Fisherman: Making A Fortune Starts By Reporting Spies

Chapter 187: Submit Application Materials [7 Updates]


At the beginning, Su Xiangdong only knew that the wharf project was a comprehensive wharf, which is also known as a multi-functional wharf!

Be aware that there are many types of piers!

Fishing port terminals are also terminals, cargo terminals are also terminals, there are also some yacht sightseeing terminals, which are also terminals, and some oil tanker terminals, etc.

On their side, the most comprehensive pier is a fishing port plus a tourist pier!

But I never expected that the county’s plan was to include a fishing port and a cargo terminal!

Freight terminal!

But it's completely different. If you want to load containers, if nothing else, you must build a deep-water port terminal. Otherwise, for example, larger cargo ships will not be able to dock, and it will lose its meaning. Once construction starts The scale of deep-water port terminals cannot be small, and they are all built to be large.

If it is built large and has corresponding facilities and supporting facilities, do we have to follow suit?

This way!

A cargo terminal radiates to all walks of life, and it is definitely not just a casual talk.

To put it bluntly, if there is a cargo terminal, and if the conditions permit, 27 types of cargo ships can be built that can dock large tonnage, then no surprise, once the terminal starts operating

There will definitely be a large number of companies coming to register with them, either as a branch or at least as an office.

Mainly because of the convenience of transportation!

Through this freight terminal, many companies will be interested in exporting goods due to their developed transportation network.

Especially, they are in Eastern Guangdong Province, the province with the largest economic ranking in the country, and the import and export volume is also ranked first in the country. Other provinces can compare with them, but if you look at the entire Eastern Guangdong Province, there are many Large freight terminals, but those terminals are basically full, and they need to queue up to enter and exit customs. If there is another terminal in the province, even if it is farther away, they don't want to queue and come to this terminal.

When doing business, sometimes efficiency is very important.

If they can miss a day or two on the dock, they will still make money. Maybe if they miss a day or two, they don't know how much money they will make.

"I really didn't know that what the county originally wanted to build was a freight terminal!" Uncle Su had been silent before and only spoke in private now.

"I didn't know until now!"

Su Xiangdong was very emotional, and said leisurely: "It seems...the county is playing a big game, and it's not just for free. After being poor for so many years, I want to work hard.


Uncle Su chuckled, full of irony: "This dock project was determined by the first three terms. Now I don't know how many years I have retired. It has been more than ten years. The next two terms, As for the current doctor, if he had the intention, he would have promoted it long ago, and it would not be said that it is still in waste, so it is different from the current doctor."

"But I still hope that I want to do something this time. If I can succeed, our area will definitely develop and get better and better." Even though Uncle Su is a commoner, he is also very fashionable. State affairs and family affairs.

"A fishing port and a cargo terminal!"

Su Xiangdong naturally thought about the good things and started to look forward to the future: "One plus one is two. If it can be done, our town will make a fortune.

"Let's mind our own business first!"

Uncle Su just wanted to think about it and didn't want to go too deep.

"Let's go home, it's starting to rain!"


Time passes day by day.

In the blink of an eye, it was three days!

It's been raining for three days in a row, and it doesn't show any signs of clearing up yet.

Since the last time I went to sea, I have decided to take a week's rest. This is already the sixth day. The weather conditions have not changed significantly, especially after checking the weather forecast.

In the South China Sea, there are moderate to heavy rains in large areas, and heavy rains in some places. Among them, the maximum wind force on the sea surface has reached level 10.


It is not a typhoon. There is no comparison between the Category 10 typhoon and the partial wind, or the normal wind force. Although it is also very large and destructive, a Category 10 typhoon, no, more appropriately, it is a tropical storm with Category 10 wind force. , I don’t know how many times the destruction calendar has doubled.


Category 12 is considered a typhoon, and anything below Category 12 is called a tropical storm, not a typhoon.

Now the subdivision is more detailed. In the past, as long as a tropical cyclone formed, it was stabilized as a typhoon.

Winds and cyclones!

But it's completely different. Just two terms have already explained everything about the destructive power.

But even a tenth-level wind is no joke. It will blow up huge waves and seriously threaten navigation safety.

"Will it clear up in three days?"

Su Xiangdong refreshed the weather forecast page to check the latest data, feeling a little sad: "The previous weather forecast only lasted three days, but now it's better. There will be three more days, and it will be a week. Sure enough... Weather forecasts may not be accurate, and the weather is constantly changing, so it is not easy to predict accurately.”

the power of nature!

It’s not that popularity can resist change, and it’s even more impossible to predict accurately, because it’s changing all the time. To be honest, today’s technology can more accurately predict the situation within the next 24 hours or the next 36 hours, which is already very powerful. Yes, longer forecasts are actually the result of deductions.

With the current development of artificial intelligence, weather forecasts have been deduced by artificial intelligence, and the accuracy will be higher, at least more accurate than the previous calculations using supercomputers.

"Since the weather doesn't allow it, let's continue to rest for 44 days!"

Su Xiangdong was not unwilling to give in. He could not change the influence of the power of nature. What's more, he ventured out of the sea once in the middle and rushed out when the worst weather was coming. Although it was the request of the security department, he dropped a net when he returned. Bringing in an income of 17.8 million yuan, it is not a problem to take a few more days of rest: "Tomorrow is Monday... I can just go to the county to do things."

Apply to go to sea during the fishing moratorium!

He should have done this two days ago and submitted the application materials in real life. For the first step of the application, he had applied online and was approved. In the second step, he could also scan the materials and apply as an attachment. After review, he knew that the speed of submitting materials would definitely not be as fast as in reality.

The reason why I didn't submit the materials two days ago was because I knew that the fishery administration department in the county was now in a mess. I don't know how many people had been investigated and punished. Many positions were vacant, and there were newly transferred people. But as soon as they were transferred, they were still there. If you are not familiar with the work in your position, you may not be able to get it done if you go to do things at this time.

It is best to wait for a few days to stabilize before going.

Nowadays, there are legends about him everywhere in the county. Brushing his face may not work, but brushing his name will definitely work.

With the words 'Su Xiangdong' on the newspaper, especially in the fishery administration department, no one would dare to make things difficult for him. As long as the materials are complete and qualified, there will be no problem.

He still has this little bit of confidence!

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