
Chapter 020

A palm gripped his palm like an iron stone.

Without waiting for Yuan Haoyun’s expression to change slightly, another palm that was suppressed by him withdrew an inch from his hand with a force that made him completely defenseless.

“How is that possible!?”

Yuan Haoyun, who competed with the hand on his shoulder, his arm burst out with green tendons, and his face turned red, an incredible thought flashed in his heart.

Although his strength is not top-notch, in the police academy, it is also medium, but even those guys with top grip strength and arm strength cannot bring him this feeling.

Is this guy a monster?

Yuan Haoyun, whose face changed drastically, his thigh muscles jumped slightly, and he was ready to give up fighting with the other party, and directly kicked the other party back to open the distance.

Just before he could do these movements, the familiar name behind him made him stop his movements with a stunned face.

“Monkey, are you crazy?”

A minute later, after Yuan Haoyun continued to apologize to the guard, the two sat down separately.

“Ah Jun, did you eat any hormones?”

Yuan Haoyun looked at his friend whose image had changed with an incredulous face, especially his gaze swept over the bulging angular muscles at the other party’s forearm, and the corners of his eyes couldn’t help twitching.

“I don’t know, eat and drink well here, exercise every day, exercise and exercise.”

Song Zijun, who was also difficult to explain the reason, could only raise his arm with a blank face, while puffing out his biceps, and said after his sleeve was propped up by a small mountain bag.

“It seems that the food inside is good, judging by your current physique… Ah Jun, I’ve been thinking about living here for a while. ”

Yuan Haoyun did not doubt it, but said a little enviously.

As soon as he spoke, the corner of the guard’s mouth twitched not far away.

Song Zijun’s food intake can be regarded as famous in the entire prison, if he hadn’t first made a name for himself with ruthlessness, a pig’s stomach and the like, he would definitely not be able to run.

“If you want to come in, according to your guy’s jealous nature, I’m afraid I’ll have to kill the scum that day.”

Song Zijun, who said this, looked at Yuan Haoyun on the other side, and his heart suddenly moved.

According to the guy in front of him who is jealous like a hatred, and has a bit of a black personality, if the previous body is known by the other party to be…

“Ah Jun, I’m relieved to see that you’re okay.”

Yuan Haoyun looked at Song Zijun, who looked very strong and much stronger than the police academy, touched his nose, and smiled reassuringly.

“This time I am here to represent everyone, you know how much training is in the police academy. Don’t worry, Ah Jun, if anyone dares to bully you, we are all your back. ”

“As long as you say something, the cadets of the entire police academy will jointly write at that time, and I am afraid that the prison will take the initiative to arrange a single room for you at that time.”

Yuan Haoyun said seriously.

These words made the guard, who was not deaf, the corners of his mouth twitched again, and he silently remembered in his heart what Song Zijun could not mess with.

If they are really sued by these people, they will be in big trouble.

“No, but I got it.” Song Zijun said with a smile.

He did not doubt Yuan Haoyun’s words, whether it was his past life or current experience, what he told the other party was not false at all.

To be honest, according to his statement, it was a crime, an act of heroic feat in ancient times, and those seventeen or eighteen-year-old police academy classmates who still had blood had no reason to break off relations with him at all.

Even if he has a “stain” on him.

Even some people who have a weak relationship with him, are smart, and know how to protect their lives, do not dare to break off relations with him at this time, that is completely self-isolation.

Even if he has some legal and reasonable things, but there are sluts who find these people, these people take the initiative to help him with greater enthusiasm.

Even if you take 10,000 steps back.

If anyone really dares to show that they have severed relations with him at this time, that kind of person can be said to be unbloody and not smart enough.

This kind of person broke off relations with him, and he could not ask for it.

So as soon as those protagonists come out, there are things everywhere that people he knew in the past to step on, and he really can’t meet them.

Sometimes, all this also makes Song Zijun wonder if he is the protagonist.

After all, the tribulation is completely invisible!

Yuan Haoyun also did not suspect that Song Zijun was a hard brace, just now Song Zijun’s strength and current physique, he is good not to bully others.

The two who had not seen each other for a long time chatted for a while, during which Yuan Haoyun, who originally liked to talk about some embarrassment in the school, did not mention anything about the affairs in the police academy, but only brought some people’s greetings.

Song Zijun, on the other hand, was talking about some things in prison.

For Yuan Haoyun, a guy who says justice is very just, but to say that he can’t rub sand in his eyes but doesn’t have it, there are many things to say in prison.

Of course, in addition to cigarettes and these “money-making” things, although Song Zijun does not care, after all, the ears of the guards next to him are not deaf.

“Ah Jun, we’re all waiting for you to come out.” Yuan Haoyun, who had run out of personal visiting time, got up and said, “Then we will have a good fight.” ”

“Haha, after I come out, I invite you to eat a big meal, get together well, and then we will compare the amount of food.”

The two hammered each other’s chests, and Song Zijun watched Yuan Haoyun leave the visiting room.

At this time, in the visiting room, the people have changed.

Zhong Tianzheng and they had all returned to the cell.

I have to say that the communication with Yuan Haoyun made Song Zijun feel a little pressured in his heart.

The other party’s sincere concern made Song Zijun, who had no good friends in his previous life and this life, feel a little guilty in his heart.

It’s like the feeling he felt in his previous life, when he left the woman’s bed in the hotel, he ordered a bunch of luxurious meals with someone else’s credit card, and then called someone else’s name incorrectly after eating.

Whenever this happens, Song Zijun will be a little impressed.

Then send the gorgeous lunch taken on the mobile phone to the circle of friends, next to you must pretend to inadvertently photograph a car key mark that he bought with his entire net worth and represents the high “noble” lineage.

Not surprisingly, his lunch and bed tomorrow will be taken care of in the afternoon.

“Hey, my heart is still too kind.”

Shaking his head, Song Zijun, who got up to leave, was stopped by the guards again.

“51810, wait a minute, there are still people.”

On the guard’s originally cold face, a smile appeared and said gently.


A little surprised to look at the guard, Song Zijun nodded and sat down again.

This time, a familiar figure came into his eyes.

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