
Chapter 032

When Song Zijun went to bed very late.

Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, O Kee Office.

In the office where no one else, Huang Zhicheng, who volunteered to work overtime, was sorting out the day’s cases and some intelligence, making a summary document for today’s work and a start for tomorrow’s work.

Jingle bells….

Looking at the phone ringing, Huang Zhicheng looked left and right, his legs kicked the ground hard, and he directly controlled the swivel chair to slide to the telephone.


“Inspector of the Anti-Black Group, Huang Zhicheng.” After moving his body, Huang Zhicheng picked up the phone and said.

“I am Liu Shaohua from Shibi Prison.”

Across the microphone, a man’s voice sounded.

“Liu Sir is good!”

Huang Zhicheng quickly got up and said respectfully.

The warden in Stanley Prison and his friend are uncles and nephews, and in private, he can do whatever he wants, but the warden of the “Shibi Prison” in front of him is not his relative.

“I called to ask you, can I transfer 52648 to Stanley?”

“That kid has been looking for a lawyer lately, asking us for trouble, saying that the prisoners in our prison and the prison guards are not friendly to him.”

I don’t know if it’s a distorted phone, Huang Zhicheng always feels that when the warden speaks, his voice does not seem to be so confident.

“Trouble Liu Sir, you can do it at any time.” After thinking about it, his brain reacted that “52648” refers to Huang Zhicheng of Scar, and hurriedly said.

Since Song Zijun is leaving, naturally there is no need to worry about that kid – don’t misunderstand, the kid here refers to Scar.

Hearing Huang Zhicheng’s words, Liu Sir on the other side suddenly let out a long sigh of relief.

After the two said some polite words, the phone hung up in the voice of Huang Zhicheng’s continuous insistence on asking guests to thank for help.

Half an hour later.

Shibi Prison, inside the warden’s office.

“I’ve met your request, okay?”

The prison warden, who had a national character face, slightly frosted sideburns, and a straight face, showed a gentle smile on his face, looked at the prisoner opposite, and said in an amiable voice.

After nodding slightly from the prisoner opposite, the warden quickly took out a document from the table with a smile on his face, and prepared to get up and hand it to the prisoner opposite.

“I’ll come!”

A bald prison guard with a fierce face beside the warden quickly took the document in the warden’s hand, bent down and handed it to the prisoner, attaching a box of printing clay and a signature pen.

After scanning the bald prison guard, after the bald prison guard bent down lower, the prisoner stretched out his thumb and pressed it into the clay box, and then printed the red seal on the lower left corner of the document, and signed his name on it by the way.

“Hmph! Boy, glad you met a good boss! ”

The prisoner opposite, with his head raised by his neck, poked fiercely with his fingers stained with red mud on the chest of the bald man who was bent over, and patted the face of the big man by the way, only in the stoic and angry smile on the big man’s face, he was proud….

He was carried out by two paramedics.


After the door closed, the two people with smiles on their faces collapsed at the same time.

“Ghost worries, ghosts see worries, ghosts see worries…”


The warden was chanting, and suddenly slapped the table fiercely, and the huge sound frightened the bald man who was sulking in his heart.

“I told you to take care of the prisoner, don’t cause trouble, prepare for a promotion, are you treating my words as a fart and letting them go!?”

“You directly beat Lao Tzu to the extent that the new prisoner was broken in five ribs and cracked femurs, you should be glad that the other party’s hand was not broken by you, otherwise this ‘exemption’ document today would not be signed…”

“Just wait to be swept away!”

Looking at the angry warden, the bald prison guard, who knew that he had really overdone things this time, quickly said a lot of good things and guarantees, which could be regarded as letting the warden cut his breath slightly.

“Get out, look at you and get angry!”

The warden waved his hand impatiently and blasted the bald prison guard directly.

“Also, your promotion is going to be slowed down, do you have any complaints in your heart?”

The warden asked as the bald guard pulled the door and exited.

“Where you dare, the file has not been spent, Jiangzi is already very grateful to you.” The bald prison guard said busily.

“Where dare you? It means that you are still very upset in your heart? The warden said.

“No, no, no, it’s to say that you are a person I respect in my heart, and this time you have worked so hard for my affairs, I am in awe of you, how could I…”

“Stuttering, forget it, go out and work hard.”

As the bald guard gradually closed the door, from the gap that gradually closed, what was seen was the picture of the warden shaking his head and sighing, carefully putting the “exemption agreement” away.


The door was completely closed.


The bald prison guard, who was scolded with bloody heads, came out with a long sigh of relief after the door was closed.

“Damn, doesn’t it mean that all the guys in these clubs will resist hard? Just break a few bones and find a lawyer, I bah! ”

After being indignant for a while, the bald prison guard touched his bald head, and secretly decided in his heart that even if he wanted to beat someone, he would definitely not do it himself.

“Big brother, I succeeded.”

Scar who was carried to the hospital and lay on the bed, thinking of this time, the torture under the bald pervert’s hand, couldn’t help but mumble with tears in his eyes.

“That kid, I’ll definitely make him pay!”

“Not only for the school gate and lawyers’ fees, but also for the suffering I have suffered during this time!”

“Wait to die, bastard!”

Two days later, he dragged his disabled body and was to be transferred to the Stanley prison hospital.

And Song Zijun, in the cafeteria the day before leaving, warned those people not to bully Wang Dong, and let Zhong Tianzheng take care of the other party, and then prepared to get out of prison.

While leaving, a group of prisoners lay on their stomachs in front of the doors of various prisons, watching Song Zijun leave with a complicated gaze.

There was both admiration and awe in those eyes, as well as a deep, relieved burden.

After Song Zijun’s figure completely disappeared into the corridor, a shocking cheer suddenly erupted in the prison area.

“That Xing Xing finally left!”

“Xing Xing left!”

“Oooooh! Brothers, eat smoke and celebrate! ”

“Lao Tzu needs to take a good bath!”

“Damn, I want to look at that person!”

“Mom! Whew…”

A group of prisoners who were bullied and did not even dare to eat loudly, and after Song Zijun took a bath, they could only go in and wash, one by one, it was like the New Year, and the joy was thunderous.

Some of them cried out with excitement.


“That’s all you have, can you order it?”

The prison guard took out Song Zijun’s things before he was imprisoned and asked.

Looking at the extra bank card inside, Song Zijun smiled and nodded.

In the bank card, it is the harvest of his tobacco sales these days.

After changing his clothes and taking the 600 yuan salary paid by working in prison, Song Zijun, who walked out of the iron gate of the prison, walked towards the gate empty-handed.

Coincidentally, a prison car drove in.

“Well remodeled! Fight to come out early! ”

Looking at the prison car, breathing the air of freedom for a long time, and his heart was filled with the feeling of letting the birds fly, he rarely waved his hand towards the prison car and roared.


Faintly, the sound of something falling to the ground in the prison car sounded, and then under the obstruction of several people in white medical uniforms, a figure who forcibly struggled and lay on the window of the car passed by

The prison car faded away….

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