Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 536: more and more like a profiteer

After eating supper with Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu that night, they sat at the bar again and went home to rest.

the next day.

Su Yehao got up early and came to the hello~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ building in Yau Tsim Mong. At this time, he was wearing a safety helmet and was standing on the rooftop looking into the distance.

The direction we are facing is not the Kai Tak Airport.

The former airport runway can be seen far away, as a product of artificial reclamation, it stretches straight in Victoria Harbour.

On the hello~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ building at the foot of the building, the workers are finishing up.

The team under Father Su is responsible for leading the renovation project. After half a year of preparation, it is basically completed. Only the inside and outside are cleaned, the beds and tables are placed, etc., and then the opening is ready.

As for the elimination of harmful gases, windows have been opened as much as possible for ventilation during the construction period, and the customized panels have been dried in advance, and the rest can be handed over to a professional team for catalytic decomposition, so as to avoid residual decoration smells as much as possible.

There are decoration and building materials companies under Sihai International. Even if they want to make money, those people will not be able to kill the young owner, so there is nothing to say in terms of quality.

Just now, Su Yehao checked six rooms on different floors in a row, and only found some innocuous minor problems, such as the brick joints were not filled properly, the walls had color difference, etc., which had already been reworked.

It can only be said that you get what you pay for.

The decoration workers here in Hong Kong City are paid 300 to 400 Hong Kong dollars a day, and they leave work on time, and they are paid overtime for overtime.

A total of more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars was invested, and the unfinished building that was once owned by the Donghuang Group was given a new look in the hands of Su Yehao.

It is a pity that it is located in Yau Tsimwang, and the surrounding environment is a bit old. If it is placed in Central, the value will be at least doubled. Now it can only be positioned as a mid-to-high-end hotel.

Returning to the original is far away, but the building itself has appreciated by two or three hundred million Hong Kong dollars with the recovery of housing prices.

The magnitude is far more than the loan interest, so it must be earned.

Seeing that Su Yehao was in a daze, Linda Yun was worried about being tanned by the sun, so she approached and asked:

"Let's go down, the sun is so hot that your head is on fire. Are you looking at the land of Kai Tak Airport? The assistant's office is already preparing a team, and they have also asked people from McKinsey Consulting to help. I believe it is very A plan will be forthcoming soon.”

"...No, I'm struggling with a problem."

After Su Yehao finished speaking in a melancholy tone, Linda Yun asked, "What's the problem?"

"Last night, Nangong suddenly mentioned the roof of the second unit of Shangfeng and Shangshui. He said that Jiang Yu was talking about a beautiful woman living there. I don't know if the wind was leaking. ...are you guilty of being a thief?"


Linda Yun thought about it seriously, poured cold water and said:

"Never underestimate a woman's sixth sense, especially a smart girl like Nangong Tian. You not only do business with Nong Qingying, but also take her to ski in the French Alps and go to New York to ring the bell. If Nangong finds out, you will also Pretty reasonable."

Su Yehao also thought that was the truth, he sighed and said, "Alas... if you walk too much at night, you will inevitably bump into ghosts, so you must be careless."

From Linda Yun's point of view, Su Yehao's troubles in his private life are all self-inflicted. When he's cool, he's really cool and there's no need to sympathize.

So she rejoiced in the misfortune and told:

"Nangong didn't have a showdown with you? That should be a good thing. Who made you so affectionate? If it was the kind of woman who was difficult to deal with, it would have been so frustrating. How could she indulge you like this."

There is no solution to this trouble, and it has always been a step by step.

Su Yehao waved his hand and went downstairs while exhorting:

"When the Kai Tak Cyberport Working Group is established, let them contact me for a meeting, so as not to make a mistake in the planning plan. In addition, I will put some news out for me to see if anyone actively seeks me to cooperate, and prepare some more by the way. As a gift, I will visit Zhao Yimeng's parents, and He Shaofan's father, and Bank of China's President Peng will also prepare a copy..."

After the meal last night, the news of trying to develop Kai Tak Airport is estimated to have spread.

It is difficult to implement such a large project in a short period of time. Su Yehao was worried that the Lao Li family would speed up the progress after learning the news, and catch himself by surprise, so he contacted Vice President Zheng Yongwen again and asked him to go for a ride in the sea.

Zheng Yongwen was very respectful and quickly rushed to the Central Pier, and boarded the yacht Sihai International, which is more than 40 meters long.

After boarding.

He was a little helpless and said to Su Yehao:

"I'm just an idler who is almost retired. Why does a boss like Master Su care so much about me? Isn't it fun to go out to sea with beautiful girls of the same age? I don't have any right to speak about the development of the Cyberport. I'm just here to grab a good drink, and I happen to want to borrow your yacht to go out to sea and find a place to fish with my friends."

Seeing Zheng Yongwen's direct disregard and no interest in intervening in the project, Su Yehao said with a smile:

"I haven't graduated from the University of Hong Kong yet. I'm considered a student under your command. I'm in trouble now. Mr. Zheng, can you see me die?"


Zheng Yongwen finished without hesitation, lay lazily on the rattan chair, and continued to say: "What difficulties can you have, you make too much money, and you can't breathe? The listed company is also one of the major shareholders of Yahoo, and has invested in a number of other companies, I dare not help you with advice, please don't use me as a master."

"Cough, I don't dare to give me two courage. I don't think it's a good project. I want to ask if you are interested. I had dinner with representatives of several developers last night. Their ambitions are too small, listen to me. After I mentioned the plan of trying to develop Kai Tak Airport, I didn’t dare to pay for the land. Instead, I wanted to bring the government together, and then a public-private partnership would reduce risks and reduce investment.”

Su Yehao took a deep breath and added, "According to my ideas, it is interesting to invest by yourself. I want to separate the Cyberport from the residential project."

After listening.

Vice President Zheng Yongwen looked strange and couldn't help but ask, "Have you really talked to them about the cooperation in developing Kai Tak Airport?"

"What?" Su Yehao asked in a puzzled tone, thinking he did something wrong.

Zheng Yongwen shook his head and only explained: "It's okay, I just think you are very similar to your dad. You dared to work hard when you were young, and your ambitions are really amazing. Others are eager to join the official, and they invest less money in the project. , but you are always thinking about making more money. But this is actually good, so you can make a fortune, I am a character that doesn't matter if I have enough money."

"It can be seen that if you didn't become the chief financial advisor at the beginning, the two of us would have made more than ten or billions of dollars together."

After Su Yehao finished speaking, he then asked tentatively:

"You know the above rules better. Come and help me this time. I have a lot of business, and several big projects collide together. Contact some potential investors, and communicate with the above to negotiate the details of cooperation, and the relationship accumulated now can also be used in the reform of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and there is an opportunity to connect several big families."

"...This is tempting me? I'm just worrying about the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Anyway, I don't have the strength to be a shareholder of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. What does it have to do with me."

Zheng Yongwen's voice just smiled, Su Yehao said in his mouth: "Then, what if I promise to do my best to support you to become the CEO of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange? Once the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is restructured, If it is not directly managed by the above, there should be some good positions vacated."


After a moment of silence, Zheng Yongwen took the cocktail from the waiter and said:

"Tell me first, what plan did you come up with for dinner with those real estate developers last night? I won't necessarily help you, but it's really a waste to leave Kai Tak Airport idle there. More like a profiteer."



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