Shen Tiancheng couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the reply from Qiu Shanfeng.

He was just joking casually, but he didn't expect Qiu Shanfeng to agree!

This was the first time Qiu Shanfeng agreed to Shen Tiancheng's visit to her home. and...Shen Tiancheng looked up at the clock on the wall.

It's five o'clock in the afternoon.

In other words, he had dinner at Akiyama Kaede's house.

Then after dinner, can we do something that both men and women love to do?!

As soon as the idea came up, Shen Tiancheng shook his head and denied it himself.

The relationship between him and Akiyama Kaede is still ambiguous.

Not even kissed.

In addition, Akiyama Kaede's character is a little bit arrogant.

It's basically impossible to go directly to home plate tonight.

But even if you don't get to home plate.

Shen Tiancheng will definitely taste some sweetness.

Only how much sweetness can be tasted depends on Shen Tiancheng's own operations.

When Shen Tiancheng was planning what to do tonight.

Qiu Shanfeng sent another message:

【Tiancheng, if you want to eat at my house, then I will cook for you. Is there anything you want to eat? 】

Shen Tiancheng ate chaff for several days in the state prison. In fact, what he wanted to eat most now was his own cooking.

Therefore, he replied:

【Sister Feng, how about I cook today, and you can help me and buy the groceries in advance. ]

Qiu Shanfeng: [ Tiancheng, you actually know how to cook? What a surprising news. Okay, I’ll leave today’s dinner to you. Write me a list of what vegetables you want me to buy. ]

Shen Tiancheng quickly sketched out the meal he was going to make tonight in his mind and wrote on his phone:

【The required materials are one kilogram of fat and lean pork, celery and shrimp....】

After Shen Tiancheng finished writing, Qiu Shanfeng replied;

【I'll go to the mall to buy it. Also, I will tell you the location of my home, so come here. ]

Shen Tiancheng looked at the location of Qiu Shan Feng's house.

I went out, took a taxi, and headed straight away.

On the other side, Qiu Shanfeng came to the mall.

Buy item by item according to the menu given by Shen Tiancheng.

In ten minutes, I almost bought it.

When she was about to go to the checkout counter to pay.

I passed by a counter with daily necessities.

Qiu Shanfeng looked at a product on the cabinet.

It was a men's house slipper.

Akiyama Kaede thought that in his apartment, he always had only one pair of women's slippers that he wore.

Since Shen Tiancheng is coming over, he must prepare slippers for him.

Although you can buy cheaper disposable slippers. but...Shen Tiancheng might come again in the future.

It’s not worth buying disposable slippers.

Not as good as...Why don't I just buy a pair of slippers and keep them at home for me to prepare.

This way whenever he comes, he will have slippers to wear.

Thinking of this, Qiu Shanfeng's face turned a little red.

She stretched out her hand, grabbed the new slippers hard, and ran to the cashier to pay.

I took my things and came to the parking lot.

He put the things in the trunk of the car, started the car, and rushed towards his home very quickly.

She wanted to go home before Shen Tiancheng arrived.

We can't let Shen Tiancheng wait at the door.

Ten minutes after Akiyama Kaede arrived home.

The doorbell rings.

Akiyama Kaede took a look through the peephole and then opened the door:

"Tiancheng, you are here."

Looking at Shen Tiancheng who was obviously well-groomed, Qiu Shanfeng began to feel ashamed.

Today's Tiancheng is a bit handsome.

Shen Tiancheng is 1.9 meters tall and weighs 180 kilograms, and is not bloated at all.

Because he is almost There is no fat.

The 180 kilograms of weight are all various organs, bones and muscles!

After being dressed neatly, he looks like a charming and stylish man.

The kind who has a sense of security.

He can attract beautiful women just by standing on the street. Come and strike up a conversation.

Faced with Qiu Shanfeng’s greeting, Shen Tiancheng responded:

"Well, here I come"

"It’s been such a long time, Sister Feng."

During the time when Shen Tiancheng left,

Qiu Shanfeng always felt inexplicably lost.

It felt like living like a year.

Until Qiu Shanfeng heard the news that Shen Tiancheng was back.

At that time, she felt that the sun was shining brightly.

Qiu Shanfeng whispered said:

"Tiancheng, you...Why don't you wait before entering the house?"

"I've prepared slippers for you."

Qiu Shanfeng walked to the shopping bag on the sofa, took out the newly bought home slippers, tore off the label, and then put them in front of Shen Tiancheng. Shen Tiancheng joked:

"Are these slippers bought especially for me?"

"Even for these slippers, I have to come to Sister Feng’s house often."

"Otherwise it would be a waste."

The long-lost joking words sounded so warm to Qiu Shanfeng.

She gave Shen Tiancheng a charming look:


"Come in quickly."

Shen Tiancheng changed into his slippers and walked in. He looked at the layout of the apartment.

Qiu Shanfeng's apartment was not very large, only about 60 square meters.

But it was very clean.

The floor and sofa were spotless.

It was very Qiu Shanfeng. style.

Being looked at the room wantonly by Shen Tiancheng, Qiu Shanfeng felt inexplicably shy.

It was as if it was not the room but herself that was being looked at wantonly.

She hurriedly looked for a topic and said:

"Tiancheng, don’t you want to cook?"

"I bought all the materials you asked for"

"Let's go cook."

Shen Tiancheng carried a shopping bag full of materials and walked into the kitchen with Qiu Shanfeng.

Since it was Shen Tiancheng who was the chef this time,

Qiu Shanfeng wanted to give Shen Tiancheng his usual apron.

However ,...Shen Tiancheng is too big!

Too big.

Akiyama Kaede's apron doesn't fit at all.

Shen Tiancheng waved his hands indifferently:

"No need for an apron, it’s just a meal after all"

"Sister Feng, could you please clean the pork first?"

"Then peel off the prawns"

"Seaweed and celery should also be washed."

Shen Tiancheng arranged it in an orderly manner.

Qiu Shanfeng nodded:"Okay, okay, I'll do it right away."

After Qiu Shanfeng cleaned the pork,

Shen Tiancheng took the pork to the cutting board and began to cut it.

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