Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 266: How come this place has become a popular scenic spot!

 Wenzhou Railway Station.

 Several drivers solicited customers in front of the train station.

 A driver shouted:

“Go to Boss Jiang’s stall, it’s 40 yuan per person!”

“First come, first served, if you don’t go, the stall will be closed!”

 Hearing his shout, several people actually went over to ask.

A small car with seven seats was quickly filled with people. Then, the driver was satisfied and took the guests to the place where Jiang Feng set up his stall.

 These days, the Didi and rental operators have been very busy.

  They all go to the mountains to eat at the stalls.

I don’t know what magic power Jiang Feng’s stall has.

The wind power station, which was originally sparsely populated, suddenly became lively.

Furthermore, many people have discovered the beauty of wind power stations and think this is a good place to check in.

More people checked in, and slowly the wind power station really started to become popular.

 When the district and county cultural departments saw this situation, they immediately realized something.

 This is not right!

 This needs to be developed!

 An attraction can bring in a lot of money!

So, after Jiangfeng’s stall started to take off, the government started to build a park here and added promotional banners.

 There is a lot of open space around the windmill and there are no indigenous people, so it is perfect for creating artificial landscapes.

 It can be convenient for tourists to come.

In addition to the government's actions, some small vendors have also come to the wind power station area to set up stalls.

 It’s not far from Jiangfeng.

 This situation is not uncommon for Jiang Feng.

Every time he went, there would be many people setting up stalls, and Jiang Feng was used to it.

 At this moment, Jiang Feng was still preparing snacks for the guests.

 In total, today is the sixth day of setting up the stall.

Jiang Feng also deliberately announced the time when he would set up his stall to prevent everyone from making a wasted trip.

 The excitement around you is visible to the naked eye.

 Some people come here not only to eat snacks, but also to see the scenery and take photos.

 The photo was taken surrounded by a group of metal windmills. It was very cinematic and felt quite good.

No one would have thought that wind power stations, which were originally ordinary, could even be seen in many wilderness areas in China, and similar windmills became so popular.

Of course, Pingyang Wind Power Station itself is a niche attraction, and the scenery is quite good.

 Many people drive here every day.

Jiang Feng also relied on these people to complete the task of setting up a stall a few days ago.

 Now, the river wind just brings huge traffic to this landscape.

 Then, the wind power station started to catch fire.

 Because there were many guests, Jiang Feng prepared a lot of extra food today.

Moreover, he simply cooked all four kinds of snacks.

 Glutinous rice, lean meatballs, pork offal powder, and deneng cake.

 The glutinous rice has been prepared and does not require additional cooking or stewing, so Sun Zhuangfei is responsible for serving the rice.

 The lean meatballs and pork offal noodles are all cooked by Jiang Feng on site and handed to the guests.

 For this purpose, Jiang Feng prepared a lot of ingredients.

 Just to let more people eat it.

Wang He came here again today.

Jiang Feng’s delicious food is his biggest thought.

At the front of the queue, Wang He had difficulty choosing and was hesitant about what to eat.

  In the end, I chose pig viscera powder and dengzhan cake.

 “Okay, right away.”

Jiang Feng started to get busy.

 There were many people around who pointed their cell phone lenses at the dining car and filmed the whole process of Jiang Feng making snacks.

 The process is the same, and his approach is no different from that of other stalls.

 It is nothing more than handling the ingredients, and it is different from controlling the heat.

Jiang Feng first took out a bowl of pig offal rice noodles. The large intestine and nourishing blood were covered on the rice noodles, and he poured a spoonful of soup on it. It was delicious and delicious.

 Then, Jiang Feng started preparing lantern cakes again.

The method of lamp cake is to fry in the pan.

 The basin on the side was filled with oil. Jiang Feng turned on the switch, and the oil temperature rose rapidly.

Then, Jiang Feng took out a spoon, let it preheat in the oil pan, and then poured a layer of batter on the spoon.

 The batter immediately coats the spoon and forms a dough.

Then, Jiang Feng put shredded radish on the batter, then scooped a spoonful of egg liquid, and finally put the pork belly marinated in sweet and sour cooking wine.

 Then pour another layer of batter, and let the upper and lower layers of batter completely wrap the shredded white radish, egg liquid, and pork belly.

 Put the entire spoon into the oil pan.


 In an instant, countless small bubbles began to appear around the batter in the spoon.

 The surface of the batter gradually becomes golden until it naturally falls off the spoon.

 Fry for about ten minutes over high heat until the surface is golden and crispy, and a deneng cake is ready.

 This kind of lampcake contains meat, eggs and shredded radish.

 The outside tastes very crispy, like fried steamed buns, and the inside is hot and soft.

Pork belly has been specially marinated by Jiang Feng and tastes surprisingly fragrant.

 The eggs are also very tender.

 It is not difficult to make a lamp cake, but for Jiang Feng, this simple and unique cooking method is more fun.

 All preparation is done on the spoon.

 Finally, put the spoon in the oil pan to make the lantern cake.

