Chapter 185 The Empty Throne (Part 2)

   If the other party just wanted to get rid of the Holy Spirit Church, then William would only raise his hands in favor. Maybe they will go up to help and help fill the rotten tissue with a few handfuls of loess, and put some fireworks after the burial.

   But what the other party is thinking about must be the overturning of the table.

   This can be seen from the fact that the other party said earlier that the so-called "tyranny of the present world" must be resisted. It is not the belief in the Holy Spirit that they want to destroy, but the very concept that the Holy Spirit represents.

   Maybe what the other party wants to do is even crazier than the Void Kings. least crazier than most of the Void Kings.

"I've never seen a Holy Spirit personally oppress the world with tyranny, but I know quite a few tyrants who have committed unforgivable crimes in their name—whether they choose to believe in them or raise their flags against them. In fact, apart from this difference in position, they are essentially one kind of people."

  After listening to the words of the Tacoma, William pondered for a moment and replied.

   Compared to the nihilistic king who has a strong sense of presence and personality, the presence of the Holy Spirits in the game is surprisingly low. If the "Seven Calamities" that were artificially forcibly endowed with personality were excluded, then during the entire game, William had not even heard a single voice from the Holy Spirit.

   Rather than saying that they are gods, they are more like some kind of system structure in the world.

   And William's words made the old man who was accused of being trapped by the dead ghost's face full of pity.

   He stared at William's eyes and said slowly:

"Mr William, there are two kinds of tyranny. The first is the execution of all infants born on the same day as his son in the whole country by a king's order; and the second is the rule itself which allows this king to do such absurdity. I regret that you can only see the tyranny of the first type, and turn a blind eye to the more terrible type of tyranny."

   Then, without waiting for William to answer, he continued on his own:

"Of course, I understand that you would be the kind of person who would encourage the people to join you in rebelling against the king, who would march into his splendid, heavily guarded palace, drag him down from his high throne, and finally do it in public. Trial, hang him in the central square. In fact, you did this more than a thousand years ago, and I sincerely admire your cause."

"But what the end result is, I'm sure you've seen it in the history books. Kill a king, and the people will elect a new king, and sometimes he may be a good man who can bring something to the world. A brief period of tranquility, and gave those who grew up in this era an illusion that the world should be like this. But most of the time, just another tyrant waiting to be overthrown was elected..."

   "So, just because you ate a dish that didn't suit your appetite, you're going to knock off the whole table?"

  William interrupted him.

  If the other party is just desperate for the so-called "human nature" and thinks that everything can be saved only by overturning it all over again. Then the style of these guys is probably only the level of the BOSS in the juvenile comics.

  So, William also stared at each other's eyes and continued:

"Also, how arrogant do you have to be to think that the whole world has been in a stagnant cycle? Human beings have been rolling all the way from the Black Iron Era to the current Platinum Era, although they have done a lot of **** along the way. , and there has been an amazing setback in the last thousand years. But no matter what, there is always progress in the general direction.”

   And for the astonishing setback of more than a thousand years, that **** Terra Empire should bear most of the blame.

   "Mr. William, do you still think that power and humanity are the root of the 'tyranny' I have described earlier?"

   Hearing William's words, the pity on the other side's face became even deeper.

   So heavy that William punched him.

   "Then what do you think is the root?"

  William asked patiently.

   "Power and human nature are the manifestation of tyranny, not the cause. All suffering in this world originates from this world itself."

   The other party replied with a serious expression.


   Ignoring William's indescribable expression, the old man from the Tacoma Sect said as if he was preaching:

   The "Father" made up the laws and powers, which dictated the structure of power that some would always be above others, and He was the eternal tyrant at the apex of power. Mother delimits life and cycles, and they cause all good things to inevitably age and wither. The old man has deceived the true wisdom. He makes us only know the world through the unreliable illusion of the senses, and use the incomplete medium of language to describe the soul. Ladies break the emotional scale by making us love one person more than the other, thereby cutting off the possibility of everyone understanding each other. The young man stipulated the law of strength and weakness. He made the weak get weaker and the strong stronger, causing the whole world to run wildly on the edge of imbalance. Children bring endless regrets. He shows us so many possibilities, but in the end we can only choose one of them. And in the end, there are the dead, and every living being cannot escape His judgment. No matter what you have gained in this life, when everything returns to eternal silence, He will take everything away from you. "

"Do you understand? The creatures in the world should have been able to get more, and we were all stars. But the seven jailers who proclaimed themselves kings used their own authority to imprison us in this world. Only by breaking this name For the cage of this world, we will smash all the inherent things, and then we can have true freedom!"

