Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 386: That's not normal

On the day I drank with Cousin He Shaofan for a long time, Jiang Yu had a vague impression, and only remembered that something should not have happened.

This caused her to be embarrassed to the point of digging her toes when she saw Xiao Nizi.

Originally, she seriously promised Nangong Tian that she would help her to be optimistic about Su Yehao, but she didn't expect that He Shaolin's side would be fine, and her own side made a mistake first.

Jiang Yu felt shameless because of this.

Not only was she afraid of seeing Nangong Tian, ​​but she was also afraid of getting in touch with Su Yehao. Except for the time she went to the auction, she was elusive at other times.

Pretending to be an ostrich... Jiang Yu has long been used to it.

After living together for so long, she finally thought about moving out again and leaving the two-person world to Su Yehao and Nangong Tian.

In addition, the headquarters of the Ganghao International Travel Company is set in Gangcheng. Jiang Shiye is considering taking advantage of the low price to buy a new house in the middle of the mountain to live in, and there is no reason to rely on others.

Out of sight out of mind.

Taking advantage of the lack of class in the morning, Jiang Yu took the initiative to contact her father, Master Jiang, and asked, "Dad, what are you doing now, I don't have class in the morning, do you want to go to the house together?"

I was on the phone with my parents two days ago. Master Jiang mentioned the topic of taking time to see the house. I happened to be free at the moment, and immediately said to Jiang Yu:

"Okay, dear daughter, the company's income is good now, and the bank's down payment is only 10%. I plan to use your name to buy a senior room, and leave it to you as a wedding room in the future."

"Hey? I haven't even found a boyfriend yet. Is it a waste to buy a four-room house?" Jiang Yu said in surprise.

Four rooms, with an area of ​​at least a thousand feet or more.

Although the housing price in Hong Kong City has been much cheaper than last year, the price of new houses is still not cheap, and the price of old houses has fallen more.

Moreover, the Ganghao Tourism Company, which was jointly established by Dad and Su Yehao, is short of money. Jiang Yu often hears Master Jiang complain about this. Not only has he invested in the second round, he has also lost a lot of money in stocks.

For the sake of Master Jiang, Jiang Yu didn't want to put pressure on his parents, and always felt that his home had been hollowed out.

Even if the shares of the travel company become valuable, they are only shares after all, not cash.

Master Jiang doesn't have so many worries, there is only such a precious daughter in the family, who doesn't hurt Jiang Yu?


He was on the other end of the phone, and then said to Jiang Yu: "After discussing it with your mother yesterday, I drove around the mid-levels by myself. It seems that the Shangfeng Shangshui community developed by your uncle Hai is the best. My own company The quality of the construction team is guaranteed, and the floor slabs are three centimeters thicker than other companies, so they will not be disturbed by the neighbors, and the hardcover room saves a lot of money.”

Jiang Yu said hesitantly, "But the house there is so expensive. I remember selling it to someone else?"

"Yeah, Huang Jinfei, his concubine knows your mother, and it should be no problem to ask for a discounted price. You can drive to me now, and I will take you to pick a house later, Xiaohao should be there too. If we have a house, we can take care of each other when the time comes."

When Master Jiang mentioned buying a house, he spoke in a delightful tone.

The current Ganghao International Travel Company is worth at least 178 million to sell. It has only invested more than 50 million before and after, and it has tripled its earnings on the book, which just hit the wind.

When he and Su Yehao invested in the tourism industry, the number of mainland tourists in Hong Kong City began to increase. When others reacted, Hong Kong Hao had already become a trend, and they kept cooperating with the mainland China Travel Service. According to the current situation, it would be difficult to lose money.

With a loan of about 10 million yuan to buy a suite, Master Jiang felt that the pressure was not too great.

Hearing Su Yehao's name, Jiang Yu looked back at the villa in Dalangwan, and said, "That guy has a lot of houses. If he wants to live in Dalangwan, I'll go find you now..."


Driving a Porsche 911.

Jiang Yu contacted her father again halfway through, and when she arrived at the downstairs of Ganghao Travel Company, Master Jiang had already come to the roadside to wait for her.

Let Master Jiang drive the car and sit in the co-pilot. Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Old Jiang, it's been very good recently. I dare to buy a new house in the middle of the mountain."

"Small profit, only 20 million yuan. I feel that this time it is considered developed. If I don't do tourism business, I don't know that there will be so many tourists from the mainland. I am afraid that this year will exceed 5 million people!"

Master Jiang is no longer the master of Father Su, and the iconic catfish beard has long since been shaved off. He continued to laugh:

"Daughter, tell me directly which house you fancy, there is nothing to say about feng shui, quality, and environment, and the name is very prosperous when you hear it."

"Yes, I heard Su Yehao also said that house prices basically fell to the bottom, so he bought two buildings from Donghuang."

After Jiang Yu adjusted the seat back, he lay down comfortably and stretched, and continued to say:

"It's even better for our family to buy a house. When the time comes, I'll move in to live with you, and I can help you clean and cook a few side dishes. You can also enjoy yourself. You don't have to eat takeout all day, just consider it a second home. "

Hearing this, Master Jiang was a little dumbfounded.

While driving, he was silent for a moment, then tentatively asked, "You and Xiaohao have a conflict and broke up?"


Jiang Yu wondered and said, "Why break up, I'm not with him again."

This time, it was Jiang Shiye's turn to wonder, and said in surprise, "No? I always thought you were in a relationship, so why are you living in his house?"


Jiang Yu said blankly: "It's never been, he's in love with Nangong Tian, ​​I'm just staying here, didn't I tell you several times?"

"...My mother and I thought you were lying to us, worried that two women would fall in love with a man, and it would be shameful to be known by So, you really just live in his home?"

Master Jiang emphasized the word "stay".

Jiang Yu, who was completely messed up, couldn't figure out what was going on in his father's head. He was mulling over what was going on at ordinary times. He gritted his teeth and said again, "I'm really, really, really, really, really! It doesn't matter!"

For a moment, Master Jiang was speechless.

After entering school last year, I learned that my daughter moved to live with Su Yehao.

He and Jiang Yu's mother took a long time to accept the status quo. They felt that their daughter had grown up and could choose her own path.

The local cultural atmosphere is different, and they always look up to the Su family. After a long time, I feel that as long as my daughter is happy, this kind of thing seems to be no big deal.

It's not that they don't believe in Jiang Yu, but from a common sense, it will inevitably make Jiang Shiye and his wife think more.

Suddenly I learned that it was a misunderstanding from beginning to end.

Master Jiang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Fortunately, he seldom saw the busy Father Su recently, otherwise he would have planned to get along as in-law.

After being speechless for a while, Master Jiang said angrily, "How come you have such a long head? You've been in love for almost a year? You're such a light bulb?"

Jiang Yu said aggrievedly: "But you have always known that, just because you don't want to be a light bulb, you plan to move out and live with you. Who knows that you will be cranky."

Another mouthful of blood.

Jiang Shiye was melancholy for a long time before he said:

"You are all young. Young Master Su is handsome and very capable. Daughter, you are so beautiful and live under the same roof. Your mother and I don't want more... That's not normal, right?"

Jiang Yu heard it.

Just now, "Xiaohao" and "Xiaohao" were called cordially, but in a blink of an eye, he changed back to Master Su, which sounds so realistic...

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