“Such a good radish silk cake is accompanied by a staple food, I always feel a little interesting, or I will cook a bowl of soup for everyone.”

“The egg flower soup that we often sell on the street in the morning in our hometown is the most suitable.”

Hu Haitao ate radish silk cake, the first thing he thought of was the egg flower soup in his hometown, that morning standing on the side of the road to a bowl, grunting and grunting, not to mention how comfortable!

Everyone had no opinion, and the cake with soup was very beautiful.

This egg flower soup, the oil residue in the big iron pot can just be used.

Stir-fry the lard residue, stir-fry the shredded meat, then add water, add the green cabbage filaments and egg flowers, boil and then come out of the pot, sprinkle some green onion sesame oil, pepper, one person put a bowl.

Emerald green shreds, pale yellow egg flowers floating up and down, fine white shredded meat with golden lard residue… Rich colors hit the eyeballs.

It makes people look very appetizing.

After Xu Ming took a sip, he was a little surprised, and the taste was surprisingly good.

This soup cooking technique is also too different from cooking it.

“Haitao, your soup tastes good, it’s very fresh!”

Li Yong looked at him in surprise.

Hu Haitao’s cooking skills are also general, and Xu Ming originally saw that he had a solid foundation, would do anything, and was a good helper.

Occasionally taste his stir-fried dishes, the level is very ordinary, there are no highlights.

This is the first time I have tasted his soup making skills, which is really not ordinary.

Holding the radish cake in his left hand, he made a crisp clicking sound as he ate it.

After biting, a juice that does not pay attention to the abundance inside will also flow out, and the seductive fragrance of the radish will make people addicted.

Eat two bites of bread, dry in the mouth, in a mouthful of egg flower soup, comfortable!

After the four people had eaten their stomachs, they began to prepare meals for the noon guests.

Xu Ming watched two large scallops of pork ribs preparing the marinated seasoning.

Honey, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oil consumption, salt, cooking wine, five-spice, pepper and other seasonings are stirred evenly, then spread on the ribs, rubbed back and forth, marinated to taste.

When it is time to bake, the tin foil is laid flat, the ribs are placed in the middle, the tin foil is wrapped, a mouthful is left, and sent into the oven.

In the process of baking, Xu Ming suddenly had an idea in his heart when he looked at the slowly changing color ribs.

He took out a variety of fresh peppers, then chopped them, used the kitchen machine to beat them into a paste, added some spices such as cumin, and took out the ribs and brushed them evenly.

The elaborately prepared chili paste, after brushing three layers, forms a shell on the outer layer of the ribs until it is baked and then taken out.

As soon as the oven was opened, a wonderful aroma rushed straight out, and without a little preparation, everyone jerked back to the two ribs.

“What kind of incense is this, and how is it made into this?”

“I’ve never smelled such a fragrant smell, there’s a hint of sweetness in it, and it’s spicy, punching the nose, but there’s a very mellow smell that I can’t stand it!”

Everyone smelled the fragrance, and their eyes were reluctant to move away, as if there was nothing else in their eyes except ribs.

In a trance, it was as if seeing a fiery beauty, dancing enthusiastically while hooking them closer.

Xu Ming also did not expect that the spices he subconsciously mixed and the roasted ribs were so fragrant.

Sure enough, the upgraded cooking skills, with any inspiration, can bring surprises to the dishes.

“Ding! Develop new recipes to add a little stamina! ”

Xu Ming was preparing to cut two ribs down to taste what it tasted like, but he didn’t expect that the system that had never had a sense of existence had actually cheated the corpse.

The system page that appeared in his mind turned out to be a page with a functional recipe, which showed the grilled ribs in his hand.

I didn’t expect that the ribs copied out at random actually have additional functions, so good?

But what triggers this special function recipe?

Xu Ming thought about it and gave up when he couldn’t find a clue.

Cut the ribs, everyone carefully clipped a piece, cherished into the mouth.

Biting open the crisp chili paste, the strong spicy taste bursts in the mouth, and people who can’t eat spicy estimate that if they take a bite, they will start looking for water.

When the mouth touches the ribs, you think it will be a tender taste, but you did not expect that it is still a shell with a sweet taste, and the surface of the ribs is baked out of the charred feeling before brushing the chili paste, so only when the teeth touch the bones, you can taste the rich gravy and burst in the mouth.

Then after chewing, all the aromas fuse together and burst directly in the mouth, making people imagine that this is actually the taste of ribs.

Why can the taste be rich to this extent, delicious makes people’s minds go blank, only occupied by this rib.

This rib undoubtedly reflects Xu Ming’s cooking skills to the fullest.

It made people have a strong sense of admiration for him.

How could anyone cook so deliciously?

Is this the taste that a person can make?

“What is this rib?” This is my life! ”

Zhao Tianming ate a piece of ribs, and there was still a spicy taste in his mouth, and he kept swallowing saliva, and the saliva was particularly fragrant!

“Today’s recommendation: Devil ribs!”

“Sleepy trough, old cow, you are big, the birthday party is actually on the second floor of the canteen!”

“I knew your boy was rich, but I didn’t expect to be so rich, so did I deserve to eat that dish in the box?”

“This doesn’t send you a high-grade gift, who deserves to go up to the box to eat!”

An Niu Niu shyly touched his little flat head and looked at the three roommates who were excited and were going crazy.

After the afternoon training, as soon as it was dark, several people slipped out of the training ground, several people recorded colorful, one person went to get the cake, one person went to get the gift, and one person went to borrow a camera to take pictures, this is a memorable birthday, it must be solemn.

To this end, An Niu Niu also deliberately went to the canteen in advance to arrange a private room.

Until seven o’clock in the evening, four people in a dormitory gathered in a private room.

The camera is dutifully shooting on the side.

The four people in the box all looked at their mobile phones with a serious face, discussing what to order.

“Let’s get a copy of the demon ribs recommended today, this is a must!”


I watched the Internet before, and the eight treasures of meat that bloggers ate seemed to be very delicious.

“This can’t work, or old cow you order it yourself, so many dishes to see what you want to eat!”

Who isn’t!

Just flipping through the photos of these recipes is going to drool, but also have to choose, this is also too painful!

“This roast suckling pig is so eager to eat it, but you have to book it in advance, you can’t afford to eat it!”

“And roasted whole lamb, which can’t afford to eat!”

“Then devil ribs, eight treasure meat, bacon fried garlic seedlings, clear soup cabbage, stuffed tofu.”

After An Niu’s mobile phone placed an order, several people began to discuss excitedly.

“Why do you think that demon ribs are called that?”

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