Wu Qizhe did not hesitate any longer. He fired twice in a row with his beam rifle. The green light flashed away, and the reconnaissance plane's twin legs exploded. Fortunately, the upper body was still preserved.

But I don’t know if Wu Qizhe’s two shots destroyed the engine of the reconnaissance aircraft, and then the entire aircraft exploded.

Wu Qizhe saw from a distance that his face didn't change much. He could only think that you were unlucky. You originally wanted not to attack the opponent's cockpit, but unexpectedly it exploded in the end.

Didi: "Qizhe, what happened?" Wu Qizhe had just blown up a reconnaissance plane, and the Archangel had already discovered it. Bucky Lulu opened the communication and asked immediately.

"It's okay, I just blew up a ZAFT reconnaissance plane. It seemed to be looking for something!" Wu Qizhe said casually.

"Be careful, the reconnaissance plane cannot go out alone. There must be a mothership in the nearby universe." A trace of undetectable worry flashed in Bucky Lulu's eyes on the communication screen. "Hurry up and return to the ship."

"Wait a minute." Wu Qizhe said suddenly, "A distress signal has been sent out nearby. I'll go take a look."

"Hey, why don't you listen to the command? I told you to come back!" Bucky Lulu said very dissatisfied on the communication screen. Before she could continue, Wu Qizhe had already closed the communication.

Soon Wu Qizhe drove the Strike Gundam to the vicinity of the signal source. He knew that the person who sent the distress signal must be Lux Klein. Soon he saw a military green rescue capsule.

Wu Qizhe directly used the Strike Gundam to grab the life capsule and flew in the direction of the Archangel.

"You really love picking up things!" Baji Lulu glared at Wu Qizhe.

Wu Qizhe didn't care, but smiled and said, "You can't let me die without saving you."

Except for Wu Qizhe and Bucky Lulu, everyone else is also there. At this time, the supply of resources has been completed, and the Archangel has started to move forward again. However, everyone is curious about the rescue capsule that Wu Qizhe found. Except for the necessary crew members, everyone rushed over.

Soon, Mark, as a technician, began to unlock the rescue capsule.

"Okay, it's time to open it, everyone!" Mark reminded, and everyone stepped back a little distance, and the door of the rescue cabin began to slowly open.

In order to avoid unexpected situations, the soldiers present had raised their guns.


"Hello" a voice with a bit of cuteness like a repeater sounded in the warehouse, and a pink ball-like thing came out of the rescue cabin. It had two cute ears and looked more like wings. It kept flapping. It was an animal-like robot. People around were dumbfounded. Could it be that the thing in the rescue cabin was this robot?

"Thank you, I'm lucky." A soft and beautiful female voice, like the warm spring breeze, suddenly sounded from the rescue cabin.

Wu Qizhe knew that this should be Lux's voice. She was indeed a singer who could speak directly into people's souls. This voice also seemed particularly pleasant to the ears.

Soon a slender and graceful figure floated out of the rescue cabin.

This is a girl with long wavy light pink hair. She has a unique temperament. She seems to have a kind of tranquility and peace in her body, without any sharp and harsh feeling. What is very unforgettable is her watery big lips. The eyes seemed to have a dreamlike feel, coupled with the girl's fair and clear skin and perfect and delicate face, she looked like an angel who should not have appeared in the world.

The girl always has a smile on her face that makes people look extremely happy. She floats in the air with her pink skirt flying, looking gorgeous and charming. The men around her can't help but stare at it until the girl floats between them. , no one responded.

The girl happened to fly diagonally above Wu Qizhe, and she reached out and grabbed her little feet wearing flat shoes, and then pulled them down from the air easily.

Smooth skin, soft and soft foot curves, small tui is so slender and slender, and the wrists also look delicate and delicate. When Wu Qizhe held it, he did not dare to use any force for fear of damaging his ice muscles and jade bones. , crystal clear. In short, the woman in front of her gives people a very different feeling. She is noble, holy, and beautiful. There seem to be too many adjectives that can be used on her, but none of them seem to be enough to describe her one-ten thousandth beauty.

"Thank you." The girl couldn't help but blush a little when Wu Qizhe grabbed her ankle just now, although Wu Qizhe had already let go in time.

The girl was a little close to Wu Qizhe, and he could even clearly see the pair of eyes as clear and beautiful as sapphires.

Wu Qizhe naturally knew who the girl in front of him was. From the moment he rescued her, he knew she was Lux Klein, the most popular heroine in the Gundam series. He was not disappointed when he saw her in person.

Lux's father was Sigur Klein, one of the key founders of Zaft and the then speaker of the PNT Supreme Council. He had a strong political base of public opinion. Lux is a second-generation adjuster. She not only has a noble and beautiful appearance, but also has a voice as clear as nature. She is known as "PNT's No. 1 Singer".

Influenced by her anti-war father, she began to publicly call for peace before 1971. This birth, her excellent ability as a singer, and her peace-loving public image have enabled her to gain the support of the vast majority of the people of PNT.

In CE69, the fourteen-year-old Lux ​​entered into a marriage contract with Aslan Sara, the son of Speaker Patrick Sara. The two parties were a political marriage based on the PNT "Genetic Marriage Law".

In CE71, when she was sixteen, she met Kira Yamato, who was in great pain, on the battlefield, and she received a great mental shock. It can be said that this encounter was an element that drove her to start acting independently after her father's death. She was not initially heading in the direction of ending the war. She was shaken by the tit-for-tat incidents during the war. She began to use her own abilities to find a way forward and sang a true "song of peace" as a Kleinite. The leader of the Communist Party of China strongly guided the third force and promoted the end of the war.

In addition, Lux is also a girl who is quiet, elegant and mentally tough. Born into a political family, she has a noble temperament and excellent self-cultivation.

She also has natural political talents, is politically acumen beyond ordinary people, is calm and calm, and hides her edge. He has a unique understanding of the world and can derive strong determination for the ideas he adheres to in his heart. As a leader who can lead the family, she has extraordinary courage and unique insights. She can often make excellent decisions and understand the entire situation clearly.

Such a girl must not be treated as an ordinary girl. Compared to Fleur, who can only act like a young lady, Lux is obviously much more mature.

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