First Evolution

: Cough, it's rare to change one more time, you have to put a bowl, the point is warm ...

I originally planned to add more on Sunday night this week. I didn't expect a book friend to come to a silver league today.

Cough, I also said that it was delayed until Thursday, and was sprayed by a group of authors.

Come on, add more!

By the way, ask for the hot monthly ticket! There are hundreds of votes to 10,000 votes! !

Speaking, I will lose some money after 10,000 votes! Let Tusao wear cheongsam to dance for everyone.

Then this Sunday night will be added.

Finally, my public account, the author got a magical video of the basic footsteps LV6 on the soil, everyone can go to look at this afternoon at 5:30.

Above, love your little soil.

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