Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 302: This sweet-scented osmanthus cake was actually made by him? !

 At Aunt Chen’s house.

 Aunt Chen bought back a bag of osmanthus cake and stored it carefully.

It happened that her daughter Liu Yawu came home on the 1st. Seeing this scene, she curiously asked:

 “Mom, what did you buy?”

Hearing this, Mrs. Chen couldn’t wait to say to her daughter:

 “This is a good thing, an osmanthus cake that can prolong your life.”

 Hearing the words "prolong life and prolong life", Liu Ya's heart was filled with excitement.

 It’s bad. My mother must have been deceived.

You should know that there are many scams targeting the elderly, and the most common ones are about formulas for health preservation and longevity.

These people are experienced in scamming, specifically targeting the elderly, and will do anything to deceive the elderly.

“Mom, don’t believe me if I tell you, don’t be deceived!”

Liu Ya immediately said with concern.

“How could he be a liar? Everyone said that the boss is a descendant of the royal chef, he has superb cooking skills, and the sweet-scented osmanthus cake he makes has miraculous effects.”

 “You can try it later, it’s really delicious.”

 “I feel my body has become lighter after eating.”

 Aunt Chen said again.

 The more Liu Ya listened, the more unbelievable it became.

 How can it be so miraculous that the body can become relaxed?

The more I hear it, the more I sound like a liar.

The tricks of scammers have really become more powerful now.

But the sweet-scented osmanthus cake was right in front of her, so Liu Ya walked over and picked one up and took a bite.

After taking this bite, the taste instantly surprised her.

This piece of osmanthus cake is very delicious, sweet but not greasy, with a somewhat special aroma.

This aroma stimulates appetite.

 After eating, your lips and teeth will be fragrant, and your breath will feel fragrant.


 “It’s really good!”

 “Are all liars so powerful nowadays?”

 “Where can I find such delicious osmanthus cake?”

Liu Ya exclaimed.

Seeing that she still persisted, Aunt Chen replied:

 “I’m not a liar. You haven’t even seen how many people are queuing up.”

“Besides, how can any liar sell a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake for a few dollars?”

"That's not certain." Liu Ya said again, "First, I deceive your trust, and then I cut the leeks. This is called a pig-killing plate."

"You kid, who are you saying is a pig? Do you want to eat this sweet-scented osmanthus cake? If you don't eat it, you will fall down."

 Aunt Chen said unhappily.

 “Eat, eat, leave two for me.”

“I’ll go with you tomorrow to see if the sweet-scented osmanthus cake seller is a liar.”

Liu Yasheng is afraid that her mother will be cheated. After all, if she is cheated, she will often lose a lot of money, so it is better to take precautions before they happen.

The next day, Jiang Feng was very busy and made a lot of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and glutinous rice cakes.

 Judging from the business situation in the past few days, both sweet-scented osmanthus cake and glutinous rice cake are very popular among people.

 There are a lot of people queuing up.

It’s not troublesome to do these things. If you can do more, just do more.

 Since it disappeared for a while last time, the heat of Jiang Feng has returned to normal levels.

 There are still many people looking for him, but not all the Internet will come, nor will it attract so many Internet celebrities.

So much the better.

 It means how you feel now.

Jiang Feng arranged for Sun Zhuangfei:

“Let’s make some sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and glutinous rice cakes today, and make wheel cakes tomorrow.”

“The wheel cakes are all made on site and come in many flavors.”

"I'll give you the materials I want to buy. You go buy the materials in the afternoon, including Oreos, red beans, etc. Buy more."

Hearing this, Sun Zhuangfei agreed:

 “Okay, boss, no problem.”

 The two of them followed the process step by step. After making the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, they got in the car and came to the film and television city again.

 The film and television city is still as lively as ever.

Today there are many girls wearing cheongsam taking photos here again.

 Some girls have very good figures, and wearing cheongsam especially shows off their figure, which is also a beautiful sight.

 The stall is still located at Paramount.

 Having a rather romantic temperament.

At noon, after lunch, Liu Ya accompanied Aunt Chen to the film and television city, and also wanted to see who was selling the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that was said to be able to prolong life.

 Perhaps it’s a gang.

As a young person who has seen the world, if she encounters a group that defrauds the elderly, she will definitely not let it go.

 Mother and daughter are still chatting.

“It must be no problem. The boss is very handsome and cannot be a liar.”

“It’s just that the more handsome you are, the better you are at deceiving others and the more likely you are to please the elderly.”

“Many young people are also buying it, and I heard that the boss is very popular online.”

“Is this still a large gang? Do you dare to expose it on the Internet?”

The two of them came to the street while chatting.

 In the Republic of China, people came and went in Shanghai, and they were all human beings.

 It is the May Day holiday after all.

 From a distance, Liu Ya saw a team that was trying.

 There are many middle-aged and elderly people, as well as many young people.

The scene looks quite strange.

 “There are so many people.”

Liu Ya felt that this did not look like a fraud gang. After all, there were so many young people there and they were in a scenic spot, so it must be legal.

