Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 118: What? The head coach is warming up!

Chapter 118 What? The head coach is warming up!

 Gourmet restaurant, a private room in heaven and earth.

Jiang Feng was slightly stunned when he entered the box.

 Heaven and earth?

 Is this serious?

 I later learned that the best private room in the Food Restaurant is called Heaven and Earth.

This name was given by the boss Duan Feng.

Jiang Feng didn’t care either.

 The private room is large, the environment is very good, and it is low-key and luxurious.

Duan Feng specially called the lobby manager Liu Mei.

“This is the lobby manager. She is very powerful. Just leave all the matters in the restaurant to her, except the kitchen. There will be absolutely no problems.”

Duan Feng introduced to Jiang Feng.

 “Mr. Jiang, hello.”

Liu Mei immediately stepped forward to say hello with a smile, her attitude was very reserved and cautious.


Jiang Feng smiled and said hello, and then said to Duan Feng:

“I remember her well.”

 The system is to buy the entire restaurant, including the original furniture.

 But Jiang Feng also wanted to decorate it, at least to break the current pattern.

“This is the executive chef, Zhang Hu, who is responsible for the kitchen. He is also a good cook.”

 Duan Feng introduced again.

 Duan Feng hopes that Jiang Feng can use the original team.

 Duan Feng is a good person, but not a good boss. He treats his employees fairly well, but the restaurant business did not do well and he lost a lot of money.

These employees are very good, so Duan Feng recommended them to Jiang Feng.

 But how to arrange it specifically depends on Jiang Feng’s choice.

 For Jiang Feng, he only needs to take good care of these two people.

Liu Mei is responsible for welcoming guests, serving dishes, cleaning, and sanitation, while Zhang Hu arranges the kitchen.

With the addition of an accountant, everything in the restaurant is basically complete.

Jiang Feng only plans to change to an accountant. After all, accountants are the most prone to accidents, so he can rest assured if he finds a reliable one.

“Boss Jiang, this restaurant is yours now, what are your plans?”

Duan Feng asked.

 Liu Mei and Zhang Hu also looked at Jiang Feng.

“It’s very simple. The basic staff remains unchanged, but the restaurant needs to be renovated and the layout needs to be changed.”

“This is a commercial street, and catering is easier. I plan to have a home-cooked style.”

 “The guests are mainly individual travelers and we will not accept banquets.”

 Jiang Feng said his plan.

 “Don’t accept the banquet?”

 You can earn a lot from a banquet, and Duan Feng can't bear to throw away such profits.

But Jiang Feng’s idea is very simple.

 In fact, new Chinese-style restaurants have emerged now, and they are particularly popular because of their good environment.

  It is not only suitable for families to come here to reunite, but also suitable for young couples to come here for a date.

As long as the food is delicious, there will be no shortage of business.

 Duan Feng is over fifty and has been engaged in catering for a long time, but now he is somewhat behind the times.

"Okay, the restaurant is yours, and I wish you a prosperous business."

Duan Feng raised his glass to Jiangfeng.

"Okay, thank you."

Jiang Feng had a drink with him.

During the banquet, Jiang Feng learned about the situation of the restaurant in detail.

 Everything else is easy to find, but the hardest one to find is a cook.

According to Jiang Feng's plan, the kitchen needs at least fifteen chefs, including stove masters, station masters, chefs, chefs, water tables, roasters, and snacks.

These days, larger restaurants operate on an assembly line basis. Instead of one person being responsible for cooking one dish, there are multiple people cooking several dishes at the same time.

 For relevant majors, you need to find relevant talents.

The best thing is to find a master. The master will take care of his apprentices and take care of everything.

 It is difficult to find a chef who knows authentic Shandong cuisine.

This kind of food generally has a heritage and will not be easily transferred to other restaurants.

What's more, the restaurant opened by Jiang Feng was not well-known and it was difficult to recruit people.

Jiang Feng plans to keep all the original chefs. He has no connections now, so the original team has to be used.

 Especially the chef.

Jiang Feng attaches great importance to the chef.

 After all, he is a chef himself.

Jiang Feng and Zhang Hu were chatting aside.

Jiang Feng said to him:

“My Chinese restaurant specializes in Shandong cuisine, and you are also a professional team.”

 “I’m going to try the dishes tomorrow and I’ll give you some feedback.”

"If you are satisfied, then I can add one to two percent to your current salary."

 The current total salary for the fifteen chefs is 130,000 yuan. The executive chef earns the most, 28,000 yuan a month, and the handyman earns the least, only 4,500 yuan.

 Additional one means an additional 13,000 is issued per month, which is not a difficult task for Jiang Feng.

"no problem."

 Zhang Hu agreed immediately.

This restaurant is more worry-free than I thought. Zhang Hu and Liu Mei are both good.

Jiang Feng plans to hire a better accountant to take care of the cashier, and everything will be fine.

 Now let’s see how the kitchen is doing.

 Jiang Feng left the restaurant that night. He contacted a design company that specializes in designing Chinese restaurants, conducted on-site inspections, and came up with several design plans.

 Simply put, it means adding fences and partitions to the hall.

 Use screens and wooden carved walls to separate each area, divided into four-person tables, six-person tables, large round tables, and private rooms.

Each area is designed to be simple and elegant.

 The guests walked along the aisle, which was hung with lanterns. There were only four tables in each area. It was neither empty nor crowded, everything was just right.

