Due to factors such as Shen Tiancheng's time travel and the fusion of the world of fist wish and the world of blade teeth.

A lot of things in the original comics have been changed.

But some people will show up eventually.

For example, Ten Ghosts, Snake King and Horse.

He is a man who wants to be the strongest!

This goal cannot be achieved in an above-ground arena.

It was inevitable that he would devote himself to boxing competitions.

Maybe it’s a correction of the fate line.

The Ten Demon Snake Ouma once again became a partner with Yamashita.

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma and Shen Tiancheng who entered the room looked at each other.

Both sides realized one thing

: the other party is a powerful warrior!

A warrior at the same level as himself.

But neither side said anything.

Shen Tiancheng found a chair and sat down, as if he didn't exist, quietly watching the development of things.

Nogi Hideki glanced at Shen Tiancheng.

Shen Tiancheng waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to worry about him.

Nogi Hideki nodded, continued to look at Yamashitao and Ten Demon Snake Ouma, and said:

"Mr. Yamashita, Ten Ghosts, Snake King and Horse"

"I will tell you some things directly"

"In the near future, I will challenge Katahara Midou, the current president of the Boxing Club, to a Boxing Tournament!"

"At that time, many powerful combatants will be present!"

"But it's a pity..."

"Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, without the support of a company, you cannot participate in the Quanwang Juejue Knockout Tournament."

Ten Ghost Snake King's eyes turned cold.

The next second, Nogi Hideki changed the subject:

"However, there is no absolute in everything"

"It's not impossible if you want to participate in the Knockout Tournament"

"Since there is no company to support you, then why don't you just set up a company? Mr.

Yamashita said in surprise:

"ah? ?! Setting up a business? I...Me and Mr. Ouma?"

"How can this be!"

"I'm just an office worker, Mr. Ouma doesn't even have a place to live."

"How can we set up a business?"

"Moreover, establishing a business does not necessarily mean that you will become a member of the Boxing Club."

"I heard that only very powerful large companies can become members of the Boxing Club."

Nogi Hideki nodded:

"Mr. Yamashita, you are right."

"Setting up a business is actually not difficult"

"Just go and report it."

"But how to become a member of the Boxing Club is very troublesome"

"Membership of the Boxing Club is a symbol of status, and countless companies are flocking to become members."

"However, where there is demand there will be buying and selling"

"If you want to become a member of the Boxing Club, there is a shortcut. Mr.

Yamashita said doubtfully:

"shortcut? What is that?"

Nogi Hideki said:

"Some low-level members of the boxing club will use their memberships as bets to hold boxing competitions with other companies."

"If other businesses win, they can get membership"

"If you lose, you have to pay a lot of money"

"Coincidentally, I found out that recently a company called Niu Min Catering Services was using its membership to gamble with other companies."

Hearing this, Shen Tiancheng knew that Hideki Nogi was going to start tricking people.

What a"coincidence". He definitely asked on purpose!

Sure enough, the president of such a big company has a dark heart!

Yamashita is still hesitating :

"But this..."

Nogi Hideki continued his bewitchment:

"Mr. Yamashita, Ten Ghosts, Snake King and Horse"

"If you are willing, I can help you register the company"

"Just call the company Yamashita Shoji."

"Anyway, you are registering the company just to participate in the boxing competition, so just keep the name simple."

"I can also lend you the money needed to compete with Niu Min Catering Service."

"As long as you win the Niu Min Catering Service, you can become a member of the Boxing Club and participate in the Fighting Knockout Tournament in the near future."

"How about it? Do you want to agree?"

After all, Mr. Yamashita is just an ordinary clerk.

In front of such a huge bet, he gave up:

"President Nogi, thank you very much for your kindness this time."

"But I feel like I really can't..."

Before Yamashita finished speaking, Ten Demon Snake King Ma patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Mr. Yamashita, let's go!"

Yamashita Fu:"..."

Can you please stop pushing me over the cliff like this?

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma said confidently:

"Don't worry, Mr. Yamashita"

"I will definitely defeat Niu Min Catering Service's duelist!"

"I will also win in the fist-wish-death knockout competition soon!"

"I will become the strongest!"

"Believe me!"

Yamashita is a cowardly person.

Not only is he cowardly, he has accomplished nothing.

At the age of 56, he is still just a small employee in the Nogi Group.

But he is a real good person.

He knows that Ouma wants to make peace with Qiang. They wanted to fight each other, wanting to prove who was stronger!

He had already regarded Ouma as a friend, so he couldn't ignore it.

Yamashita let out a long sigh:

"I...I see"

"President Nogi, please lend us the money. Nogi

Hideki laughed:

"Okay, okay, I know you won’t refuse!"

He took out a suitcase from under the table and threw it to Mr. Yamashita:

"Here is the money I lent you"

"As for the IOU, there is no need to write it, I believe you will pay it back. Mr.

Yamashita held the suitcase and nodded:

"Then Mr. Ouma and I will leave first."

"Let's go, Mr. Ouma."

Yamashita patted the Ten Ghost Snake King's arm and motioned for him to follow him.

The Ten Ghost Snake King's horse did not speak and followed Yamashita in silence.

However, just as he passed by Shen Tiancheng who was sitting at the door.

The Ten Ghost Snake King Horse suddenly stopped.

He stared at Shen Tiancheng.

Suddenly he swung a heavy punch!

Shen Tiancheng seemed to have expected it! He stood up instantly and hit the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse with the same punch!

Both sides Each of their fists struck each other.

Shen Tiancheng still stood there, not taking an inch back.

The Ten Ghost Snake King Ma took a step back.

In this pure strength competition,

Shen Tiancheng was slightly better!

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