Chapter 118 Plan of Plane Fusion

   "How come? If possible, I wish you all disappeared."

  After William finished saying this, the human-shaped phantom made of mist trembled, and his blue eyes burst into a fierce light. The surrounding space began to tremble, and even the twisted vortex stopped rotating, and then disintegrated into messy colors that remained in the sky.

   After a while, William realized that the other party was laughing.

   "Although this is indeed your truth, but this is not the attitude you should have when discussing conditions..."

  The phantom made of mist said while holding back a smile.

   "Is it true that I came here to help you benefit from this world, will you believe it?"

  William asked rhetorically.

   Then he continued:

   "This is just an expedient cooperation with the same interests at this stage. If you don't want to, I'll leave right now, and I don't have to listen to your nutritious ridicule here and waste time."

   To this, the ghost of the Nightmare Lord replied:

   "Don't worry, the disaster of the moon was once..."

  The phantom then turned back into mist as if the rewind button was pressed, and returned to the seventh-story curtain in the bedroom not far away.

   At the same time, the stone platform William was stepping on was completely shattered into gravel and gravel.

  William once again summoned wings made of pure light to appear behind him, floating himself in mid-air.

  + But since you've all come to find your enemy to discuss cooperation, your long-cherished wish will probably only stay at the level of "if you can"+

  The voice of the soul of the Nightmare Lord appeared in William's mind, his tone was full of sarcasm.

  William ignored the opponent's provocation, but directly asked loudly:

   "So, what's your answer? Change your name to the 'Lord of Realism' under the new future order? Or choose to support me now and kill the plan of fusion of the **** plane?"

  +If you choose support, can you successfully prevent the fusion of planes? Do you know how long this plan has been in operation and how many high-level moon realms have support behind it+

  Claw Mara's voice echoed in William's mind.

   "A thousand years ago, no one would believe that I could send you all back to the Moon."

   William replied.

  +Then this creates another problem, what if you become a bigger trouble for me than plane fusion+

  The Nightmare Lord asked.

"Didn't you just say that my long-cherished wish can only go to the 'if possible' step at most? On this issue, you can continue to maintain the previous judgment - if you are concerned about the current power gap between the moon and the world If you have enough confidence."

  William replied defiantly.

  The thirteen kings of nothingness will have their own characteristics according to the different domains they are in charge of, but the only thing they have in common is the hopeless arrogance-arrogance towards mortals.

   As far as the Void King is concerned, if a mortal who has defeated him, and other Void Kings who exist as equals, if they want to compare the degree of threat, they must feel that the latter is the greater threat to them. After all, being deceived or defeated by mortals for a while will not affect their eternal life in the slightest, or it is just some adjustments in their eternal game.

   In contrast, the defeat in the competition between the kings of nothingness, thus leading to the irreversible decline of their authority, is completely unacceptable.

   There was no sound in the bedroom, and William floated in the sky and waited patiently for a while.

   Sure enough, it didn't take long before the curtain on the sixth floor of the bedroom opened automatically.

  William waved the light wings behind him and flew in, landing before the last layer of the curtain.

  Behind the black curtain made of the material "Dream of Death", the body of Mara, the master of nightmares, is located. Through the drapery, William could see a vague outline that was constantly changing his shape.

   Just like a thousand years ago, as if He never moved here.

+Before we start, I want to remind you that there are nine Void Kings participating in the entire plane fusion plan, that is to say, if you really destroy their plan, it is equivalent to you and the nine Void Kings. There has been an endless conflict between

   Of course, the immortality Drumara said was simply referring to the fact that if William hadn't died, this matter would not have ended.

   After all, the Void Kings have no concept of death.

   But William didn't say anything about it. After all, his ultimate goal was to send all these thirteen nihilistic kings away. It must be an endless relationship in the end. There is not much difference between earlier and later.

   So compared to this, he was more curious about another thing.

   "Besides you and Valk, which two Void Kings would oppose this plan of plane fusion?"

  William asked suspiciously, there should be no such king in his mind.

   To this, Jumara replied in a somewhat amusing manner:

  +Odin, the **** of ruins, and Brand, the king of dead blood, they are very supportive of the plan of plane fusion, but the other Void Kings unanimously rejected their request+

   For this answer, William thought about it and felt that it was indeed the same.

   After all, if the bodies of these two are really allowed to enter the world, it is estimated that the entire Vic Continent will be slaughtered by them into a lifeless death ground within a week.

  + And among the nine kings of nothingness, there are two different factions. One is to advocate paying some price to use some drastic methods to fuse the planes to completion this year. The other faction intends to gradually use the star beacon to pull the entire Vic continent into the moon realm in ten years +

  Clawmara continued with the voice of the soul.

   "The so-called paying some price is to hand over the entire land of Blackwater Province to the fourteenth unborn Void King, and then use the ceremony of his birth to open up the connection between the present world and the moon, right?"

   asked William.

  +The object they choose is still your old subordinate+

   Claw Mara said sarcastically.

   In this regard, William said with a cold face:

   "You had a covenant with the previous father of crows, didn't you?"

As soon as the    voice fell, William felt a line of sight through the curtain and turned to the Raven Prophet he was holding in his hand.

+Ah...that's also your old subordinate. He felt that his time was running out at the time, so he wanted to exchange a fragment of my incarnation for a fragment of his own soul, and then that guy would come over to inherit his power. , can finally give it a ruthless +

  Claw Mara's words reminded William of an entry in Black's character attributes.

  【The Glory of Dying】

  When the teammate is in a dying state, he can deal an attack that triples his maximum damage to the nearest enemy, and after this attack, the teammate will die immediately.

  Because of this entry, several times in the fierce battle, the priest in the team had not had time to use [Su Sheng] to pull up the fallen Black, and he died on the spot because the entry effect was triggered.

   For this reason, William did not know how many times he read it.

   This really looks like his style...

  William exclaimed, and then he said:

   "So, the top priority now is to prevent the birth of the Fourteenth Void King?"

   As for his question, Jumara on the other end of the veil spoke directly:

   "No, what you have to do is to push Him to be born early."

   (end of this chapter)

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