“This snail rice noodle is really delicious, it’s not too bad if you don’t blow it.”

 “No wonder people are so popular!”

After Tong Jincheng finished eating his powder, he took out a few napkins, lifted up his bangs, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The snail noodles on the roadside were all made him sweat.

He himself doesn't like spicy food very much, but this bowl of snail noodles tasted so fragrant that he couldn't help but eat it all.

The fresh aroma was a bit spicy, making his body feel hot from the inside out.

 Sit here and don’t want to move.

Ning Ning was also very full and leaned on the chair to rest.

Tong Jincheng looked at her and said, "Have you finished eating? Please give up your seat after you finish eating. There are so many people waiting."

“When we go out to eat, we need to be of good quality, right?”

Ning Ning looked to the side and saw two people looking for a seat with snail noodles.

  She nodded, "Yeah, let's go."

“The snail noodles made by the owner of this stall are really delicious. I will come to his place to eat them next time.”

Hearing Ning Ning’s words, Tong Jincheng smiled and said:

“You won’t be able to eat it next time. Do you really not know him?”

A trace of doubt appeared on Ning Ning's face, "Isn't he a very popular stall owner?"

Ning Ning thought Jiang Feng was a popular stall owner and handsome.

 She did not know the specific deeds of Jiang Feng.

“You go back and check, I’m too lazy to explain.”

“As for his two restaurants, the jade and gold in them are beyond the reach of ordinary people.”

“I have seen a few anchors who play jade, and even visited his restaurants to evaluate them.”

“That pair of mutton-fat jade chopsticks is conservatively estimated to cost more than 30 million yuan.”

“There are also white jade snakes from Sichuan restaurants, which are simply carved and cost more than ten million.”

 “Something I own is worth more than a Ferrari.”

Tong Jincheng said.

Hearing this, Ning Ning’s expression was filled with shock.

 “Is this stall owner so rich?”

She looked at Jiang Feng again, with a different look in her eyes, as if she wanted to get close to him immediately.

Hangzhou is an Internet celebrity city with a very developed Internet celebrity economy.

 In the eyes of many Internet celebrities, the first thing they care about is traffic, and the second thing is money.

“Then can you invite him to live broadcast together?”

Ning Ning asked again.

“Didn’t you ask just now? Everyone’s pursuits are different. To be honest, I can see that he doesn’t care about live broadcasting at all.”

 “He is a real big boss with freedom of wealth and can do what he wants.”

"It's not like us. We have to take care of the ideas of the brothers in the live broadcast room and show them what they want to see."

 Tong Jincheng responded.

 The two of them looked at Jiang Feng’s stall.

Jiang Feng is still so calm.

 He has always been like this, and he has a feeling that is different from other stall owners.

 Not so market-minded.

At this moment, Jiang Feng was still busy calmly.

 “Zhuang Fei, the powder is almost gone, there are still about 20 servings left.”

 “Tell the people behind you not to wait in line.”

Jiang Feng greeted Sun Zhuangfei.

 “Okay, boss.”

Hearing Jiang Feng’s words, Sun Zhuangfei immediately ran to the back of the queue and reminded the people behind him that there was no need to queue anymore, as it was already sold out.

 There is not a bit left.

Hearing this, the diners behind could only sigh.

 More and more people come to eat noodles.

Furthermore, Jiang Feng noticed that there were five or six Internet celebrities who came to live broadcast here.

 They were standing not far away and broadcasting live.

 Facing the camera, he kept saying something.

Hangzhou is, after all, an Internet celebrity city with many Internet celebrities, so it is normal for this situation to occur.

 This place is now a scenic spot. This area is very wide and can accommodate them.

Jiang Feng is worried that if the stall is set up in an urban area in the future, it will be troublesome if it is so messy.

  I hope it is better to be in a regular snack street with dedicated management, or to cook in a small restaurant.

 Amidst the busyness, the day's stall setting has come to an end.

