Fan Majenya said in surprise:

"You actually know Rigid Body Technique?!

Shen Tiancheng nodded:"I just heard a little bit.""

Actually, Shen Tiancheng only knew about this thing after reading the comics.

By the way, Rigid Body Technique is also sold in the system.

But Shen Tiancheng didn't buy it because it was a bit expensive.

"Keep fighting each other."Shen Tiancheng stepped forward and assumed a fighting stance again.

Now that the rigid body technique had been exposed, Fan Ma Renya no longer hid it. He used the rigid body technique again and hit Shen Tiancheng with a heavy punch.

Shen Tiancheng smiled slightly, as if he had expected this scene.

He slapped Fan Ma Renya's forearm with his palm, forcing him to change the direction of Fan Ma Renya's punch.

Fan Ma Renya's fist and Shen Tiancheng's shoulder The passing did not cause any substantial damage to Shen Tiancheng.

"Now that I know you can use Rigid Body Technique, there are still ways to deal with it."Shen Tiancheng said.

Fan Ma Renya sighed:

"As expected of you, Shen Tiancheng"

"So quickly I thought of a strategy to deal with the Rigid Body Technique."

"I want to see if you can really handle the Rigid Body Technique!"...

Sato Hayabusa is an ordinary high school student.

Not just ordinary, but a little cowardly.

He is not good at studies or sports, and his only hobby is hanging out.

It seems that hanging out takes him away from studying and exercise and allows his brain to empty out.

At this time, there are less than ten minutes left before the afternoon class.

But Hayabusa Sato is still hanging around.

Suddenly, he heard a"bang bang bang" sound coming from the open space next to the teaching building.

The sound sounded like a gunshot, but also like forging in a steel factory.

The deep voice even made Sato Hayabusa feel palpitations!

His biological instinct urged him to stay away from the source of the sound!

But human beings' innate curiosity drove him to keep getting closer to the source of the sound.

He finally chose to follow his curiosity, and finally he saw the source of the sound.

Those two high school students.

Two high school students fighting.

They were beating and punching each other dizzyingly!

Even though he was hit hard by his opponent, his figure did not waver at all!

It's like I can't feel the pain at all!

The amount of muscle on the two high school students is simply terrifying!

According to Sato Hayabusa.

These are two prehistoric giants killing each other!

Obviously Sato Hayabusa is a high school student like them.

But Sato Hayabusa felt that his body was extremely small.

As if like an ant, he could only look up at the two high school students fighting each other!

He was shaking, terrified, and his legs were spinning in circles.

He wanted to escape, but his legs didn't obey him at all!

His eyes couldn't help but stare closely at this battle!

It turns out that fighting can be so passionate!

At this moment, Sato Hayabusa realized!

That night, there was a new person in the Shenxin Association founded by Yu Di Dubu.

The newcomer's name is Sato Hayabusa.

He said he wanted to be the best fighter in the world......

The fight between Shen Tiancheng and Fan Majenya continues!

Fan Ma Renya hit Shen Tiancheng with a straight punch.

Shen Tiancheng dodged sideways and grabbed Fan Ma Renya's arm with his backhand.

He mobilized all his strength and threw Fan Ma Renya into the air!

In a daze, Fan Ma Renya remembered that he had seen this move!

Just last night, Shen Tiancheng defeated Kato Kiyosumi with the same move!

The name of this move is Baihuitou!!

Even if he is as strong as Fan Ma Renya, he is not willing to accept this move forcefully!

He twisted around desperately in mid-air.

Preventing Baihuitou from taking shape.

At the same time, a heavy kick hit Shen Tiancheng's head from top to bottom.

Shen Tiancheng crossed his hands, steadily guarding against Ma Yanya's kick.

Then he kicked Fan Ma Renya's thigh.

Kicked Fan Ma Renya several meters away.

Hit the fence next to the wasteland.

Covered in mud.

Fan Ma Renya quickly stood up, his eyes flashing with excitement:

"You are so strong, Shen Tiancheng, you are so strong!"

"If it weren’t for the fact that I watched Baihuitou last night"

"I guess I've just been tricked!"

"Come on, come on, keep fighting!"

At this moment, the class bell rang.

Shen Tiancheng and Fan Majenya stopped at the same time.

"It looks like I'm going to class."

Shen Tiancheng walked towards the small tree and took off his school uniform jacket hanging on it.

Fan Ma Renya nodded:

"Okay, it’s more important to go to class"

"After all, we are high school students."

After class, Shen Tiancheng was about to go home.

He received a call from Hideki Nogi, the president of Nogi Group.

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