Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 379: Sotheby's auction

Before Jiang Yu and his grandfather came, Su Yehao, who was thinking about how to change the name of the hotel, asked Linda Yun to fetch a laptop.

In 1998, most brands of notebook computers only had a 12-inch screen. IBM had taken the lead in adopting a 13.3-inch large screen, and the picture quality was relatively clear. The top configuration of the ThinkPad series was modified and customized. Playing World of Warcraft is fine.

Su Yehao found a manager's office, opened the TAT instant chat software after connecting to the Internet, and directly looked up the emoji packs.

After a while, he really picked one of them—

Hi~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ.

Zhao Yimeng came over to read it, his face was speechless, and he asked in confusion, "Are you sure you want to hang this kind of thing on the hotel?"

"Why not, anyway, the hotel has been bought by me, and the design fee is saved, it looks so kind."

Su Yehao didn't think there was any problem at all, and continued:

"Here is a Hi~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ, which is very impressive, referred to as Hi Garden Hotel. On the opposite side of the Victoria Harbour, you can also hang a Hello~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ at Century Plaza. Both sides are in the hotel business and say hello to each other.”


Zhao Yimeng, whose head was full of black lines, took a deep breath after hearing this and said, "It's all been sold to you, you can do whatever you want, just be happy. My parents once said that they would leave the Donghuang Garden Hotel to me. The dowry is gone now, and it's better to change the name, so that I can accept it more easily."

"Really, I seem to have heard you say that your family is rich, and changing your dowry is a simple matter, just sprinkle water."


Together with Jiang Yu and grandfather, after visiting the Donghuang Garden Hotel again, we went to the restaurant to eat something to pamper our stomachs.

At six o'clock in the evening, before it was dark, they walked downstairs to the auction site.

Mr. Tang was sitting in a wheelchair, and a female nurse was in charge of pushing him. A few years ago, he suffered from the sequelae of a stroke, and his legs and feet were inconvenient.

Looking at Jiang Yu who was walking in front, and then looking at Zhao Yimeng beside her, the old man was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth and said to Su Yehao in a low voice:

"Your eyes are really not bad. You have the style of my past. It may be a little troublesome to change the surname to Tang for the precious grandson of the old Zhao family. However, the little girl surnamed Jiang next to me is also very beautiful. She is studying at the University of Hong Kong. Yes, it's not bad to have a boy and look like your mother!"

Su Yehao smiled awkwardly. The two had nothing to do with him, and explained in a low voice, "It's just friends. Grandpa, don't guess, you knew Zhao Yimeng her grandfather before?"

"I saw the old guy a few times before he died. He played cards with me a few times, and he won a lot of money. The brand is like a character, and he made a windfall by selling a property. He has a crazy personality, but so what? It's been ten years."

Mr. Tang smiled.

At his age, acquaintances disappear from time to time, and it has long been meaningless to fight back and forth. Whoever can breathe will have the last laugh.

Therefore, since he found out that his body was weak, Grandpa Su Yehao handed over the business to Mama Tang early on. He usually took vacations and rested and lived a retirement life. He even divided his family property in advance, and no longer valued those external things.

Su Yehao looked at Zhao Yimeng with a guilty conscience. Seeing that she was busy chatting with Jiang Yu and didn't hear the old man's words, he was relieved.

Three or four hundred meters away.

Entering an office building owned by Changshi, take the elevator to the twelfth floor.

As a frequent visitor on the auction floor, Mr. Tang's face is like an admission ticket. After simply registering, he was led by a manager of Sotheby's auction house into the spacious hall.

The auction is about to start, and there are many people around the backstage preview area.

Su Yehao pushed his grandfather's wheelchair and met many acquaintances and friends of the old man, so that before he had time to visit, the host reminded him to take a seat as soon as possible.

On the chair is a brief introduction to the auction catalogue, and the number plate has also been obtained, the number is "106".

Sotheby's auctions are naturally unremarkable. There are billionaires everywhere, and celebrities on the rich list can also be seen.

This kind of auction is originally a game for the rich.

There are even works by Picasso and Van Gogh among the many lots, but they all seem to belong to the unknown category. The real good things will be reserved for international auctions. Tonight, the collections from Southeast Asia and the mainland are the main ones, with a total of 80 items. multiple pieces.

When Jiang Yu was sitting beside him, Su Yehao turned his head and asked her, "You guys went to the preview area, what kind of treasures did you see?"

"Big diamond! My eyes are going blind, so beautiful!" Jiang Yu said excitedly. It was her first time participating in an auction and it felt like she was visiting a museum.

After being brainwashed by diamond dealers for so many years, there are few girls who don't like blingbling's big diamonds.

Seeing that Jiang Yu was poisoned, Su Yehao asked helplessly, "Apart from diamonds, what else? If I come across a small gift that is not too expensive, I can give you one. It's your birthday next month."

Jiang Yu was arrogant, snorted softly, and said, "I don't want to spend your money. I will ask my man to buy it for me in the future. A whole bunch of pink diamond necklaces and yellow diamond rings are really beautiful..."

She chatted with Zhao Yimeng and was still influenced by those jewelry.

Su Yehao interjected: "It's not just colored diamonds. When the time comes, each will give you a complete, yellow, blue, black and green, all of them."

"Hey, there are green diamonds and black diamonds?" Jiang Yu asked stupidly.

This counts as falling into Su Yehao's pit. I saw him smile happily and say, "Yes, a member of TAT."


The auction has officially started.

The first item to be auctioned was a Thai Buddha statue more than 100 years ago. The auctioneer was very fastidious and sold for a high price of HK$2,050,000 in just over a minute.

The second piece is a Qing Dynasty jade plaque, engraved with a bamboo pattern, and finally sold for 170,000 yuan.

Su Yehao was not interested in these things, so he raised his legs and looked down at the album in his hand.

On the seventh page, he accidentally saw a green emerald seal, the material was similar to the one on his chest, with a small unicorn engraved on it.

Twelve centimeters high, four centimeters long, and 3.7 centimeters wide.

As long as it is cut, it is equivalent to several brands, and the introduction says that there is no lettering, just top-quality seal raw materials.

When doing business with Japanese companies, the Japanese like to use seals instead of signatures. Su Yehao felt that he could do one too, so he remembered the number first.

Continuing to scroll down, I finally saw the small cup that my grandfather wanted to buy. The Yongzheng Yongzheng enamel poetic cup, the shape looks very refreshing, and the color matching is also comfortable to look at. It is one of the finale auctions tonight.

When the eleventh piece was photographed, as Picasso's oil painting was moved out by the staff, many wealthy people Su Yehao had met began to raise their placards to bid.

Shooting from 3 million, and shouting to more than 14 million in the blink of an eye.

To be honest, Su Yehao didn't see what the oil painting was about at all, and was not interested at all.

After all, there are people from Dingyao, Geyao, and Qi Baishi's "Hundred Shrimp Picture". Su Yehao sat down and sent a message to Nong Qingying, asking her to come out for a supper tonight...

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