Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 515: not here

The four million Hong Kong dollars pocket money was in Su Yehao's personal account.

Linda Yun was immune to the whining voice of the female clerk, and abruptly lowered the price of the dragon head to NT$15 million, that is, saving more than 300,000 Hong Kong dollars, and asked the store owner to write on the transaction contract. Under the words "This product is one of the twelve zodiac sculptures (designed by Lang Shining) in the Yuanmingyuan of the Qing Dynasty, such as fake replacement".

After the payment was completed, the money and goods were cleared, and Su Yehao personally left with the cardboard box containing the dragon head.


The Yuanmingyuan beast head is not well-known yet. In his opinion, there is no artificial counterfeiting. This thing does not seem difficult. In fact, the material is relatively special.

If you want to know if it is true or not, after the test, you can find other animal heads that have already existed in the world, and you will know after a test.

According to the antique shop manager, the seller bought it from a store in the UK and spent more than £100,000 a few years ago, so it didn't make much money.

This thing has not been linked to other foreign objects, and it is only valuable because it is related to Lang Shining and Yuanmingyuan.

Yesterday, Su Yehao was in the small Forbidden City and saw the painting "Hundred Horses" created by this western court painter. He said that he was the best artist in China, and there was nothing wrong with him.

The works can easily be sold for tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars. If the "Hundred Horses" is released, the auction price will easily exceed 100 million without a big problem.

The sculpture designed by him is relatively small, and it has the title of "royal family". The starting price of more than three million Hong Kong dollars is almost the same as the price of cabbage in Su Yehao's opinion.

He didn't think about reflow, the reason for the shot was just liking, and by the way, he wanted to pick up a leak.

After putting the things in the car, Linda Yun wondered and asked: "Men are really different from us women. It's really refreshing to buy things. Don't you need to find some experts to help you identify them?"

"Of course I need to identify. You go to Sijiucheng to find some experts for me, and invite them to Hong Kong City to see for me. It's just over three million Hong Kong dollars. I'd rather bet than I want this thing to pass under my nose. Slip away, what is a big leak? It's a super big leak."

Su Yehao sat in the car, sweating profusely and blowing the air conditioner, and told: "Also call the art investigator Dick Whitt and tell him that he has work to do next, and find other animal heads for me. , since it has been auctioned before, it should not be difficult to find."

In order to understand the situation of Van Gogh's oil paintings, she had worked with Dick Whitt in California before, and Linda Yun still had an impression of this art investigator.

She just thought that Su Yehao was idle and bored, and started to learn "stamp collecting" from others. Anyway, the price of things was not high, so there was nothing worth caring about.

Nodding casually, Linda Yun then asked, "Continue shopping later, or go back to the hotel first?"

"...Go to Jiang Yu and the others. When some experts have finished identifying this faucet for me, it's best to pull them here and find other good treasures for me. The small European-style castle in the yard is being renovated for security. equipment, and then install more bulletproof showcases."


Buying collectibles is just for fun, Su Yehao has not forgotten the real purpose of this trip.

After contacting the inspection team in the morning, I left Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu at noon and rushed to Taoyuan to have dinner with them.

After meeting.

It seemed that Academician Ni, who had met once before the new year, seemed to be in a much brighter mood. He was wearing trousers and a white short-sleeved shirt, and smiled and shook hands with the big gold lord Su Yehao.

Except for Academician Ni Lao and his student Zeng Guangpei, the rest of the team, Su Yehao, did not know each other, and the place to eat was set in a five-star hotel.

After taking their seats, Su Yehao asked, "Old Ni, come over and watch it, how do you feel?"

"What else can we do? We're ahead of us anyway. We just went to Hongji Computer's new factory in the morning to investigate. They're already researching LCD monitors in their lab. I bought some equipment from Japan, and the display effect is much better than I thought. a grade."

Mr. Ni sighed and continued to say:

"I have been here several times before. The semiconductor industry here is developing very fast, and every time I come here, there are new changes. In the semiconductor industry park over there in Hsinchu, there are large and small semiconductor companies. Most of the parts and components can be found here, and the cooperation model of self-production and self-selling is no longer popular, and the cooperation model of OEM is more beneficial to those companies in Europe and America, so don’t worry.”

Su Yehao poured a cup of tea to moisten his mouth and said with a smile:

"This is not like the mainland. There are no barriers to invest in high-tech industries. You can get access to the most advanced technologies at any time. The big deal is to spend a little more money. The mainland is different. Even if you spend more money on some technologies, people will directly ban them from selling them. Allowing transfer, if everything relies on independent research and development, of course it is very difficult, and you can only buy some backward technology."

"Yeah, so it's very troublesome. Just like industrial machine tools, engine technology, and material technology, it is equivalent to being blocked by the Iron Curtain and forced to be self-sufficient."

Mr. Ni sighed again, looked at Su Yehao and said:

"Actually, I feel that chips and semiconductors can be developed directly outside. It is good to set up R&D centers in Europe, the United States and other places, and put production factories back in the mainland.

Su Yehao smiled when he heard the words, and probably understood what Mr. Ni was thinking.

In terms of high-end semiconductors, the mainland is now almost blank, and even the home appliances produced are almost meaningless, and they are scrambling to cooperate with overseas companies, not to mention the semiconductor industry, which requires extremely high levels of technology manufacturing, especially chips.

If you don't have enough foundation, how can you build a castle in the sky.

Mr. Ni's proposal is to use external talents and technologies to shorten the research and development cycle and catch up with the international level as soon as possible. Even if it lags behind, at least not be left too far behind.

Su Yehao said:

"There must be overseas R&D institutions, and maybe some companies with ready-made talents and technologies will be acquired. As for the mainland, I plan to talk to the local people in Pengcheng about building a new semiconductor industrial park. It is best to introduce some small Chip production technology, to produce some chips needed for home appliances, mobile phones, etc., to accumulate experience step by step and develop."

When it comes to the chip industry, there is only one idea for the time being.

Su Yehao is now more concerned about the project of assembling and producing personal computers. After he finished his inquiries, he learned that the procurement of parts and components was progressing relatively smoothly.

As for the production line and technological process, Mr. Ni is working with other teams to try to solve it on his own, so as to avoid causing Su Yehao to waste money.

If you spend hundreds of millions of dollars to directly acquire a brand overseas, you can certainly avoid some detours, but in Ni Lao's opinion, it is not worth it. I would rather be more busy, with such a personality and careful planning.

Working with someone like him is always very reassuring.

However, Su Yehao also knew that Mr. Ni didn't want to be here. He helped to build a personal computer production team, and the purpose was just to take the opportunity to support the development of the semiconductor industry in the This is the cornerstone of their cooperation.

Fortunately, unlike Liang Xiang, Su Yehao was really envious of the prospects of certain semiconductor industries, and briefly mentioned the idea of ​​a "city of thousands of cores".

It is said to be a "city", but it is essentially a relatively independent semiconductor and Internet industrial park. After listening to Mr. Ni, he immediately agreed to build momentum for Su Yehao and strive for more policy support.

For some industries, the above shots can really work wonders.

However, in the high-tech field, it is not once or twice that it has been shriveled, and life and death cannot develop.

It is rare to meet a potential investor with such a tacit understanding, of course Mr. Ni is reluctant to let go...


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