Fisherman: Making A Fortune Starts By Reporting Spies

Chapter 148 An Unexpected Situation Was Discovered [8 Updates]

There is indeed a lot of time in the morning!

"We expect to return to Hong Kong around three o'clock, not later than three-twenty!"

Uncle Su had a general estimate. He also had his plan: "Today's fish catch is relatively small, so I might as well call your third aunt and tell her not to come up and have a good sleep." ”

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

Su Xiangdong also agreed very much. It’s not a problem to run back and forth all the time. The third aunt can’t drive and rides a small electric donkey. The night road of more than ten kilometers is very troublesome: “I use a satellite phone. Let’s fight, it’s still early, and I’m sure I haven’t slept all night.”

"Okay!" Uncle Su rarely objected.

Satellite phones are a bit more expensive after all.

It was also because Su Xiangdong did not upgrade to a new Huawei mobile phone. Otherwise, he would not need a satellite phone at sea and could just use his mobile phone to make calls.

The Weihua mobile phone is the world's first and currently the only one that can connect to satellites to make calls without any information. With his current net worth, he can afford to buy a new mobile phone for several thousand yuan.

But then again, with his current wealth, how expensive is it to use a satellite phone to make calls, no matter how expensive it is?

It's nothing more than a small amount of money.

If they go out to sea all year round, to be honest, they really shouldn’t use too good of a mobile phone, because the lifespan of the mobile phone they use will plummet.

Maybe some people can use a mobile phone for four or five years before it breaks and then buy a new one.


They use mobile phones. If they can be used for one or two years, they have a long life. Sometimes they break down after two or three months, which is normal.

Just because we go to sea, and because the fish we catch are acidic and salty, if we are not careful, water will enter the mobile phone, which will corrode the parts inside, and then the mobile phone will be scrapped. Some of them will fall directly into the sea if they are not careful. It's not as simple as changing a mobile phone. You even have to apply for a new mobile phone card.

It only costs a lot of money!


People who go fishing at sea will not use a very good mobile phone. Just be able to use it, have some basic functions, and make it cheaper, so that if it breaks down and buys another one, you won’t feel so distressed. The main thing is that it is cheap. .

"Yeah, yeah, don't come up. We didn't catch much, so we finished it all at once. It's relatively early today. We didn't even get back until three o'clock. The fish market at the pier hasn't opened yet. We have enough manpower. I'll go back as soon as I'm done with it."

Su Xiangdong explained the situation and made sure that the third aunt heard clearly so that she would not come up: "At that time, some fish will be processed by the big fishmongers. They will be processed in a few minutes. It is useless for you to come up. You might as well go now. Rest, I have to take care of the dried fish during the day."

The drying of the dried fish is actually completed now.

In fact, it was completed two days ago, but in order to ensure that there is no problem and no mold will occur, after two or three days, it will be taken out to dry for an hour or two, and then put away immediately. And during these two hours, it is better to choose It's around nine or ten o'clock. If it's after eleven o'clock, the light is relatively strong and you can't bask in the sun.

If it continues to dry in the sun, it will not be 80% dried fish, but 90% dried fish, and the weight will be much lighter.

He remembered taking it out to dry in the sun two days ago, and it happened to be drying again today.

After all the hard work, I finally convinced the third aunt, and I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"This time... I have to rest longer!"

Uncle Su put forward his own opinion. He was very tired these days: "With the harvest this time, the money should be almost enough."


Su Xiangdong has already made plans. After making enough money from the new fishing boat, he will not work so hard. Even if he is young and can withstand it, he cannot do it like this. He pays attention to a work-rest balance: If nothing unexpected happens, he will take a week off. , I checked the weather conditions, and there will be a cold wave coming next. It may not be bad on land, but it should rain on the sea.

"That's just right, you can rest!" When Uncle Su heard this, he didn't even know what to say. The excuse was perfect. How long would he wait if he didn't rest now?

"No matter what the weather is like, take a week off!"

Su Xiangdong really made the decision, and this decision will definitely not be changed: "I just can take advantage of this period of rest. I will go through the procedures with the fishery department and apply for going to sea during the fishing moratorium. You can apply online, but you also need to submit Some documentation on fishing boats.”

"Then just run down the formalities!"

Uncle Su will definitely not object. When fishing boats can go out to the open sea, the fishing season cannot be missed. There is no other way unless conditions do not allow it: "The prices during the closed fishing season are expensive. The same fish is two dollars more expensive than usual." Three yuan, some are more than ten yuan more expensive. Others don’t have this condition. We have this condition and we must apply. We are afraid that the fishery administration department will not approve it. After all, our fishing boats are only medium-sized fishing boats.”

"It's not a big problem, leave this matter to me!" Su Xiangdong is very confident that this matter can be accomplished.

The uncle stopped saying anything and just stared at the chart, always paying attention to the situation, and returning to the port. Don't be careless!

after an hour!

"What the hell?"

"What's wrong?" Su Xiangdong was stunned. It was rare to see his third uncle like this.

"Look, it's 15 degrees to the right!"


Su Xiangdong was also stunned and looked in the direction. There was only one light and it was still swaying: "Ship?"

"It must be a boat!"

Uncle Su made an incomparable confirmation, and was even more precise: "It's still a small boat, so there's no mistake. Ordinary small boats don't dare to come out from this position. They are all offshore. This is already an open sea. It's dangerous." Are you still running so far in the middle of the night?"

This is where it gets weird!

If a small boat, or if nothing else goes wrong, is an ordinary small fishing boat, running to the far sea in the middle of the night is really life-threatening.

There is no doubt that it is a boat from their county, because ordinary small fishing boats at this location can only be from their county. It is impossible for other cities to come here. The only ones that can come are medium-sized fishing boats or above.

There is something strange about this matter!

"Uncle San, where is my camera?" Su Xiangdong suddenly asked.

"It's on the cabinet on the left, I locked it!"

Uncle Su had already guessed what his nephew was going to do. The last time he used a SLR camera, he directly captured people trading contraband. He also received a reward of 1 million (really Zhao). It’s so dark now, let alone leaving. If you are farther away, you may not be able to see clearly even if you are close. The SLR camera can be used as a telescope, or a telescope with night vision function: "The key is hanging on it. The first layer !”


Su Xiangdong moved neatly, took the key directly, opened the iron cabinet, took out the SLR, installed the lens, raised his hand and pointed it in the direction of the small fishing boat.


With a sound, a photo is formed.

I didn't pay attention to it after that, but quickly adjusted the color and the photos I took. After all, it's still dark. If you don't adjust it, the resolution and other things won't work, and you can't even see it.

But I didn’t adjust it for long. I only adjusted it until I could clearly see the specific outline of the photo and ignored it.

"Hiss evenly!"

Take a breath!


The shutter was pressed continuously, and it was completely in continuous shooting mode. I didn’t know how many pictures were taken in an instant.

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