Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 147: The carp leaps over the dragon gate, amazing sword skills!

Chapter 147 Carp leaps over the dragon gate, amazing sword skills!

    九turn大 intestines originally taste like this#

                  ifies the name of the nine-turn large intestine#

               九进大 intestine#

Jiang Feng has indeed gained a certain degree of popularity now.

On the city list, these terms are highly discussed.

Jiang Yuetai has become a Shandong cuisine restaurant suitable for all ages. Young people can go on dates here, and families with the elderly and children can also come here to have dinner together.

At night when Jiang Feng was inspecting his work, the lobby manager Liu Mei happily walked next to him and reported:

“Boss, the nine-turn large intestine you made is on the local hot list again, and everyone is discussing it lively.”

“Jiang Yuetai’s reputation has already been established, and everyone in the city knows our restaurant.”

“Business is also very good, the tables are almost never empty.”

Hearing this, Jiang Feng was also a little curious.

 “Hot list? Is Jiuzhuan Large Intestine so popular?”

Liu Mei smiled and said: "This dish became very popular on the Internet because of a program before. Everyone liked to join in the fun, so they knew the name of the Nine-turn Large Intestine."

  It coincides with the health-preserving principles of Chinese traditional medicine and can be regarded as the best supplement.

 If a boss can work more than a worker, then why should he be a boss?

The atmosphere here is very good, with abundant green plants and high-hanging lanterns. It is full of Chinese classical charm and has a very high-end aesthetic.

After walking around for a while, Jiang Feng rested for a while, put on new clothes, and drove his off-road vehicle home.

Liu Mei is such a person, and Jiang Feng is relieved.

There are many cars on the road, the street lights are very bright, and there is light everywhere.

On the third day after Jiangyuetai Restaurant opened, it has become a famous restaurant in the city.

 Just like Dong Yuhui’s previous Eastern Selection.

The system is close to him and he works very hard, so his life will not be bad.

This time the feeling was not as strong as last time, but I still lay in bed and felt comfortable for a while.

“I guess there will be a lot of people ordering in the future.”

He blended into the traffic, moving forward unhurriedly and becoming a part of the city's night scene.

 Physical energy also becomes abundant as a result.

Jiang Yuetai started to close at nine o'clock, and it was already ten o'clock when Jiang Feng drove out.

 A restaurant opens almost every day in a city.

 “You can try it!”

“Jiang Yuetai has just opened, why is it so popular all of a sudden? How did he start it?”

 The difference is that Jiang Feng is not only the pillar, but also the boss.

 But the subsequent business was very bleak.

 The function of this pill is to enhance physical fitness, improving a person's strength, endurance, and agility.

This business is really not easy.

 There are also restaurants closing down almost every day.

  It just so happens that I have been busy in the kitchen for the past two days and I still need some rest.

 The next day.

 Going back in the evening, Jiang Feng took the leg-stretching pills.

 When the tasks for this week are completed, I will do something relaxing first, or see if there is a chance to open another restaurant, and then go to Jiangyuetai every once in a while.

 Other restaurant owners were quite surprised to learn about Jiang Yuetai's rise.

Jiang Feng is very excited about the extra rewards in today’s system:

“How about we try it and see if it works!”

 Many restaurants open with great grandeur, with firecrackers blasting.

He is like the pillar of Jiang Yuetai. As long as he is there, Jiang Yuetai's business will not be bad.

 “That’s good.” Jiang Feng nodded.

Jiang Feng doesn’t plan to work in the kitchen all the time in the future. Doing this every day would be exhausting.

As the boss, you don’t have to worry about these details. As long as the lobby manager is responsible, he will keep an eye on all aspects.

 Many people are studying Jiang Feng’s path to success.

Jiang Feng was checking the environment of the restaurant.

“Is it okay to set up a stall for two months to build up popularity and then announce the opening of a store?”

 He briefly strolled around the restaurant.

In addition to two Shandong cuisine recipes, there is also a leg-stretching pill.

“Today we let our guests taste the taste of Jiuzhuan large intestine. The guests understand the deliciousness of this Shandong cuisine and naturally want to share it with others.”

 Life is beautiful. Jiang Feng enjoys life while working hard.

 Many people have seen Guo Jiang Feng’s videos before, until he was a particularly powerful stall owner.

But no one had ever thought that one day his restaurant would suddenly emerge, directly reach the top spot in the neighborhood, and have the potential to become the city's signature Shandong cuisine restaurant.

This rate of rise is truly terrifying.

 As a result, it didn’t take long for some delicious food stalls to appear in the city.

These people want to imitate Jiang's style and set up a stall for a period of time and then change positions.

 But unfortunately, the final result was just the same thing. After changing positions, no one looked for him at all, let alone where he went.

They found that using the skills of a chef to set up a small stall would make little money and be thankless.

 Slowly I gave up.