 But the idea of ​​prolonging life is still too weird.

So Liu Ya walked forward, followed the team to the front of the dining car, and looked towards the dining car. She saw Jiang Feng who was busy in the dining car.

 She also saw some people around her taking pictures with their mobile phones.

 “Oh my God, it’s Jiang Feng, Boss Jiang!”

 Liu Ya did not pay attention to the news on the Internet, and did not know that Jiang Feng was setting up a stall here.

 Now that I saw it, I was overjoyed.

I actually saw Boss Jiang here.

 He came to Foshan?

Is it so sudden?

  It is said that Jiang Feng appeared randomly, but many people did not expect that he would appear next to them.

 Seeing it now, it is inevitable to be surprised.

 “How about it, I told you that I’m not a liar.”

 At this time, Aunt Chen spoke.

 “Not a liar, definitely not a liar, he is amazing, super hot!”

 “I have my own business and set up stalls in various places!”

“This time I’m actually selling sweet-scented osmanthus cake in front of Paramount!”

 “It’s really strange!”

Liu Ya seemed to have opened up her chat box and talked non-stop.

 Then he pulled Aunt Chen and walked back.

“Let’s go and get in line. I have to wait in line for a while to talk to Boss Jiang.”

Soon, Liu Ya and Aunt Chen joined the queue.

 Business is quite lively.

Jiang Feng is still cooking there.

 The guests in front of the dining car were full of smiles, and their happiness infected the people around them.

 The fragrance of flowers emanated. After smelling it, I looked forward to the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by Jiang Feng.

“Boss Jiang, the sweet-scented osmanthus cake you made is so delicious!”

Someone shouted towards Jiang Feng.


Jiang Feng still responded politely.

 He is still so unhurried, not anxious, not timid, just quiet.

 The more so, the more people like him.

  Tourists like him very much and keep taking pictures of him.

There are also some girls wearing cheongsam. After buying the osmanthus cake, they will come to Paramount and take a few photos with the osmanthus cake.

This feeling is very good.

 Business is still good.

 At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Feng decided to get off work.

 Go back and spend some time with the cat and dog, and take care of things at the restaurant on the phone.

Now that there are more restaurants, he has more things to manage.

 At present, the Shandong cuisine restaurant has become the local Shandong cuisine signature, and the Sichuan cuisine restaurant is also very well-known. Because the Zhejiang cuisine restaurant is located on the edge of the West Lake, the revenue is very objective, and it can be regarded as a scenery of the West Lake.

Su Cuisine Restaurant has just opened, but the food is delicious and its predecessor was the number one restaurant, so business is also very good.

Jiang Feng can make a lot of money every month.

However, there are many risks in the catering industry, and you may encounter a crisis at any time.

 So Jiang Feng is also constantly accumulating his own heritage.

“The revenue of the four restaurants is very good and their reputation is also good.”

 “The current development is good.”

“Anyway, my own Cantonese restaurant is on the agenda.”

 “Cantonese food is quite interesting.”

Jiang Feng thought to himself.

 Should he pursue a career or pursue a career?

Last time the Zhejiang Restaurant opened, there was a lot of noise about the state banquet dishes, and Jiang Yuetai became a very big brand.

 Everyone in the country knows this.

 In this case, Jiang Feng definitely hopes to open more stores.

 Furthermore, after the last incident, the state banquet party also sent him an invitation, hoping that he could help cook a few dishes for the state banquet, or simply work there.

Jiang Feng also refused.

 For him, there is no difference between cooking delicious food for foreign guests and cooking delicious food for ordinary people.

 It can be easier for ordinary people.

 After dealing with Jiang Yuetai's affairs, Jiang Feng returned his attention to setting up a stall.

This week’s theme street stall Jiang Feng thinks it’s very good.

 He plans to launch a new variety, wheel cakes, tomorrow.

 Let guests eat fresher pastries.

 Wheel cakes are made with eggs, flour, and milk as a batter, and then various fillings are added to cook them.

Flavours include classic red bean, soft glutinous purple rice, sweet taro paste, meat floss flavor, milk Oreo, taro paste egg yolk, brown sugar pearls, vanilla pudding, etc.

 The taste is super soft and super fragrant.

 Put it in the refrigerator to cool down before taking it out to eat. It will taste almost like ice cream.

 Among them, glutinous rice cakes and sweet-scented osmanthus cakes fall into this category.

 Summer is coming soon, and we are in the Republic of China-themed district again, selling some exquisite pastries, which is also in line with the atmosphere of the Republic of China period.

 The procurement matters were all left to Sun Zhuangfei.

With him in Jiangfeng, I have a lot of leisure.

  Walked the dog for a walk in the afternoon, and played games with the cat in the room in the evening. It felt very relaxing.

The little black cat is now the size of an adult cat, its head is still particularly round, its eyes are also particularly round, and it still looks cute.

This made Jiang Feng feel relieved.

 Not only does it not become disabled, it actually becomes cuter as it grows older.

 After all, it was bought with a lot of money, so the variety must be good. (End of chapter)

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