Jiang Feng once again obtained a recipe for Zhejiang cuisine: [Rock Sugar Turtle Recipe]

 Rock sugar turtle is a famous Zhejiang dish. It is very delicate, but the taste is on the sweet side.

 This dish is delicious for those who like sweet and sour taste, but for those who prefer salty or spicy taste:

 Rock sugar turtle? Can that be delicious?

 It is better to stew a pot of salty and delicious turtle soup.

Jiang Feng thought it was normal.

Everyone has their own preferences for radish and greens, and some people prefer sweet tastes in their eating habits.

  But it was also a challenge for him.

No matter how good it is, his preferences cannot be changed.

Jiang Feng’s taste is more northern, and he is not so sure about sweet dishes.

 Fortunately, there is a systematic formula, and he can also master the scale of the ingredients.

When Jiang Feng has nothing to do every day, he will go shopping in various places in Hangzhou, and even go to some well-known restaurants to taste Zhejiang cuisine.

 He is not only a chef, but also a gourmet.

 After the week of setting up a stall selling snail noodles is over, the new task will not appear for three days.

Jiang Feng can also have a good rest during this period.

This afternoon, Jiang Feng came to a private restaurant.

This restaurant is not a popular restaurant and does not even appear on the ranking list.

 He also learned about this private kitchen restaurant while chatting with a few locals.

Jiang Feng came to the restaurant and took out the menu, which had all kinds of home-cooked dishes.

 Including sweet and sour pork loin and fish-flavored shredded pork.

 For chefs in ordinary small shops, common dishes from the eight major cuisines are available, and there is no clique.

 The people sitting on the surrounding tables were some local residents, chatting in dialects.

Jiang Feng was surprised to find that several tables of locals ordered a dish that he didn't expect:

West Lake Fish With Vinegar Sauce.

You should know that local people rarely eat West Lake vinegar fish.

Jiang Feng found it quite strange.

 A dish that can be ordered by locals must have something to say.

So, Jiang Feng also ordered a dish of West Lake vinegar fish and a dish of Longjing shrimp.

 Soon, the dishes were served.

Jiang Feng briefly tasted it, and the taste was completely beyond his expectation. West Lake vinegar fish is very authentic. Although the meat quality of the fish is a bit poor, the thickening sauce is very good.

There is also a saying about Longjing Shrimp, and there is no problem in making it.

 At this small restaurant, someone can actually make authentic West Lake vinegar fish.

 It’s much better than the West Lake Vinegar Fish in scenic hotels!

Jiang Feng suddenly became interested.

 At least from his perspective, this West Lake vinegar fish can meet the standards of a restaurant.

 With a little training, it is no problem to reach the level of authentic West Lake vinegar fish.

Jiang Feng has eaten at many restaurants during this period, and he found one he was satisfied with.

So, Jiang Feng called to the proprietress of the shop and said:

“Hello, can I meet the chef who made this dish?”

Jiang Feng saw that this was a mom-and-pop shop and hired a waiter.

The boss of a small business like this is easy to deal with.

The landlady recognized Jiang Feng a long time ago and said hurriedly:

 “Okay, wait a moment.”

 After a while, a well-proportioned man in his twenties or nineteen came out of the kitchen.

 The man looked very young. He walked up to Jiang Feng and said hello:

 “Hello, Boss Jiang.”

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "You know me? That's easy."

“Of course I do, I’ve seen your cooking videos, they’re very good,” the other party responded.

Jiang Feng looked at him and said:

“Your West Lake vinegar fish is the most authentic I have ever tasted, and the Longjing shrimps are also well made and taste just right.”

“Have you ever studied cooking?”

The man nodded, "I studied with the master for a while, but then I left due to some things and opened my own restaurant."

“I don’t have any other skills, so I rent a store and cook home-cooked meals.”

Jiang Feng looked at him.

