Fisherman: Making A Fortune Starts By Reporting Spies

Chapter 134: Total Harvest Of Fishing Boats: 15.01 Million Yuan [4 Updates]


Although Aunt Su didn't know the full story of the incident, she also knew that it was very important and the key information was captured without any hesitation.

Also wait until this time!

Only then did Uncle Su have a chance to say a few words. The two of them were sitting in the back seat of the pickup truck, close to each other, making it much easier to talk.

I didn’t go into too much detail. If I wanted to go into more detail, I would have to talk from beginning to end. It’s not necessary at all. You just need to highlight the key points.

It was discovered that there were large abalones on the reef beach. The crew also knew about it, but there were still many that had not been caught. They had to take advantage of the fact that the crew was not clear about it, so they had to secretly catch the big abalones themselves, and then go out to sea again three days later. Catch the remaining abalone.

"In the fish tank at the back, there are four half-headed abalone caught by Xiaodong!"

Uncle Su finally told his wife that they sealed the fish tank so tightly that they couldn't even see the fish tank, let alone knowing what was inside: "There are many single-headed abalones, and even more double-headed abalones. Then There are many more around, we only found a small area."


It’s not that Aunt Su doesn’t understand. Even a three-year-old child knows that abalone is very valuable, especially the bigger it is, the more valuable it is, and the wild abalone is even more valuable: “Speaking of...originally, when we go to sea, the crew members are paid. , all the harvest should be what is on the fishing boat.

"Women... have long hair but short knowledge!"

Uncle Su is not so polite to his wife, and he is the head of the family after all: "There are a lot of 400 abalones in that area, and the ones we catch are all three or more, and I don't know how many are four, five, or six." As for the abalone, there are eight or nine more abalone, and they are all very valuable. I discovered them by chance. If I don’t give some benefits to the crew, do you think they will tell them?"

"Once they tell the truth, how many people will go over there to catch abalone? It is estimated that even ten abalones will be caught. And if they are given benefits, they will also make money. They will definitely not tell the truth. They will be slow in the future. If you catch it slowly, you will have permanent income, so... Xiaodong is doing the right thing, and I support it." After scolding his wife, Uncle Su also expressed his strong support for his nephew.

"This..." Aunt Su was speechless. She never thought that she would encounter such a great thing this time when she went to sea.

"Auntie, is there something to eat at home?"

Su Xiangdong also knew that the third aunt was embarrassed, so she simply changed the subject: "Let's just eat something and go to bed. I guess we will be very tired after going to sea for two days, and then there are so many skinned fish to be dried at home, and you are alone It's not easy to control people. I still have my original opinion. Hire people who should be hired. Paying 200 yuan a day is not a big deal. I have to work hard by myself just to save hundreds or thousands of dollars. , not worth it.” (chfa) “I invited eight people.”

Aunt Su said she was very happy, but in fact she felt a little unwilling: "I am responsible for drying and collecting. There is no need to check them one by one when drying. As long as they are scattered and not piled up, it is very easy."

I think 200 yuan a day is too much. There are people willing to do it for 150 yuan a day.

"Don't worry about fifty yuan." Su Xiangdong also knew that the third aunt was born in poverty and was accustomed to thrift.


Aunt Su seemed to suddenly remember this matter. As soon as she thought of it, she immediately said: "Yesterday, the owner of a dry goods store in the town came to him and said that he wanted dried fish, but it should not be too dried. About 60% would be enough. He said it was You want 10,000 kilograms. If you ask me to give you a price, I’ll tell you that I can’t make the decision.”

"60 yuan!"

Su Xiangdong knew that there was no way to hide the fact that there were so many peeled and dried fish to be dried in the village, and he never thought of hiding it, but he refused to give in when the price was set: "If he comes to ask again, just say this price, and it will cost you a dime." No matter what, if he has any objections, just tell him... The fishing moratorium is coming soon, and he will understand.

"Okay, I think 60 yuan per pound is appropriate. Even if it's 60% dry, they still make a lot of money."

"Anyway, we are not in a hurry. Now that it is in the market, we won't need the money for the time being. We can just keep it and sell it slowly. The price will only get higher and higher!"

"Okay, I get it!"

Talking room!

Domestic pickup trucks have entered Sujia Village.

Aunt Su knows the habit of going to sea and usually does not stay too long before returning to Hong Kong, so she got up early in the morning, made breakfast, and specially boiled a pot of water, and then put the breakfast in the hot water to keep it warm. In this way, when they come back from the sea, they still have a little warmth when they eat it.

Also when we were at the dock, we had to sell fish, so we didn't have time to have breakfast. Otherwise, we could just buy some to eat, but the problem was that we couldn't spare any time at all.

Have some breakfast, easy to digest.

At least by the time you finish washing, your digestion will be almost complete, and you can go straight to bed without feeling uncomfortable.

As for renting a yacht, after finishing breakfast and queuing up to take a shower, Su Xiangdong had already found the yacht club’s phone number, called and booked a yacht, and also asked about the price, including rental of diving equipment, etc. It was settled over the phone, and all they had to do was wait for them to come over, go through some formalities, pay the money, and then the yacht could be driven away directly.

The development of science and technology has brought too many conveniences.

Many things can be solved with just one phone call.

It's not like twenty years ago, when there were no telephones, everything was done in person, and contact could only be made through letters.

Nowadays, the phone is very convenient, and there is also the Internet. If you need a deposit, you can ask someone to send you a QR code, and you can scan the code to pay remotely.

I slept for ten hours!

At least Su Xiangdong is like this.

Su Xiangnan, on the other hand, got up earlier. Because he was a few years younger, he had things waiting for him to do and things to remember, so it was unrealistic to sleep peacefully.

"Brother...the accounts have been settled!"

"Report it!" Su Xiangdong waved his hand. It has become a routine. He just needs to understand the overall situation.

"The total fish catch this time was about 245 tons, and all the fish caught included crabs and miscellaneous fish!"

Su Xiangdong looked at the record book and saw that it was all marked. Just report it directly: "The crab is about 7.6 tons, and the remaining more than 237 tons are fish catches, of which more than 7 tons are trash fish."

"I drew an average, which is more intuitive. In terms of fish, the average price of the three main types of fish is about 8 yuan per catty, and there are 460,000 catties. This piece is about 3.68 million yuan, including those sizes. Larger red-eyed silver carp are also included in the calculation."

"About seven tons of trash fish were sold for more than 80,000 yuan!"

"The best thing was the crabs, which sold for about 1,052.5 yuan in total, including the 563 kilograms bought by Boss Qin and Boss Jiang, as well as the 563 kilograms bought by Boss Tang from Tiantian Fishing Port.

"In this way, it is 3.68 million plus 80,000, plus 10.525 million, and the total is 14.285 million yuan.

"If you include the 30% that Lao Liu and the others gave to the fishing boats after selling the abalone, and an additional 724,500 yuan, then this time it is 15,009,500 yuan, which can be regarded as 15,010,000 yuan. Of course, our abalone was not sold. , Otherwise, 30 million will definitely be no problem."

Su Xiangnan finally reported the total amount, almost laughing his head off.

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