Even so, they still couldn't figure out how Jiang Feng did it.

 In fact, the reason is simple. The answer is four words:

Very tasty.

 The food he makes is so delicious that people will never forget it. It causes people to queue up again and again. Over time, he has accumulated popularity. Even if he doesn’t set up a stall and works directly in a restaurant, if he persists, his popularity will not decrease.

 On the third day of opening, Jiang Feng still cooked the famous Shandong cuisine.

Sweet and sour carp.

This dish is also a famous dish of Shandong cuisine. It is almost a must-order dish for Chinese New Year banquets in eastern Shandong area. It has the meaning of "carp leaping over the dragon's gate".

 Sweet and sour carp is golden in color, charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It is sweet and sour and is very popular among people.

Just the selection of materials is very particular. The best sweet and sour carp is the wild yellow river carp.

 The method is simple and simple, the most critical are two steps.

 The first step is to change the knife, cut every 2.5 cm on both sides of the fish with a knife, turn the knife over, and turn the fish meat over.

 The second step is to prepare a bowl of sweet and sour sauce, mix it well and pour it all over the fish.

 This time, Jiang Feng was responsible for changing the sword himself.

 His knife skills are extremely stable.

The chef in charge of cutting vegetables looked towards Jiang Feng, his face full of shock.

Jiang Feng was seen quickly using a knife to cut the carp's body. Soon, the fish meat on both sides was turned up.

 The knife seemed to have a soul in his hand, extremely agile.

 Go down one knife at a time, quickly and steadily.

 An expert knows the way.

 The chefs who have been cutting vegetables have all been doing it for a year or two, and their basic skills are considered solid. Only after seeing Jiang Feng’s skill did he realize how big the gap is between himself and the chef.

At this time, Zhang Hu came over. After seeing this situation, he said to the two young chefs who were cutting vegetables:

“See? It’s not that easy to get to the level of chef.”

 “The knife work must be fine and steady.”

“You have the opportunity to learn more from your boss and practice more.”

 “Whenever I have free time, I will let you go to the stove.”

Hearing what Zhang Hu said, the two chefs who were chopping vegetables hurriedly agreed, and the cutting became more stable.

 These two people were led by Zhang Hu.

 They all have cooking skills and can cook some home-cooked meals for themselves, but they are still a little behind the stoves of restaurants.

 Here, there are strict requirements for the dishes served to guests.

Reputation is not easy to build, and it can be destroyed in an instant.

 So be careful.

Jiang Feng cut up many carps in a row.

 After cutting, roll them into starch paste, shape them, fry until golden brown, then add sweet and sour sauce and simmer.

 The final sweet and sour carp has a curved shape, as if it is leaping through a dragon gate.

 Using the abdomen as support, fixed on the plate, with the tail and head facing the sky.

 Pour the blended juice on top, and the thick juice will pour on the body of the sweet and sour carp, flowing down continuously and soaking into every inch of the carp's skin.

 There is a small red tomato placed in the mouth of the carp, and a few lotus seeds are scattered around it.

 The overall shape is beautiful and quite artistic.

 Look carefully, you can see that the rich soup is steaming and flowing on the carp's body.

The carp seems to be jumping in the air, and it is frozen at the moment of jumping, which is full of the Chinese people's yearning for "the carp leaping over the dragon's gate".

 The meaning is very good and the taste is good.

 Sweet and sour carp is indeed a “soul dish” that can be served at a banquet.

Jiang Feng was very satisfied with the sweet and sour carp he made.

Other chefs were also amazed when they saw this.

 Everyone whispered:

“The boss seems to know how to cook all kinds of dishes, and there’s nothing that can’t be done to him!”

“Every Shandong cuisine is authentic. If you say this without a master’s teaching, I wouldn’t believe it.”

“As for my knife skills, I must have learned cooking since I was a child!”

 “There is definitely a master behind the boss!”

 “This sweet and sour carp looks so good!”

 The chefs in the back kitchen expressed their admiration for Jiang Feng.

 The most powerful restaurant owner on the planet!

 More powerful than the most powerful chef in the restaurant!

 With such a boss in charge, no chef dares to be careless.

Jiang Feng himself represents the standard of Jiangyue Tai Shandong Cuisine Restaurant.

 For this reason, guests also trust Jiang Yuetai.

Other bosses are busy socializing, picking up customers and promoting business, but the boss of Jiang Yuetai is a chef himself and is the main cook. How can the Shandong cuisine he makes not be delicious?

Jiang Feng made a dish of sweet and sour carp and won an order.

 As he cooked sweet and sour carp one after another, the orders became more and more.

There is nothing to say about this business being good.

 He doesn’t feel tired either, but is in a good mood because business is good.

Anyway, now he has his own Shandong cuisine restaurant.

 It is also a joy for him to pass on Shandong cuisine, one of the eight major cuisines.

 (End of this chapter)

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