Generally speaking, the chef of a large restaurant is usually older, and no matter how young he is, he must be over thirty-five years old.

 At this age, you have sufficient qualifications and better cooking skills.

But Jiang Feng has never believed that age represents the quality of cooking. Some young people are more talented, more willing to work hard to learn, and have better cooking skills.

 And there are many such young people.

 This should be the world of young people.

Jiang Feng got straight to the point:

“That’s right, within a month or two, I plan to open a Zhejiang cuisine restaurant here.”

 “I’m looking for a chef now.”

“I think your West Lake vinegar fish and Longjing shrimp are both very good.”

“I wanted to ask if you are interested in working as a chef in a restaurant.”

“A restaurant will be a bit tiring. Working hours are fixed and benefits are provided, including vacations and five insurances and one housing fund.”

Before Jiang Feng finished speaking, he heard the other party say:

“Boss Jiang, you don’t need to say anything.”

“As long as you are sure to invite me, I will definitely go.”

 “I’ll be fine.”

Jiang Feng didn’t expect the other party to agree so readily.

 Because some mom-and-pop shops are very profitable and may not want to work for others.

“Then let’s add WeChat and I’ll contact you when the time comes.”

“Within a month, I will finalize the location of the restaurant.”

“Then we can sign the contract and start training.”

Jiang Feng said immediately.


Everything is going smooth.

Jiang Feng chatted with the chef for a while.

This man is called Zhao Cheng, a local, and has studied cooking for several years.

I also worked in a big hotel before, but then I offended a chef in the back kitchen and resigned.

 Zhao Cheng is still a bit young and energetic.

 Later, I opened my own store.

Jiang Feng asked if he could go to the kitchen to have a look, and Zhao Cheng agreed.

Jiang Feng is also a chef. Basically, just by looking at the situation in the kitchen, he can figure out Zhao Cheng's character.

 An expert knows the way.

 The stir-fried dishes are delicious, but it would be a rare thing if the kitchen is well taken care of.

 “Have you never been a chef before?”

Jiang Feng asked.

“I have never worked in a hotel. I was just doing side dishes. When I was hired, I was just doing side dishes. The chefs didn’t let us get started easily.”

 Zhao Cheng responded.

 “Okay, if I ask you, you’ll be the chef.”

 “You just have to do a good job.”

Jiang Feng assured Zhao Cheng.

  Zhao Cheng’s cooking skills are indeed very good, and he has experience working in a large hotel and also opened his own shop for a period of time.

This kind of talent can be regarded as a talent in the culinary industry.

 Recruit them if you can.

Jiang Feng never forgets his restaurant business even if he is hanging out and eating on weekdays.

 When you meet a good chef, you should always ask.

Hangzhou is known as a food desert.

 The more so, the better it is for him.

 Open a Jiangyuetai Zhejiang cuisine restaurant, and after it becomes famous, it will easily become a gourmet signature in Hangzhou.

However, this step is quite difficult.

 Sometimes he also thinks that if he opens a Shandong or Sichuan restaurant here, the business will definitely be better.

 But good chefs are hard to find.

  It is better to mainly focus on local delicacies.

 After finishing the meal, Jiang Feng left happily.

Zhao Cheng returned to the kitchen and was busy again. At this moment, he was in a particularly excited mood.

 For Zhao Cheng, opening a mom-and-pop shop is tiring, hard work, and requires a lot of pressure.

 It’s better to be a chef in a restaurant.

 After all, the status of a chef in a restaurant is not that high.

 Just having this qualification is a very good thing for a chef.

 He felt that luck suddenly came to his side.

 Inexplicably, he was selected as the chef by a big boss who was just hanging around.

I used to work in a big hotel and worked very hard just to get a chance to be promoted to head chef, but there was no chance.

Now, while I was cooking in the kitchen, the opportunity came to me.

 means time, fate.

 Sometimes luck is something you can’t say for sure. (End of chapter)

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