For a Prosperous World

Chapter 280: : So superstition is not allowed

At noon, the three brothers and sisters from Zhuge bid farewell to Gu Nan.

Gu Nan sent a book called Zhuge Liang, called Qimen Panjia.

There was some redness in Zhu Geying's eyes, and she complained that it was Zhong Xiong's bad attitude that led Gu Nan to leave so early.

Gu Nan smiled and shaved her nose, and said that when the flowers in the courtyard opened, she would return.

Waving goodbye, the man was wearing a white dress, carrying a book box, and heading east with a bucket hat.

Zhuge Liang returned to his room. The courtyard was a bit cold. He stood in the room and looked up at a painting hanging on the wall. The woman on the painting looked like Shuo Fang Nu, but he did not paint it Female view.

It was a field where the woman was playing with another girl. On both sides is the view of the distant mountains. Nearby is the Tian family courtyard, sitting alone in the courtyard to read, smiling at the outside.

It is a peaceful scene.

Zhuge Liang looked at the scene in the painting, smiled, patted the book in his hand, turned back out of the room, and sang softly.

"I was a idler in Longzhong"

In the last year of the Han family, people's lives were difficult and the road was not smooth.

Few people are willing to go far away when there is no problem, and the reason is very simple.

The only thing on the mountain road is the mountain thief and bandit.

After being robbed, the money was still light. After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the Yellow Turban Troops fled into the mountains and became the Yellow Turban Thief. If they encountered it, they might lose their lives.

Dong Zhuo's entry into Beijing and the turmoil in the North Korea made the lives of the people below sad and hurt, making the voice of the people even more sad.

The shade between the trees makes it difficult to see what is in the trees.

It was only occasionally that the trees were slightly shaking, making people feel as if there was something passing by.

In the forest, there were two dazzling lights, and two people dressed like pirates squatted behind a tree and looked at the mountain road outside the forest.

Here is a high and low, from here you can see if there are any passers-by on the entire mountain road.

"Hey, it's been a long time. There is no one. Let's take a break."

One of them wiped the sweat from his forehead, and there was a little stuffiness in the forest. The two were still squeezed together, and it was really uncomfortable.

"Who can have anyone, this half of the road may not have half a shadow passing by. We were drawn to look at the bad luck."

Another stronger man scolded and threw the knife in his hand to the ground, walked to the side and leaned against a tree and said.

"I don't want to look at it anymore. After so long, my eyes are agitated."

"Ah, take a break." The thin pirate nodded and sat aside, complaining for a moment.

"It's not easy to be a pirate this year."

"What pirates are you talking about?" The strong man glanced at him. "Remember, we're called Yellow Turban Army, not pirates."

Then he sighed, "If the three generals were still there, why would I fall here?"

Unfortunately, those three generals are gone.

The man lay down weakly, and whispered, "It's obviously this Han room is not good. I waited until the incident happened. In accordance with the will of God, how did this happen?"

The Yellow Turban Army, a remnant army left over from the Yellow Turban Uprising, is now hardly scattered around the country.

Speaking of the yellow scarf, the matter may have something to do with Gu Nan.

When Gu Nan passed by a small town, he just wanted to drink a pot of wine.

When I bought wine, I found that I didn't have the money.

A young man settled the bill for her, took a few bottles of wine, and sat with the street with Gu Nan to have a good drink.

People on both sides looked at the dreadful man and the young man's sullen appearance.

The young man drunk a drunk, and he knew from the drunk words that the young man had no money in his hands, but had a hard life and depression in his heart.

Just when I met Gu Nan, I said that I would drink with Gu Nan.

Young people don't drink well, they get drunk without drinking too much.

He vaguely remembers that he invited the drinker to take out a box and ask him to pick one, and he took one with him.

When he was sober, he found that he was lying in the suburbs, and the man was no longer there. He was holding a book in his hand called Taiping Yaoshu, and later he held the Taiping scriptures.

The young man recognized a few words and was shocked to read it, thinking he was a god.

Later, he founded the Taiping Religion, using Huang Lao's ideology as a doctrine, and spread it widely.

The doctrine of the justice of peace says that in the eyes of man, there are ghosts and gods, and it is good or evil to increase or decrease his life, which requires that many be taught to do good and less to be evil.

Evangelism for the relief of diseases, and wide acceptance of believers.

When the people are not talking about life, the Taiping Religion rises, saying that Cang Tian is dead, Huang Tian is standing, is in Jiazi, and the world is lucky.

The yellow scarf is a troubled world, but it does not bring the world of heaven as young people think, but a turbulent turmoil.

In October of the same year, he died of illness in the army. Until he died, he didn't understand it. He obviously obeyed God's will to save the people. Why is it so.

The yellow scarf was defeated, but it was also the chaos of the yellow scarf, which made the foundation of the Han room truly shaken.

The strong man lying under the tree was about to fall asleep, but suddenly heard his companions woke him up.

"Hey, look, then, there is someone."

"What kind of person."

He woke up with a frown, raised his knife, and looked down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain is a passer-by in white. The passer-by carried a bucket with a box on his back.

"Snatch?" Asked the thin companion.

The man was silent for a moment, and put the knife again: "Forget it, a passing person, there can be some money on him."

"No, I think the box behind him seems quite heavy." There was some eagerness in his companion's tone.

"What can you do to grab someone?" The man glanced at his companion.

"It's all sad people who do hard things and what they do ~ ~ We want to grab the officials and everyone knows."

The companion hesitated, and finally waved his hand: "Forget it, listen to you."

Land of Jiangdong.

The waves are rolling away on the river, houses on both sides of the river are scattered, flowers and trees are blooming, and a leaf boat passes over the river.

Unlike the outside, Jiangdong's land has a few stable looks.

The scenery of Jiangdong is indeed as beautiful as rumored.

Mostly the breeze blows the shore, and the flowers reflect red.

The boatman stood on the boat, shaking his oars, and the paddles rose up and down between the waves.

Sitting alone on the boat, a white shirt was blown by Jiang Feng, with a bamboo box beside him.

At this time, she was covering the dipper on her head and resting against the edge of the boat.

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