Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 507: think about it

Sir Jia, remembered, has worked in this industry for more than ten years. Out of professional habit, he obviously won't trust anyone easily.

He looked at Su Yehao and continued to ask, "Then what is the relationship between you and Wu Weixiong?"

"What's the matter? It doesn't matter at all. The child of my father's friend came to Hong Kong City for medical treatment. I just asked me to help receive it." Su Yehao was calm and calm.

Jia sir continued to ask: "Since it's okay, why did he ask you to bail him?"


"Ghost knows, it's probably a drowning person, trying to grab a straw to survive."

Although I think that Wu Weixiong spent 2 million cheated and bought a pig's heart is a bit funny, but considering that the guy may die at any time, it is actually quite miserable, but it is just unscrupulous and desperate, which is very wrong.

Su Yehao took a deep breath and then told:

"First, I don't know him, I just saw him for the first time yesterday. Second, I can't take risks for him. It's such a sin to buy and sell hearts. I think you know better than me. Third, the whole thing is my family's. The hospital has nothing to do with it, I only promised him that he would invite a heart specialist to do a checkup for him, maybe that guy thinks that if he brings a heart over, he will have a chance to transplant it to himself."

Before Mr. Tang left, he also said at this moment:

"Yeah, even if you want to earn credit, you can't smear my grandson for no reason. You doubt it, you can, but if there is any news of chasing the wind, I will complain to your immediate boss. Go buy a pig's heart, this kind of thing. It's too stupid to underestimate my grandson. If he really wants to help, he can donate millions of dollars to those medical research institutions in the United States, and he will soon be able to change the heart of that person in a compliant way. No need to take risks."

Su Yehao was a little surprised. He had never been exposed to this aspect, and was surprised that such an operation could still exist.

Think about it.

The Earl Medical Group used to be managed by the old man, and he must know more about the ways in these industries than he does.

As soon as he heard that he might complain, Jia Sir suddenly had a big head.

Since they said it was telling their immediate boss, maybe even his boss, the boss's boss, the boss's boss' boss... will be scolded.

For Mr. Tang, no one would doubt that the old man's influence is not enough. The Earl Medical Group has been in business for decades, treating and saving countless people, and the accumulated favors are not small.

It's almost like eating "face fruit". Everywhere he goes, people give Mr. Tang face, and his network circle is much larger than that of Su Yehao.

The so-called family has an old man, if there is a treasure.

In fact, part of the reason why Father Su has been doing business smoothly over the years is also due to the light of Mr. Tang. After all, he is the eldest son-in-law. Otherwise, it would be so easy to grab a job from scratch.

After Jia Sir heard this, he also felt that Su Yehao had no part in it.

Otherwise, Wu Weixiong shouldn't be regarded as a good son anyway. He was almost deceived by someone using a fake pig's heart bought from a vegetable market for twenty yuan and putting it in a refrigerator.

After saying a few polite remarks, the two Asirs left, and reminded that it is best to find a lawyer for Wu Weixiong.

Su Yehao probably guessed that they were also afraid that Wu Weixiong's sick child would accidentally fall into their bureau.

After all, it was just a scam, and the purpose was a bit bad, but the consequences that Wu Weixiong had to bear would not be too severe. On the contrary, the two liars who sold pig hearts had already received the money when they were caught, and they were suspected of fraud. year……

Linda Yun continued to take a statement with Jia sir and the others.

In the VIP ward, Mr. Tang sat on the sofa angrily at the moment, and said, "I knew that your father was out of tune, but I didn't expect that even my own son would be a scourge. This kind of non-trivial person actually asks you to receive it, isn't it Huang? Mud in your pants?"

Mommy Tang is very confident in Su Yehao, so she didn't speak much just now.

After the old man finished speaking, Su Yehao's mother smiled and shook her head:

"Wu Weixiong... I have a little impression. His parents saved Xiaohao's father's life back then, and they were the one who took him on board and brought him back to the casino. It's no wonder that he wanted to show some loyalty. It's just that the boy from the Wu family, It is estimated that he lost his head and didn't understand anything, but he was reckless and fell into other people's traps."

Being stared at by his mother, Su Yehao decisively clarified:

"Don't look at me, it really has nothing to do with me for half a dime. I was worried that he would use the debt of gratitude to ask me to help cut the queue on the waiting list. I didn't expect to be more impulsive than I thought. I called yesterday and listen to me. Dad said that guy's parents are cousins."

Master Tang suddenly realized, and said:

"It's no wonder that at such a young age, the heart is not good. There were many marriages between close relatives in our time. People didn't understand this aspect. It's strange that the children born are healthy. Fortunately, I don't have cousins. Look at how many of you are. healthy."


Just a misunderstanding.

Su Yehao just pulled his back, his mother and grandfather left one after another, and only Jiang Yu continued to take care of him.

Eating the strawberries that Jiang Yu helped wash, Su Yehao patted the big bed and joked, "You stole my pillow last night, no wonder your back hurts, do you want to take a nap and lie down with me, I heard that you were early in the morning. Just sneaking away?"

Which pot can't be opened, Jiang Yu is thin-skinned, and even pouted a few times, and said, "Strawberry can't stop your mouth? Last night, I was careless. Who knew that Buck Tooth Jun's girlfriend looked so quiet, but she was actually a Wine barrels."

"People haven't exerted their strength yet. You are drunk and swaying. With your drinking power, who can you bully?"

"Hmph, if I didn't drink too much, would you have a chance to bully me?" Jiang Yu lowered his voice and gritted his teeth: "Nangong is really big-hearted, to be crazy with you, no one is allowed to mention this in the future, ok? "

"No, can't you move in here, anyway, my old father-in-law has already counted."

"Who is your old father-in-law, look at what you have done, I can only hide outside in the morning, lest they ask me where I went last night..."

Chatted with Jiang Yu, rented some CDs, and watched the TV series "Criminal Investigation File" to kill time.

The morning passed quickly.

When the effect of the painkillers declined, there was an old Chinese doctor specially invited from outside to massage Su Yehao's back, and in addition to acupuncture and moxibustion, he took a pulse by the way.

With Jiang Yu still beside him, Su Yehao was embarrassed to hear that, so he could not wait to jump up to greet the bodyguards and gag the old doctor's mouth.

But it's good to take the opportunity to recuperate, and wait for the old Chinese medicine doctor to prescribe a few dietary Su Yehao has someone give him a tip, which is an extra consultation fee.

Had a nap in the afternoon.

Jiang Yu didn't like watching detective dramas, and wanted to try the Japanese horror movie that he wanted to watch for a long time while it was still dark.

Hearing this, Su Yehao laughed at himself and said, "Sister, the doctor asked me to rest and watch a horror movie. I feel like I'm not strong enough and I can't stand it. Otherwise, it's better to change to another TV series. When the team of Tianyu Entertainment is formed, I'm going to make a funny drama."

"Huh? Already have an idea?" Jiang Yu asked curiously in a lazy tone.

"One thing, refer to "Friends" in the United States and invest in a TV series. If you have spare money one day, maybe you can buy a TV station..."


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