 It is estimated that within half a month of construction, the restaurant will have a completely new look.

 The next day, Jiang Feng came to the kitchen. The kitchen of Gourmet Restaurant is very large.

 The chefs heard that the new boss was coming to try out the dishes today, and they all took it very seriously.

 Tasting the dishes determines whether they can stay in this restaurant.

 No one is willing to leave. After all, the location here is good and the treatment is good. Everyone is used to it.

 So the dishes made should satisfy the new boss.

 But when everyone entered the kitchen, they were all dumbfounded.

 I saw the new boss actually wearing a white chef uniform!

What? The head coach is warming up? !

 What does the boss want to do?

Jiang Feng was very calm.

When everyone arrived, Zhang Hu introduced Jiang Feng to everyone, and Jiang Feng said to everyone:

“I am now the owner of Food Restaurant, and this place will no longer be called Food Restaurant.”

“I don’t know how many people know about me. I am also a chef. I have been setting up stalls in various places before.”

 Speaking of this, many people’s eyes suddenly lit up.

 “It’s him! It’s him! That popular stall owner!”

 “Oh my god, he is the owner of a food restaurant? How rich he is!”

At this time, Jiang Feng continued:

“I have also learned a lot of Shandong cuisine recipes, and even now I am most proficient in Shandong cuisine.”

"In this way, before I try the dishes, I will make a few Shandong dishes for everyone to try."

“Otherwise, if I make suggestions later, you may not be convinced.”

Jiang Feng’s words made everyone confused again.

 Normally, the chef cooks the dishes for the boss.

 It’s better now, it’s completely the opposite!

This boss is quite interesting.

 The chefs are naturally happy to taste it.

 So, Jiang Feng began to make preparations.

 He is going to make three dishes:

 Oil-fried Double Crisp, Kongfu Yipin Hot Pot, Sweet and Sour Carp

 In the kitchen, Jiang Feng started to get busy.

Executive chef Zhang Hu personally does chores and prepares dishes for him.

As the saying goes, an expert will know if something is there as soon as he takes action.

As soon as Jiang Feng got started, Zhang Hu knew that Jiang Feng was an expert, and very expert at that.

Jiangfeng’s first dish is double crispy fried in oil.

 He took out the pork belly and began to clean the useless parts of the pork belly.

Jiang Feng’s knife skills are very stable and fast.

 While he was cutting the meat, everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

 The lobby manager Liu Mei is also in the kitchen. She doesn’t know cooking skills, but she understands the boss.

Jiang Feng cleaned the pork belly and cut out the most tender piece of meat. Then he used a kitchen knife to cut the piece of meat.

 He was playing with a fishing net knife, which was very difficult.

Pork belly meat is very thin. If you are not careful, the kitchen knife may cut into the meat. If you want to cut through the meat without cutting the texture, you need extreme knife skills.

People in the kitchen gathered around.

 Zhang Hu on the side was also a little surprised.

 He knew that the boss knew cooking, but he didn't expect that he knew it so well.

This is simply not something that ordinary chefs can do. With this kind of knife skills, it is impossible without several years of practice!

Moreover, Meishizhai doesn’t sell this dish at all. Anyone who wants to eat crispy fried rice needs to make a reservation at least two days in advance.

This dish is too difficult!

Jiang Feng quickly cut the pork belly into the shape of a fishing net, then cut it into several large pieces and put them on a plate for later use.

 Then, Jiang Feng took out the chicken gizzards, cut out the most tender part, and changed the knife again.

Jiang Feng was completely immersed in the process of cooking.

This dish is completely different from the ones I have made before.

 As long as Jiang Feng can make this dish, he is a well-deserved chef.

Even Zhang Hu can’t guarantee that he can do better than Jiang Feng.

The flower knife that Jiang Feng cuts on the chicken gizzard is called the chrysanthemum flower knife.

 The most tender piece of chicken gizzard meat was cut into the shape of a blooming chrysanthemum.

 “Boss, your knife skills are so good!”

 Zhang Hu’s eyes were widened in shock.

 The row of chefs standing next to him didn't dare to say anything.

At this moment, they recalled the time when they were apprentices and watched the master cook.

Jiang Feng processed several pig stomachs and chicken gizzards in succession. After changing the knives, he put them in different basins to soak.

The two ingredients are put into the pot at different times, so they have to be packed separately.

 Even the pickling condiments are different between the two.

The chefs all gathered around and watched Jiang Feng cooking carefully.

They didn’t expect the boss to be so powerful.

 Then, thicken the soup, put it in the pan, fry it, and return it to the pan.

 This step is about the ultimate control of the heat.

 The time for frying the two ingredients and the time for re-frying the two ingredients must be controlled well.

Finally, place the fried double crispy noodles on a plate and garnish with a red pepper on top. This oil-fried double crispy dish is ready.

The production process of Shandong cuisine is relatively complicated, and good Shandong cuisine is difficult to eat.

“Okay, let’s try it first and eat it while it’s hot!”

Jiang Feng called the chefs over to have a taste.

 Everyone immediately picked up their chopsticks and gathered around.

 Just one taste and they were surprised by the fried pork belly and chicken gizzards.

This fresh flavor and soft texture are the ultimate enjoyment.

 Everyone can't believe that Jiang Feng's cooking skills have reached this level.

 Working as a chef in a Chinese restaurant, the boss is a better cook than me.

Who can I talk to to reason with this?

 (End of this chapter)

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