
Chapter 012

From the day the primary and secondary status was confirmed, the ship sailed for another day while Torrepol and Diamanti took turns as navigators before it saw an island.

During these two days of sailing, Doflamingo had several men clean up the ship, so the island remained calm as their CP9-contributed merchant ship approached.

Despite being curious about the island’s scenery and the strange species of One Piece, Doflamingo did not make the first visit to the inhabited island he had seen.

He simply asked Torrepol and them to exchange all the boats and cargo for Bailey, and then bought a ship and sailed directly to another island.

Although the possibility of Spandyne turning against the water is slim, Doflamingo cannot be left unguarded.

To the island, sell the boat, exchange the Bailey, buy the boat.

After doing this twice, on the third time, Doflamingo directly drove the ship to deliberately find a pirate ship, completely destroyed the group of pirates, and then scuttled the original ship, burned the pirate flag, and completely disappeared in the North Sea.

This annoyed Spandar when he later received news that Spandar’s mission had failed, and another team of agents was sent to continue the hunt for Doflamingo’s world government.

This world is not like the modern urban world full of surveillance and police, so although the five old stars personally pay attention, if Doflamingo does not make a fuss, then he really can’t be found.


Two years later.

North Sea, southeast of Niue.

In the dense woods, several wooden houses are built by a stream with clear groundwater.

For the animals of the forest, what could have been a quiet forest in general has ceased to exist since the arrival of those five humans.

As always, the sound of trees falling to the ground kept coming, and the animals that were still wolves at the beginning now just subconsciously pricked up their ears and glanced at the source of the sound, and then what to do.

“Dophie trained really hard.”

Over the past two years, Diamanti, who has improved a lot in his craft, sighed while listening to the sound of trees falling to the ground in the woods continuously.

Although Doflamingo had been patient in the past six months, wanting to make Diamanti’s tongue straighten when pronouncing his name, and not pronounce “F” as “Fei”, from the words just now, it can be seen that he ended in failure.

“It’s not just Dover, those two brats have been training like crazy for the past two years.” Torrebol sniffed and pointed to the boulder on his back, and the frog jumped Virgo and Pika as he advanced.

After two years, eating and drinking well, and exercising wholeheartedly, Virgo and Pika, who were originally in a period of rapid development, have developed a lot more than Chu two years ago.

Virgo’s height reached one meter eighty-six. Pika, on the other hand, has broken through three meters and five meters in height, and has officially marched towards a height of four meters.

Under Diamanti’s gaze, the two naked upper bodies, sweat like a stream, continued to flow from their bodies, wetting the ground.

When the frog jumped, the muscles that exploded on the two of them bulged like fists, shining like a layer of oil in the sun, and a sharp and compelling feeling naturally emanated from the body shape.

“But I didn’t expect that Virgo’s physical talent was even stronger than the big man Pika.” Diamanti looked at the large stone on Virgo’s back that was no less than Pika, and sighed.

“Hehe, but Virgo’s talent is still not as good as Dover.” Every time Torebol thinks back, he still can’t help but want to marvel.

“Dover’s physical talent and fruit ability talent are simply monsters!” Diamanti was also amazed.

He had never seen someone who was cultivating physical arts and cultivating fruit abilities at the same time, and the cultivation speed of the two was still so amazing.

Navy Six, Virgo only practiced three in two years, and they were amazed by Virgo’s talent. But Doflamingo has already cultivated into six!

It has even begun to develop an extension move that goes further than the Six Styles.

This is still the relationship between Dover and not letting go of the Devil Fruit, if in the past half a year, Dover has devoted himself to cultivating physical arts, they really dare not imagine that Dover will reach that step now.


“Bullet line.”

In the woods, Doflamingo, sitting on the rock, put his left hand in his pocket, stretched out his right hand, and used his index finger to casually go towards a large tree in front of him.

Under his finger, with a “bang”, the trunk of the big tree suddenly had a small hole that was transparent front and back.

The bullet-like thread is still on the move.

