That night.

Nothing to do.

Take Nangong Tian out, eat snacks in Central, and then go to the movies.

Gangster movies.

The transaction between the buyer and the seller uses the tvt instant chat software. There are many close-ups. The sponsorship fee of 600,000 Hong Kong dollars is not in vain.

It's a pity that the advertisement was cast in this movie, and the plot is too stretchy, which is obviously a bad movie.

There were only a dozen or so spectators in the entire cinema, half of which were brought by Su Yehao, including the driver and bodyguards.

Su Yehao had been away from Hong Kong City for so long, but there were not many things to deal with.

Aside from the land and real estate invested in, the development speed of tat, tot, and Yinhai software has been particularly slow in recent times.

He is engaged in the mainland Internet business and has some understanding of data.

For example, the total number of netizens in mainland China is said to have exceeded 11.7 million. More than 300,000 people go online directly, and more than 800,000 people go online via dial-up. But from the actual number of users, it is clear that there are not so many.

Some people may have tried to use a computer, but due to various conditions, they hardly have the opportunity to surf the Internet in their daily life. Among the 400,000 or 500,000 computers, a large part is equivalent to a decoration, mainly used to process documents and decorate the office desktop.

The price of new computers is high, and many second-hand computers that have been eliminated from abroad have flowed into the mainland, and the experience of using them is quite "touching".

Maybe they'll be connected, but sometimes buyers don't even think about going online.

Some schools jumped on the bandwagon and added computer courses.

However, those students basically had to use computers that were not connected to the Internet to learn how to operate under the guidance of the teacher, that was all.

This type of user is estimated to have also been included in the category of "netizens". I am afraid that there is no misunderstanding of the Internet.

Anyway, the growth rate of users of products such as tat and tot is very small. The company founded by Su Yehao can just follow the steps. He doesn't need to worry too much. There are not many competitors, and there is no place worth investing money in. He can only be patient. The temperament waits for the wind to come.

Some tat users in Gangcheng have turned to the international version of tvt.

Therefore, the importance of the tat department has dropped a bit. The valuation of TVT, which was founded later, has risen to about 2 billion Hong Kong dollars. Many tat employees still want to follow John Zhou's footsteps and jump to work in Silicon Valley. Salary and bonus.

In the Pengcheng branch established by Su Yehao beforehand, the expatriate Gangcheng employees have been gradually replaced by mainland programmers, and the use of tvt medical examinations has gradually exceeded the market's restrictions on the mainland, such as nearby people, personal albums, etc. The functions and tat have not been updated, mainly because they are enough for the time being.

When there are competitors, or the number of users reaches a certain scale, it is enough to transplant directly from the international version of tvt.

If all functions are opened too early, users will not be pleasantly surprised.

In the international market with tens of millions of netizens, it is necessary to do everything possible to seize the market, and it is best to go hand in hand with icq and divide the market equally.

It's not that he treats them differently, it's really because the market in the north is not mature enough.

Even if the personal photo album function is launched, the network speed must be able to drive it. It takes a long time to load a picture, and the user experience is disgusting. It is better not to have it directly.

The good news is that the north side has skipped the accumulation stage and is ready to go directly to broadband.

It is expected that with the decline of Internet fees and the acceleration of Internet speed, it will not be too far from the day when the number of Internet users explodes.

The movie I watched with Xiao Nizi was really boring, full of old routines and no bright spots.

Sitting in the movie theater, Su Yehao was thinking about other things. Suddenly, he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to assistant Zhuang Wei, asking her to contact a consulting company to make a forecast report on the size of the mainland Internet market and investigate broadband Network construction progress.

Immediately afterwards, I also asked the koko venture capital headquarters to arrange personnel to conduct in-depth research on Internet start-ups in Japan, South Korea, the mainland, Baodao and other places, especially in the field of online games and e-commerce.

I haven't paid attention to it for two months, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no surprises.

It’s true that he likes to be lazy, but he still has to keep an eye on it. For example, an English teacher in Lin’an is currently working on an official outsourcing website development project. It’s hard to guarantee that he won’t suddenly create Alibaba.

For these talented talents, Su Yehao was wondering whether he should recruit them under his command.

If you gather all the two horses, plus Leibus, who has already worked for him, as well as Boss Sohu Zhang, Wangyi Ding Sanshi, and others, maybe one day in the future, there will be powerful men like clouds, and they will be able to live a life called "Internet". The Godfather" addiction.

However, in this way, this group of ambitious people may be exposed to the concept of Internet enterprise development that surpasses the times, and use his platform to operate a circle of contacts, and it is difficult to guarantee that they will not breed tigers.

Taking into account the current situation, it is difficult to completely widen the gap, and it is easy to be caught up.

Su Yehao felt that it was better to suppress this idea first, at least until he gained a firm foothold in the market, and then it was not too late to enjoy the joy of being a Bole.



the next day.

The sky was cloudy and it looked like it was about to rain.

Su Yehao used an excuse to talk about business, he went out early in the morning and arrived at the Shangfeng Sheungshui community in the middle of the mountain before 7:50.

Let the bodyguards find a place to rest and drive the car somewhere else.

He entered the community alone, came to a unit and took the elevator to the top floor, took out the key and entered the door.

The duplex luxury apartment needs to be cleaned up in advance. It is similar to the newly renovated house. It is impossible to see that Nong Qingying has lived here for more than half a year.

I went home after watching the movie last night and received news from Jiang Yu after logging in to tat. She only replied "ok" to the invitation to meet at 8 o'clock this morning.

The taste of being sneaky makes Su Yehao's mouth dry. The so-called guilty conscience of being a thief means that he is like this now.

On the way upstairs just now, I was afraid that the elevator would suddenly open and I happened to bump into Master Jiang.

Wanting to go downstairs but mistakenly pressing the upstairs button or something is quite normal. There is indeed the possibility of a coincidence.

Looking for a bottle of mineral water, Su Yehao took two sips to suppress his shock, and then took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Yu.

It was already eight o'clock, and the phone was ringing, but no one answered.


Jiang Yu sent a text message that said, "My dad is still at home, wait a moment."

This wait more than half an hour passed.

He also took a shower in the meantime.

When Jiang Yu came to the top of the building and opened the door, Su Yehao found that her hair was still wet, and it seemed that she had just taken a shower, with a milky scent of shower gel.

Really heartfelt.

After a few simple chats, no matter what I said, it seemed inappropriate.

Besides, she specially prepared before going upstairs, not only took a bath, but also put on light makeup.

What are you waiting for?

Holding Jiang Yu's hand, he found a guest room and closed the curtains.

Thunder rumbled outside.

Usually she is afraid of thunder, but today she only felt very nervous, Jiang Yu didn't even bother to pay attention to the sound of thunder...


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