First Law

Invincible Chapter 350

"Get out?

Karen's ruthless voice kept echoing in the living room, shocking everyone's nerves with some magical power.

Forbes in front of him was stunned, and the representative of the human mage was stunned, especially the elf and the most powerful Carrington in front of him, who kept their eyes open for a long time before the stiffness on their faces returned to normal.

Followed by a sneer, a crazy laugh: "Karen, I want to see how you drive me out, hmph, without me, you don't want to do anything in Sky Island."

Throwing off his sleeves, he left the venue under the gaze of everyone.

The other elves glanced at each other. No one expected that things would be so stiff. Some wise elders followed quickly. In less than a moment, only three of the twenty-three selected elders were left. .

Even these three were full of sadness, not knowing how to make a choice.

The only problem is the human race, they are a completely different group from the elves, but what the human mage leader said just now seems to be on Karen's expulsion list.

Fortunately, Karen voluntarily left the venue. The moment he left, everyone started discussing impatiently.

"How come things are so rigid.

"That's right, who doesn't know that Karen has a quick temper, and those elves are real, but there are problems that can't be eased. The old man Carrington is getting more and more confused."

"Let's settle this matter. Carrington's prestige among the elves is not small. If the two sides really quarrel, it will be the elves on the Green Island to watch the fun."

"Don't worry about other people's affairs. What about us human mages? When you saw Karen's livid face just now, it is estimated that the elves are not the only target this time."

These people are very nervous. They have finally obtained their current management position. This feeling of power is really wonderful. I thought that I could get higher power through this meeting, but now it is completely unexpected, even completely Go in the opposite direction.

Just when all the elders felt that this matter was likely to be resolved by one party, an expulsion order was directly posted on all the empty islands.

Expel some creatures to leave Sky Island. This part of people includes Carrington, the current elf representative of Sky Island, and more than 20 elf elders who left in the venue. In addition to the elves, the representatives of the human race directly deprived Sky Island of qualifications, together with All seven under his command were forced to leave Sky Island.

Forbes, the number one manager of Sky Island, was directly removed from his post.

Such a thunderous method gave everyone a chill, as if they had fallen into an abyss, and they felt that the surroundings were full of whirlwinds, and if they were not careful, they would not be as good as the others.

This is not just an order, but also an efficient execution rate.

Immediately, the Sky Island Guard entered Carrington's home, without giving the slightest chance to refute, they directly supported the other party, sent them to the edge of the Sky Island and threw them out.

If it weren't for elves, they would know how to fly with some spells, and they would directly fall to death at this height.

Seeing this, the other elf elders didn't dare to stay at all. They began to gather together, recruited some tribes to resist the law enforcement of the Sky Island Guard, and secretly actively contacted ordinary elves, asking all elves to stand up and protect their own interests.

As a result, more and more elves gathered in the square, and in less than half a day, one-third of the elves were already included.

But just when everyone thought Karen should compromise this time,

A more stringent order was posted on the bulletin board.

"Karen, the lord of Gold Glitter Town, warns all elves who gathered illegally that you are now touching the bottom line of the survival of Gold Glitter Town, and asks you to stop these reckless actions immediately within five minutes, otherwise you will be unilaterally sanctioned by Glitter Gold Town. "

The elves gathered in front of the bulletin board, with different expressions, and a few bold elves raised their necks and shouted.

"What can he do to us!"

"I want to see, a necromancer from outside dares to touch so many of our elves."

five minutes!

In just five minutes, an army composed entirely of excellent magic in the town of Shining Gold directly surrounded the central square of the Eternal City where the gathering took place.

Rain clouds formed in the sky, the magic whirlwind began to rage, lightning flashed, and sharp ice knives fell directly from the sky.


With the friction sound of air, it directly pierced into the body of ordinary elves, and blood flowed out along the broken hole. In less than a blink of an eye, the whole square was blood red, and at least hundreds of elves died directly.

Some wise elves hurriedly applied the magic shield to themselves, and so easily resisted the ice knife, but before they could recover, the entangled lightning in the sky had penetrated into the shield like a poisonous snake, and was paralyzed for an instant. At this moment, hoarfrost actually began to condense on the surface of the shield.

The ice withers!

This is the most common ice spell, but what is displayed in front of you now is a restricted area that has reached extreme freezing, and some without effective protective shields have directly become ice sculptures.

Behind this, a full hundred mages were casting spells collectively.

It was only a moment, and the elves' keen perception told them that the fire element in the air was beating, the magic power of the water system was flowing, and destruction was everywhere.

The entire square of the Eternal City has become a magical purgatory.

Now is not the time to claim rights at all, it is good to save your life, why give yourself flying wings and rush directly to the outside of the square.

When they rushed out of the square and turned their heads to look again, the square was still the original square without any changes, let alone any magical fluctuations.

But they know that this is the effect of the neon image of the neon magic, but it is just some illusions to deceive perception.

Meteor and fire rain, thunder snake dancing wildly, magnetic disintegration, absolutely freezing.

The spells were faster than the last. After the last bone-scraping whirlwind blew, the magic storm in the sky began to disappear, and a group of mages came out of the virtual image.

Necromancers began to transform the corpses on the ground into undead, earth mages processed the damaged buildings, and water mages began to cast rainstorm to clean the ground.

Half an hour later, the square of the Eternal City reappeared in front of the living beings, clean and devoid of anything.

But now, all the elves on the periphery of the square did not dare to breathe loudly. Everything that happened in just half an hour seemed like an unspeakable disaster.

No matter how clean this square is, there are still some details that have not been dealt with. Those who have experienced it personally can't help but shudder when they recall it.

They are just a party, what they ask for is just a little bit of ordinary rights, but what they receive is a catastrophe.

And that's what happened, Karen committed a real carnage.

Karen was the first to appear on the square, walking slowly, like an old man exercising in the morning, as if what he had just done was nothing more than washing his face.

But it was this little move that made all the elves feel a chill in their hearts. Even the humans, orcs, and all kinds of creatures from the town of Shining Gold who were watching from a distance couldn't help but take a breath.

The square has a brand new look, but the bloody smell of death is not easy to clean up quickly.

Karen walked around the square, looking at the blood remaining in the cracks of the bricks, with a wicked smile on his face, this is what he needed.

He is not the savior, nor is the elf a high-ranking existence that wants him to really cling to. Anyone who wants to use this kind of rogue method to exchange chips from him must have made a wrong calculation.

Likewise, he doesn't care about death. If death can better allow living beings to recognize their identities, then he is willing to do it again.

"Clean it up again, this place is for mages to gather."

Karen glanced at the watching creatures in the distance, showing a kind smile.

The elves couldn't help trembling. Once upon a time, this smile made them think that they met an ordinary manager, but now this smile is full of endless fear.


Do they still dare?

But now an ordinary sentence is more like an order that cannot be resisted.

The nearest elf, under the watchful eyes of everyone, took out a broom from the side fence, lowered his body and began to clean.

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