Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 362: Emotions haunt

In recent years, Su Yehao has rarely returned to live in the mansion in Panlong Villa.

He had no problem with the second aunt, he just thought it was inconvenient to bring the girls home.

Occasionally returning to the casino, most of them live in Yin Liuli's apartment. As the occupancy rate of her apartment increased, and Su Yehao's popularity rose again and again, he naturally had the idea of ​​buying another house.

The size of the area does not matter, the key is to ensure privacy.

The original plan was to wait until the plot of Taipa Island was developed and send a set to Yin Liuli directly. However, there is no idea of ​​starting construction in the short term, and the housing price in the casino is quite cheap, and it can't cost a few dollars.


The second day after returning to the casino, Su Yehao saw Yin Liuli. When the two were chatting, he suddenly asked her:

"Do you know a reliable real estate agent? There are too many acquaintances near Bishop Hill. Let's buy you a villa on Taipa Island. While I'm here, try to get it done in two days."


Having talked about similar topics before, Yin Liuli doesn't find it strange, but now she is only concerned about the little happiness who reunited after a long absence, and nodded and replied: "Okay, I don't know, but I know where there are shops opened by intermediaries. You don't need to buy them for me. , I don't usually live there, I can live with you when you come back, it's too far away and it's inconvenient to commute."

"...How big is the entire casino? It's convenient to go anywhere, and the employees are already familiar with their work. You don't have to go to the store every day to watch. The house is bought to live in, otherwise it will be unpopular."

Su Yehao didn't know much about the new properties in the casino, but he remembered seeing some new villas near the Four Seas International Golf Course.

All right.

I finally found something I wanted to do again, plus I was squeezed by Xiao Nizi last night, and there was nothing left, so I had no distractions at the moment.

He got up immediately.

Said to Yin Liuli: "Go now, my McLaren hasn't been driven for a long time, and the brake disc is almost rusted. I just went to the island to go around and run it in."

"...OK, there is a real estate brokerage company nearby, about seven or eight hundred meters away, just walk over there."

After Yin Liuli finished speaking, Su Yehao waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Let's go shopping first. If we find a new property that has not been sold out, wouldn't it save the agency fee. My dad knows which real estate developer is reliable in the casino city. It is also very good to build a large flat, it is all my house, and it doesn’t even cost money.”

"The central square, oh yes, the former Donghuang Center was acquired by your family."

"That's it. It's an option first. It's very troublesome to decorate, but you can design it according to your own wishes. It's more comfortable than buying a ready-made house. It's still very close to the Dasanba commercial street."

Su Yehao waited for her to pick up her handbag and took Yin Liuli's hand.

After the two are together, they get together less and leave more. Fortunately, she is a character who does not like to be noisy. Otherwise, they may have separated long ago.

Start by car and go through the tunnel to Taipa Island.

I still remember the first time I saw Yin Liuli, it was at the Qunxing Club on Taipa Island. When the two passed by it, there was a tacit understanding that no one spoke, so as not to embarrass each other.

In Su Yehao's heart, the small abacus rattled.

On the one hand, he planned to help Yin Liuli buy a house as a gift, and at the same time, it would be convenient to meet later.

On the other hand, they plan to leave a small villa in the golf club, which is the kind that Nong Qingying lived in last year, and find someone to rearrange it as a love nest with Nangong Tian.

My family is in the casino city, so it is inevitable that I have to come back from time to time. Going to Su’s house and Nangong’s house is very difficult, so it is necessary to prepare a small new house outside.

Every time I can't stay in the United States, I always think about running back. The main reason is that the girls are all here. I go to Silicon Valley to look at one thing and another, and I always feel that something is missing...

I haven't seen Su Yehao for a long time.

Sitting in the car, Yin Liuli stared at him from time to time. At this moment, she looked back at the sky and said, "There seems to be a typhoon these days. The sky has been gloomy and sultry."

It seemed that he had nothing to talk to, so Su Yehao asked her, "How is your time going? Have you encountered anything new? Don't be too busy looking at the sky, pay attention to whether there is a community by the roadside, life on Taipa Island is inconvenient. There are many villas, it seems that you can’t keep your spirits up, are you not interested in this piece?”

"No, the scenery here is comfortable."

Yin Liuli was really not in the state, and the key to her entanglement was that Su Yehao kept talking about privacy, obviously for fear of being noticed by the relationship between the two.

Although I have been prepared, this kind of "reminder" is just a lover's taste, and a woman will feel uncomfortable.

Who doesn't want a relationship that is generous, blessed and envied?

In this regard, it can only be said that they have known each other for more than a year, and they have not seen each other for more than half a month, which is enough for Yin Liuli to calm down and seriously think about their relationship.

Of course.

It's just a little uncomfortable, but I don't have any thoughts of separation. It's just that I feel at a loss for the future.

He clearly realized that when he came out to see the house, he was just shaving his head and picking his nose. He had lived in the cracks for a long time. Su Yehao's ability to grasp the girl's mind was much better than before.

There is a conversation, but Yin Liuli is not a character who likes to speak clearly, and always hides her thoughts in her heart.

Su Yehao simply took her to Carmo Park, got out of the car and said that he was taking advantage of the strong wind to take a walk.

Inexplicably began to walk, Yin Liuli asked him with a little curiosity, "Is there a villa here?"

"I don't know, probably not, I just feel that you are in a bad mood, so I will take you away."

Su Yehao didn't understand the problem, so he started guessing randomly, and took the lead to add: "The new company in the United States is very busy. It has added hundreds of thousands of users at the beginning, and the staff is not enough, and the server has also collapsed. This may be worth tens of billions in the future. The big business of the dollar has not been taking care of you lately."

"...It's okay, I know you're busy, I can take care of myself." Yin Liuli said with a smile.

While watching her, Su Yehao said, "I should still apologize to you. As your boyfriend, of course I should take care of you."

"It's not unhappy, it's just... emotional? There are a few days every month, you understand."


Su Yehao pinched his fingers and calculated, it was really just these few days, he immediately felt at ease, and said with a smile, "If you don't tell me sooner, it will make me worry."

Come here, let's take a walk.

Yin Liuli took his arm and suddenly asked, "Have you ever thought about having a child? A clerk in the cafe is pregnant and just resigned last week. Her parents-in-law are worried that there will be parasites on the cat and will not let her Keep working. I'm wondering if I'll send KOKO away too if I get pregnant."

"It's not necessary, what are the conditions of our family, it's a big deal to find someone to take care of it for The child will definitely want it, wait another two years, wait for me to finish this time, although the money will never be earned. It’s over, but the opportunity cannot be missed, the Internet is in a big bull market, I always have to run around, sometimes I can’t accompany you.”

It's been a long time since I told a lie, my face didn't even turn red.

Su Yehao secretly said that he was ashamed, the girls around him were not bad, he used to burn high incense when he met anyone, but now he is insatiable, hiding his face like a face changer.

When he came to the lake, he accidentally saw a red-roofed building not far away. His attention was immediately diverted, and he said happily, "It's a coincidence, there really is a villa. Are you alright, can you walk over?"

Yin Liuli's eyes moved, not knowing whether to laugh or cry:

"I'm just on my period, not a broken leg..."


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