Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 458: Snowing day

Su Yehao went to meet Xiao Nizi and the others, and stayed at the Chang'an Clubhouse with full heating at night.

They reserved a 100-square-meter luxury suite, with two bedrooms, one living room and one study. The decoration is relatively delicate. From the outside, it looks like the brightly lit East Chang'an Avenue.

I usually drink less.

Jiu Jin went up, lay down on the bed and slept soundly.

Before going to bed, I thought about going to bed early and getting up early, and going to the nearby square tomorrow morning to watch the flag-raising.

Unexpectedly, I slept for more than nine hours this time, and it was more than seven o'clock when I woke up, and it was still dark outside the window.

Cold winter and twelfth lunar month.

In Sijiucheng, the dawn is relatively late, and the days are very short.

It was impossible to raise the flag. Su Yehao found that no one was around, so he visited the next room. Last night, Nangong Tian disliked his smell of tobacco and alcohol, so he slept with Jiang Yu. The two of them had just woken up and were brushing their teeth and washing their faces.

She went back to her room to shower and change her clothes, her head was still a little dizzy.

Originally planning to take a break in the morning, Su Yehao just made a cup of Biluochun, and was first urged to have breakfast by Jiang Yu, who was eager to see the Great Wall.

A bowl of beef noodles with a large piece of beef in the stomach makes the stomach feel much more comfortable.

Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu eat bean curd brain, plus a few snacks, which are fragrant and look very appetizing.

finish breakfast.

Jiang Yu hurriedly said, "Let's go straight? Looking at the weather outside, it seems like it's going to snow, so good! I'm climbing the Great Wall and playing in the snow. I have gloves and a scarf in my suitcase."

"What's the hurry? During the rush hour, the road is jammed with dogs. We'll set off later. The Great Wall is there, and we won't run away."

Su Yehao hiccupped while speaking.

This time, the business is over. If there is no accident on the side of Academician Ni Danan, there should be nothing to do. As for Zhang Rujing mentioned last night, he plans to set up a working group first, and then communicate with him.

At present, one is unmanned, and the other is no plan.

Even if I went to talk to Zhang Rujing about the wafer foundry business, I couldn't tell why, so I'm not in a hurry for the time being.

Su Yehao went to bed last night when he came back. Little Nizi didn't ask him until then, "How's your business negotiation going? Is it going well?"

"Brother Hao, I will go out in person, one of the top groups, how could it not be smooth, if I'm lucky, maybe I can build an ultimate enterprise like Samsung in South Korea. No... I still have an Internet business, maybe even more powerful than Samsung. , it has a home appliance industry, but my family doesn't have it either."

Su Yehao boasted.

Yu Guang looked to the side, perhaps because they spoke Cantonese, they attracted the attention of many nearby guests.

this era.

Whether they can stay overnight at the Chang'an Club or come to the Chang'an Club for breakfast, they are usually not ordinary people.

He looked at everyone and thought it was unfathomable, maybe he was a big guy with hands and eyes.

Why don't others think so, because Su Yehao not only sat beside two beautiful girls, but also surrounded by several bodyguards, which was exaggerated.

The number of visits to Sijiucheng is small.

Not many people I know here.

After they finished eating, they sat and chatted for more than half an hour. No one came to disturb them. Instead, it was the manager of the Chang'an Club who specially sent some special products.

Among them are two pieces of suet jade in red sandalwood boxes, which are small gifts to win over potential big customers. The value is tens of thousands, which is not too high, but the workmanship is quite exquisite.

The last time Su Yehao accompanied Dad and the others, he was not as famous as it is now.

Since last year's Forbes Rich List named him the tenth richest person in Hong Kong, ordinary people may not know Su Yehao, but how could the manager of Chang'an Club not pay attention.

After Xiao accepted the gift, Su Yehao made a membership card in his own name. The manager of the annual fee didn't even mention it, and only asked him to say hello in the future.

As one of the largest high-end private clubs in the mainland, it is a happy event worthy of publicity to attract a member like him.

Su Yehao thought that he would often come to Sijiucheng for business in the future, so he also wanted to use this platform to get to know some people occasionally and find a few agents to help him get around.

As for socializing in person... it's a little too troublesome.


There has been no movement from Academician Ni Danan's side for the time being.

On the way to the Great Wall, Su Yehao explained some things to Linda Yun, and asked her to contact the assistant's office to continue to collect information related to wafer foundries, chip research and development, and personal computer assembly.

Yesterday was still a mess. After talking with Mr. Ni, the thread has been found.

Since the chip foundry business does not seem to be as difficult as it will be after 20 years, it is of course best not to miss it if the funds are sufficient. Making money is only one aspect, and it is also helpful for the improvement of one's own status.

As long as you make a name for yourself in the semiconductor field and become an important part of the industry chain, it will probably be easier to do real estate and Internet business in the future.

Look at Huawei, that soft power is not comparable to the likes of Penguin. support.

Last night, Mr. Ni was right. Su Yehao thought that he should have cashed out by the end of this year, and was considering directly acquiring a small and medium-sized wafer foundry company.

Even if the production technology is a bit bad, it's easier than trying to figure it out from scratch.

Now that I have a clue, I'm not so worried.

It was more than nine o'clock in the morning, the sky was still gloomy, the cold wind whistled outside the car window, and little snowflakes gradually floated.

The snow is getting heavier.

No matter Jiang Yu or Nangong Tian, ​​after getting out of the car, they all seemed to be slapped with blood. Facing the swirling goose feather snow, they were so excited that they screamed.

Seeing the strange eyes of the security guard in the parking lot, Su Yehao explained that it was hard to see snow when he came from Hong Kong City.

Only then did the security guard look stunned. He helped to remove the plastic road cone and arranged a few good parking spaces for The silver-clad Badaling Great Wall is very beautiful, but today the cold wind is blowing people's foreheads.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon.

They had already changed places and rushed to Xiaotangshan, where they lived in a newly opened hot spring club, wearing swimsuits to soak in the hot springs.

There are little snowflakes in the sky.

On the surface of the open-air hot spring, the water mist is transpiring, with a faint smell of sulfur.

Also sitting in the hot spring was Linda Yun, who joined in the fun. This secretary has been doing her best recently. Since she came to work with Su Yehao, she only felt that her past life in Donghuang Rose was too miserable, how can she be free now.

Su Yehao went out.

She can rub against planes, high-end hotels, and gourmet food from all over the world.

When Su Yehao was at home.

She is almost on vacation. She may have nothing to do from morning to night. She hides and does whatever she wants, just don't get in the way.

The annual salary has risen to 350,000 Hong Kong dollars. After the Southeast Asian financial crisis, the unemployed and the salary cuts in Hong Kong City are not easy to find a job, and it is impossible to leave a job.

Although Linda Yun, who was so hot that her face was pink, was very beautiful and had a very attractive figure, Su Yehao still didn't give her a good look.

Originally, I hoped to take the opportunity to get closer to Jiang Yu and Xiao Nizi.

Now it's better, it's really just a hot spring...



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