Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 521: Jincheng sage

Zhuang Wei, Su Yehao's former personal assistant, has been running around with the road show team recently, acting as his representative.

This kind of work sounds high-end atmosphere, but it is actually very busy.

Just arranging venues and coordinating guests would make people busy. If Goldman Sachs hadn't arranged for professionals to help and solved the task of inviting guests, with Su Yehao's own team, it would have been unavoidable to lose the chain.

This side of Tokyo is the fifth roadshow.

Miss Zhuang Wei, who was busy working for Su Yehao, was admitted to the hospital when she first came to Tokyo. She had a fever of 39 and a half degrees and contracted a mild pneumonia.

After learning about this, he felt the need to visit the hospital in person, so he took Nong Qingying and drove to St. Luke's Hospital not far from Ginza.

this time.

Nong Qingying played with flowers and said:

"I still have a little impression of Zhuang Wei. She was a very smart and capable woman at the beginning. She was a very smart and capable woman. You must have used others a lot. It's better now, she's ill, I don't know if she likes it or not. A bunch of stars."

Su Yehao smiled awkwardly.

He usually has nothing to do, and leaves the work to the assistant's office. As the scale of the business continues to expand, he had to recruit a new batch of new people a few days ago.

Knowing that he was wrong, he opened his mouth and said:

"Zhuang Wei is a bit of savant syndrome and is not very good at socializing, but she has a very strong learning ability and is very serious when dealing with things, which means she has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Even if I don't give her a job, she will try her best to do her best, so Strong women are rare, otherwise they wouldn't have been strongly recommended to me by headhunters."

"Then why changed to Linda Yun later?" Nong Qingying asked.

Su Yehao answered her calmly: "Let Zhuang Wei go to the assistant office, it's a promotion, okay, Linda Yun's job is easier. Zhuang Wei takes care of personal affairs for me, and her status is basically equivalent to that of an executive in a Fortune 500 company. , I didn't treat her badly, of course, the position of life secretary is also very important."

The co-pilot sits.

Linda Yun turned her head and stared at Su Yehao silently for a while, but she didn't say anything after all.

Mainly because she also admitted in her heart that she, a half-hearted former English teacher, is far worse than "senior" Zhuang Wei in terms of ability.

Since she is ashamed of herself, of course she has no confidence to argue with Su Yehao. Usually, Linda Yun uploads it. She believes that the job of life secretary can be done well by ordinary college graduates with an annual salary of 100,000 yuan.

Nong Qingying was amused by Linda Yun's expression, leaned over and patted her shoulder, and chatted about other topics.

After arriving at St Luke's Hospital.

Accidentally found that Zhuang Wei lived in a six-person ward, and the nurse was helping her infusion.

Thinking that he couldn't treat talents badly, Su Yehao secretly looked around at the familiar pink nurse uniforms and asked Nong Qingying:

"You've been in Tokyo for so long, do you know the senior management of this hospital? I'm going to replace Zhuang Wei with a single room. I'm not familiar with this place, so it would be convenient if I go back to Hong Kong City."

Nong Qingying rolled her eyes and whispered, "What do you think, I don't even know Japanese, and my usual social circle is very narrow."

Su Yehao was eccentric and jokingly said, "Tsk, speaking of which he is still a president at the level of tens of billions of yen."


Feeling humiliated.

Gritting his teeth, in the public eye, Nong Qingying endured it...??

Seeing Zhuang Wei dizzy, she was lying on the hospital bed and sleeping.

Su Yehao didn't disturb her rest, he took out his mobile phone, rummaged through the address book, and called a local acquaintance in Tokyo.

The other party's name is Jincheng Xianren. He was previously the president of the Gangcheng Branch of the First Quanye Bank in Japan, and then he was transferred to the First Quanye Securities Department as the vice president. He would still send Su Yehao during the holidays. Message greetings, and send gifts to Big Wave Bay.

Whether you work in a bank or in the financial sector, whether there are super-large customers behind you or not makes a huge difference, which directly determines the breadth and depth of your career.

In such a company, only ability is not enough, and the ability to find big customers that make the company make money is the kingly way of promotion and salary increase.

Such as Jincheng Xianren.

Originally transferred to the Hong Kong City Branch, due to the late start and fierce competition, the results were not very good.

However, because he knew some rich people in Hong Kong City, had some big client resources in his hands, and had some support at the headquarters, the former president of Jincheng Xianren, who was in his early 40s, successfully became the first Quanye Securities Company. vice president.

It is a step up, and he is still in his prime, and he still has the opportunity to continue to unlock the new peak of his career.

When Jincheng Xianren received a call from Su Yehao... He suddenly stood up and carefully put the phone to his ear.

This scene made many employees in the same headquarter of Daiichi Quanye Securities in Tokyo subconsciously think that there were executive directors, chairman of the board and other high-level executives in the parent company's bank headquarters who called him, so they lowered their voices.

In the open office area, the staff with no discernment have long been transferred to Africa to open up new markets, and no one dares to disturb Jincheng Xianren.

Japan's corporate culture is like this.

When Nong Qingying was at the sk2 headquarters, she was almost like a queen, and when her staff saw her, they all bowed their heads to greet her.

As one of the largest clients in his hand, Jincheng Xianren has always attached great importance to Su Yehao, so even if he leaves, he often sends gifts and greetings to avoid being completely forgotten.

In the second quarter of last year, Su Yehao tried to borrow money from the First Quanye Bank to acquire icq as a whole.

For this transaction, Jincheng Xianren immediately completed the approval procedures, but when it was sent to the Tokyo head office, he was stuck by a boss, citing that the risk was too high.

The more than 300 million US dollars at that time was a large amount of money compared to Su Yehao's personal worth.

The reason why the head office is stuck in approval is quite reasonable. They believe that icq can not really create profits, and Su Yehao's strength is not enough to continue to inject funds into icq, so that this Silicon Valley Internet company can go further, so the risk control department Judgment to refuse to lend.

What happened afterward is obvious.

Su Yehao's wealth has skyrocketed, Yahoo's share price has risen more than tenfold, and his self-created TVT is also very popular in the international market.

At that time, Bank of China, which paid for Su Yehao to buy icq, has also become his largest cooperative bank. Now the reorganized and merged Yanwen Group is ready to go public. Many major customers have asked Jincheng Xianren to ask about this emerging hotspot. business situation.

This incident deeply impressed Jincheng Xianren, and more than once annoyed that the decision-making level of the head office was blind.


It's no wonder that Jin Chengxian paid so much attention to the call from Su Yehao at this moment, for fear of missing the opportunity to repair their relationship... Even if it was just a single ward for someone.

Just hung up the phone.

Jincheng Xianren quickly took out a small black book, which recorded thousands of contact not only old classmates, but also colleagues, relatives, friends and customer information.

At the level of Su Yehao, he felt that it was very troublesome to manage a network of contacts, but for a working-class like Jincheng Xianren, the importance of contacts was unquestionable.

For example at this moment.

Quickly found a client related to St. Luke's Hospital, Jincheng Xianren's tone was full of smiles. After greeting, he asked the other party to help him change to a single room.

To this end, he did not hesitate to reduce the fund management fee for the client, and promised to owe the other party a small favor.

After doing all this, Jincheng Xianren was very happy, and he couldn't be too enthusiastic about a super VIP who is worth billions of dollars...


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