I saw that the high-speed bursting line pierced the big tree, and then ran through the five big trees behind, until it rushed into the rock behind the fifth tree, and went straight into more than half of the tree, and then stopped.

“Thread flower.”

Following the induction of the line and feeling the “bullet line” tightly compressed by him into a ball of thread, Doflamingo’s mind moved, and he let go of this special “bullet line” that he specially made, full of elasticity and sharpness.

The words fell, and the thread buried in the rock body “flowered”.

One by one, the compressed, sharp and elastic threads burst out.

Just for a moment, the hard rock that has been beaten by the wind and rain for a hundred years is like a tofu block under a blade, easily cut into pieces.

“Bullet line and gun.”

Seeing Doflamingo, who was covered in domineering and reflected everything around him, his right index finger continued to connect towards the broken rock fragments that were about to fall to the ground.


In the dense sound of breaking wind, along the way, all the big trees that hindered the trajectory of the bullet line were directly pierced, and the rock fragments that were collected by the fire were even beaten into stone powder by the continuous high-speed bullet line before they landed in the air.

In the flying of wood chips and stone powder, Doflamingo’s figure suddenly disappeared on the rock, and then in the blink of an eye, he stood next to the rock that he had beaten into powder.

On the trajectory he swept at high speed, a fallen leaf floated down leisurely, and then before it could land, it was suddenly divided into two.

Then, without waiting for the fallen leaf that was divided into two pieces to hit the ground again, it was suddenly divided into four again, and then four turned into eight, and just a few seconds later, when it finally landed, a fallen leaf was divided into fine fragments!

In the woods, there are invisible sharp lines.


He lifted his foot and took a step forward. Behind his feet, two thin lines that are not traceable are connected, and as he moves, the thin line is also gently pulled forward

Silently, the thin lines densely covered by him in the forest, tightened with his movements, and then directly submerged from tree trunks, rocks, and other objects, piercing out.

Squeaky ——!

In the groan of broken wood, behind him, rows of large trees fell with a loud rumble.

On the ground, the thick fallen leaves accumulated over the course of the year were immediately smashed to pieces by the fallen trees. Later, in the wind created by the landing of the tree, it was blown into a huge cloud of smoke.

The rolls spread out in all directions.

Shaving is his fusion technique that combines the ability of the six-style shaving and the fruit of the thread, and when he uses the shave, when the figure appears, it means that the enemy has been placed in his “wire well”.

At this time, as long as he steps forward, the sharp thread will help him cut and tear the enemy to pieces.

In the dim woods that have long been blocked by the canopy of trees, because of the sudden collapse of the big trees, the sunlight has shone into this dim woodland for a long time.

As the soaring dust rushed towards him, Doflamingo ignored and let a large cloud of dust cover him, and unhurriedly walked out of the suffocating smoke, calmly bathed in the illuminated sun.

Under the sun, he should have been embarrassed all over his body, but he was just like just now. Both the clothes and the skin outside the clothes are still clean and tidy.

It’s as if the soot is illusory.

“Ahem! Dophie, it’s about to eat, don’t make such a big smoke! ”


Well, it seems that soot is not a phantom.

Line guarding.

This trick is his confidence to walk out of the dust.

“Thread Guard” is a trick created by him based on colorful five-colored threads, using the weaving technique of “Shadow Riding Line” as the backbone, and adding the “Sand Armor” of I Love Luo in Hokage.

Outside his body, with flexible and hard threads, he woven a layer of “human” armor strong enough to withstand shells.

This is his last defense.

In the past two years, in addition to awakening, even the most difficult to practice, the “empty path” that ties the clouds, he has mastered it.

In addition to strength, after two years of concentrated cultivation, Shenyu was also upgraded by one level by relying on his fixed income of one hundred points a day.

“Panel.” He said.

(PS: You don’t have to worry that the urban world will be cold in two years, and the time flow rate on both sides is relatively static according to the setting.) Pictures are the protagonists now. )

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