  What is the human completion plan, what is the era of epilepsy...

  William complained silently.

Another lunatic with a mouth full of world relief... If the Tacoma Order were all like him, William felt that in the next planning, the priority of encircling and suppressing this organization would be higher than dealing with the invasion of the Void King. .

   After all, in the King of Nothingness, there are only one or two people who are really thinking about destroying the world all day long, and their acting styles are relatively straightforward - at least they are very moving.

   But a madman like this kind of human relief, who may have been holding it in a corner of the world for a few years, and then quietly made a big fun.

   Hearing the other party's sermon-like speech, William, who was unable to complain about his logic, gave up his plan to continue reasoning with such a lunatic, and instead tried to extract some more information from him.

   "There are only seven Holy Spirits you mentioned just now. Where is the eighth Holy Spirit 'The Hermit'? Is he the same as his other seven colleagues, who is also a prisoner in this world?"

   asked William.

"He was deceived into participating in the creation of the world, but in the process he discovered that the creation of the world was a complete disaster. So he hid his whereabouts, leaving only a vacant seat as a throne. And this empty throne , is our only means of rebelling against this crazy world."

  The old man replied.

   "Then what does he have to do with me?"

   William continued to ask.

  The old man didn't answer, but stared at William closely, and after a long time he answered nonchalantly and said:

   "We'll stop you."

   "What's stopping me?"

   "Prevent you from the vacant seat of the Eighth Holy Spirit, and prevent you from becoming the Eighth Holy Spirit."

   "This kind of thing, I didn't count on it from the beginning."

  William replied somewhat inexplicably.

"Yes, you don't want to. But as long as you are alive, the throne will find you on its own, whether you like it or not, you are the most favorite person for the throne. Unless you are willing to put this Give the empty seat to someone else, otherwise it will definitely be yours. And you and I both understand that you won't want to let Terra Riel take the place."


   "So you can only die, even if you don't miss anything."

   "Well, that's a lot of logic, but the question is how are you going to do it?"

  William asked curiously as he looked at the old man in front of him whose head would be cut off by a ghost as long as he moved his thoughts a little.

   "Indeed, you are very strong. If you had just returned, we could have tried to consume you in absolute numbers, but now you have begun to organize your forces."

   "You can say 'but' now."

"Aren't you curious about how the spell base I used was different from yours? Don't hide it, I could see your surprised eyes at the time. You know why I said 'modern magic' or 'logical magic' earlier ' Was it a path that was wrong from the start?"

   The other party raised his head and asked.

  William said nothing.

   He had to admit that if he didn't communicate with the astral world, he was really curious about where the other party's magic power came from. Magic casters can use the etheric realm to temporarily store a small amount of magic power, but only a small amount.

But all the magic power that the other party used before emerged from his own ether domain, which either means that the other party's ether domain is much stronger than his own - this is basically impossible. William can sing and release three divine domains at the same time. The strength of the etheric domain of the level spell is definitely the limit of mortals.

   And if this is the case, then William was the one who was pressed and beaten earlier.

   Then there is only one possibility left - that is, the other party can use his own ether domain to generate magic power.

   But this is also impossible, because all the magic in this world should come from…

   "All magic in this world should come from the astral world, right?"

   was like guessing what William was thinking, he said.

   "Remember what I said earlier, we should all be stars? Do you think this is just a metaphor?"

   Hearing this, the expression on William's face finally became serious.

   "Now... can you understand how profound the imprisonment of the world is for us?"

"According to our own will, we can shape reality at will. This should be our innate power. But those seven tyrants, under the imprisonment of the entire world, have become endless logic. game."

   His voice fell, and there was an earth-shattering explosion from the inside of the Moon Palace Palace, which was floating on the sea in the distance.

  William turned his head, the palace was blown down by about a quarter, and countless ravens poured out of the palace and reconvened into a cloudy cloud between the storms.

   The old man of the Tacoma Religion turned his head to look over there with difficulty, and then said softly:

   "Then, on to the second act, Mr. William."

   (end of this chapter)

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