, don't be fooled. Although this guy has divinity, he is not the God of Gao Tianyuan at all. He was originally a half-demon and has a close relationship with Huang Quan.

  Before you arrived here, this guy had already killed many gods, and he was a complete sinner! "

  (end of this chapter)

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