This snack is very popular in the local area and can be regarded as the representative delicacy of Wenzhou.

Wang He took the pork noodle noodles and lamp cakes and found a seat to sit down.

 A bowl of noodles and a piece of pastry is a perfect combination.

  It has both the satiety brought by the staple food and the spicy feeling brought by the rice noodles.

 If you don’t do any physical exertion later on, you won’t feel hungry at night.

 At the same time, several taxi drivers were waiting for their orders not far away.   Many cars were parked on the roadside.

 There are tourists everywhere taking pictures.

Moreover, even the tour bus came over, and more than 20 adults and aunts wearing little yellow hats got off the bus.

 Grandpas and aunties looked at the beautiful natural scenery around them and were all happy.

 What they like most is this natural landscape.

And I heard that you can also eat the most delicious local snacks.

“Everyone, follow me and get in line quickly!”

 “Get in line early and get food early!”

 “According to our estimation, there will be no snacks in another hour!”

The tour guide held a loudspeaker and shouted.

 The taxi drivers looked at each other in shock when they saw this scene.

 Hey guys, what kind of magic power does this stall owner have? He has even recruited a tour group!

 A couple drove to this place by themselves. After seeing the tour group, the two of them were a little panicked.

 They parked the car and immediately ran in the direction of Jiangfeng Dining Car.

If you go there too late, you really won’t be able to eat.

 There are too many people in the tour group.

 Men can run faster, while women have average physical strength.

At this time, the woman said to him:

  "You run over quickly, get in line first, and leave me alone!"

 “Get in line first, we can all eat!”

"rely on you!"

Hearing this, the man gave a determined look that said "don't worry", and then accelerated his running speed.

 It can’t be done without running.

 In front are the adults and aunts of the tour group.

 If you're behind these people, it's almost impossible to eat.

 In the dining car, Jiang Feng and Sun Zhuangfei were both busy.

 They couldn't stop at all.

 Perform one order after another.

 As soon as one portion is given, the next one comes.

 Today there were a lot of ingredients prepared, but when he looked up, Jiang Feng felt that there seemed to be more guests.

 With this amount of customers, we can’t even finish it 24 hours a day.

 The only option is to use up the ingredients and then rest.

 It continued to be busy, and around one o'clock in the afternoon, all the snacks in the dining car were finally sold out.

 Lean meat balls, pork offal powder, glutinous rice, and jelly cakes.

 There is nothing left.

Jiang Feng let out a long sigh of relief.

 Then, with a somewhat cheerful feeling, he shouted to the people:

 “Sorry, it’s sold out, please don’t wait in line!”

 “There are snacks around, go to another place!”

 Many people captured this scene with mobile phone lenses.

 Some people didn’t get the snacks, but they still smiled and said:

“Boss Jiang is getting off work. He looks so happy, hahaha!”

 “Let him experience what wild consumption is!”

“I’m off work now? Can’t I sell for a few more hours?”

Jiang Feng waved his hand, "No, it's the last day tomorrow, everyone will come back then."

"get off work!"

With that said, Jiang Feng and Sun Zhuangfei packed up the dining cart and prepared to leave.

 At this time, another reporter from the TV station came over.

“Boss Jiang, Boss Jiang, can I interview you?”

 “Just ask a few simple questions.”

The reporter said hurriedly.

 Being interviewed by reporters is already a common thing for Jiang Feng.

As long as there is some noise, reporters will come.

 In this era of traffic, whoever has traffic will have the spotlight shining on him.

 “Okay, do you have anything to ask?”

Jiang Feng opened the window in the driving seat of the dining car and responded.

 The reporter’s problems are still the same.

 “Why did you choose to set up a stall here?” “Where to go next?” “What do you think when you see so many people coming?”

Jiang Feng also responded appropriately, saying that it depends on his mood, and by the way, as long as everyone enjoys the meal.

Then, Jiang Feng got into the car and drove away.

With a wave of your sleeves, you won’t take away a single cloud.

However, the impact of the river wind is getting bigger and bigger.

Many city cultural and tourism bureaus are very envious when they see that a wind power station can be ignited by the river wind.

 Many cities are eager to let Jiang Feng come and set up stalls in their places right away.

 And you have to set up stalls in scenic spots.

Even the accounts of many city cultural and tourism bureaus openly welcomed the arrival of Jiang Feng amid the hot topic of wind power stations.

 Especially in cities that focus on tourism.

 Netizens were very happy when they saw the comments from these official accounts.

Everyone is also leaving messages to respond.

 Some people call their cities crazy

 Some people said that prices in their cities are too high, so they shouldn’t rely on delicious food to attract others.

Jiang Feng now seems to have gone out of the city and has become very famous across the country.

“The commotion is quite big. It will be difficult to find a place to set up a stall in the future.”

Jiang Feng sighed in his heart.

The excitement at the wind power station continued for another day. It was not until Jiang Feng left that the excitement decreased.

But this place has been set on fire by the river wind.

 This wave of traffic can be regarded as a good grasp. (End of chapter)

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