Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 348: wasteland

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, jujube chestnut chicken, fragrant fish fillet, glutinous rice white and fried chicken with sauce, etc., hard dishes one after another.

Authentic Shandong cuisine restaurant, even Nong Qingying, who grew up in Gangcheng, tasted very delicious tonight.

Coming to Sijiucheng was like a trip to her. She was in a good mood, and she drank some red wine with her. The only bottle of Margaux in the hotel was bought by Su Yehao tonight. 16,600 yuan.

Bai Tian just decided to spend more than 10 million yuan to buy the three treasures of Rongbaotang, and it didn't cost a lot of money for food and drink.

What surprised the waiter was that they bought more than 10,000 red wines, which obviously belonged to the high-stakes customers who did not have a lot of money. However, instead of taking Maotai Wuliangye for white wine, they chose dozens of yuan per bottle of Fenjiu.

Speaking of Fenjiu, Su Yehao had only heard of it, but had never tasted it.

The reason why I didn't choose Maotai is mainly because the entrance is a bit strong, and I happened to see it in the store, so I changed my taste.

Of course, everyone here is not surprised, the guest is as the host, anyway, no one will think that Su Yehao is reluctant to spend money.

Even Boss Sohu Zhang, who met for the first time, knew what Su Yehao's family was. At least in these four or nine cities, it was not easy to find someone richer than him.

A few bottles of wine go down quickly.

A young technician next to Leibus is lying next to him at the moment. Fortunately, tomorrow is Saturday, so he can rest for two days.

No one forced Su Yehao to drink, he just had a drink. At this moment, he looked up at Boss Zhang of Sohu and said:

"Come on, Mr. Zhang, try the wild duck soup. None of the people here today are outsiders. The growth rate of netizens in the mainland market is relatively fast. The meat rotted in its own pot."

Today's Sohu, not to mention compared with the rich and powerful TOT, even the Yinhai portal has overwhelmed it. .

With the presence of the major shareholder Nong Qingying, Boss Zhang had already seen the relationship between her and Su Yehao. Hearing this, he raised his glass and said with a smile:

"Now in the United States, among the Chinese, apart from Yahoo's President Yang, it is probably Boss Su, your company is the largest. Now that you know each other, it is time to make concerted efforts and cooperate together. In the future, you will rely on President Su and Boss Chu. To eat meat, I'll just have a sip of soup."

Hearing that he was drinking soup, Su Yehao was stunned for a moment, and was wondering if Boss Zhang's move to drink wild duck soup made him misunderstood.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Su Yehao didn't ask any questions, he just said, "I've met Yang Zhiyuan from Yahoo. I went to Silicon Valley to have dinner together last time. It's not just luck, he's a very powerful one. People. In fact, there is another Nvidia that manufactures graphics cards. The owner is also Chinese. Recently, the company has been developing very fast, and its value has been skyrocketing. "

"...I know this company, but it's the semiconductor industry, and you're still the best when it comes to the Internet." Boss Zhang said with a smile.

Everyone here is older than Su Yehao.

Asking a bunch of people in their 30s and 40s to flatter him, a 20-year-old hairy boy, was indeed a bit embarrassing, and he was slightly embarrassed when he spoke.

Talking about the Internet at home and abroad, as well as the development prospects of portal sites, the dining atmosphere is quite good.

Su Yehao drank a little more, and bluntly said that determining the future development limit of an Internet company is still to find the main direction, and it is not enough to rely on the portal website.

TAT and TOT are two businesses, no matter live chat or search engine service, the development prospects are bright.

And Yinhai, in addition to the office document WPS, and the portal website under development, has also found a position similar to Weibo, trying to develop a brand-new social networking website.

As for Souhu, even the portal website has not been done well, and the hastily developed search engine was even beaten by TOT.

Boss Zhang listened to everyone's gossip, and seemed to catch some inspiration vaguely, and began to think about how Souhu should develop its main business in the future, which is nothing more than games, news, social networking, and so on.

Mainland Internet companies in this era are often charitable. There are too few ways to make money, and they always invest money in the back, leaving users in vain.

If you want to ask about the future, Boss Zhang, Chu Jun, and Leibus are all unclear. Currently, they are busy learning the development model in the United States. Even if they have learned the products, the market size is very different. For example, they are willing to put Internet advertisements. Most of the manufacturers, even TAT, have only earned more than 100,000 RMB from stationery manufacturers.

Chu Jun accompanied him to drink a sip of wine, and ate a few dishes to suppress his taste. He usually likes to drink. He was very happy at the moment, and suddenly asked:

"Mr. Su, do you think we can be the same as the United States in the future? Internet users account for one-fifth of the total population. I heard that the annual advertising market size is hundreds of billions of dollars, and a virtuous circle has already begun."

After listening to Boss Zhang, he sighed and said, "Yeah, spending money like water every day, when is it a head?"

Facing their doubts, Su Yehao smiled and said, "I'm afraid there will be no hope in three or five years. It's not that the Internet companies in the United States have really exploded in the last few years. The famous ones were Microsoft and Oracle. It has something to do with office communications."

"Then hold on forever?" Chu Jun continued to ask.

Su Yehao nodded: "Yeah, so whoever has more money will have the chance to have the last Before the market develops, what else can you do except hold on. Find ways to get money from users' pockets , it will only make them feel annoyed, so how to make money is very important, you must make them willing to pay, you should know more about the online game market, the short-term opportunities should be it and advertising."

Boss Zhang also felt the same way. He agreed with the suggestion of entering the game field. He held a glass to toast and said:

"I have to envy you, Mr. Su, and go to the old and beautiful side of the business. A few years ago, I felt that the Internet would definitely become popular. When I was studying at MIT, my classmates talked about this all day long. Unfortunately, the American market is relatively complete. I have no money and no connections, and I can't find any opportunities for development, so I returned to China to explore."

"In terms of image, we are now pioneering wasteland. It's true that we have worked hard, and we can always see rewards in the future."

Su Yehao can understand the confusion of mainland Internet practitioners, the ceiling is too low.

With a population of more than one billion, there are only one million netizens in total, and the total number of netizens is still "watered". There are only 200,000 to 300,000 computers in the country, and many of them cannot access the Internet at all. A computer, burning phone bills to surf the Internet all day.

It is reasonable to say that it is wasteland.

Even Su Yehao was full of expectations for the future mainland market, and he couldn't stand it, so he turned his attention to the overseas market first.

Chu Jun, Boss Zhang and others who are developing in the mainland will inevitably feel that the market is too small, and they cannot use their fists at all. Depression is inevitable.

In the short term, there is really no good way to do it except slowly.

Boss Zhang's original intention was to catch up on Su Yehao's line to see if he could get some funds and go to the United States for development, but Su Yehao didn't seem to hear it.

I just met today, and it is inconvenient to communicate in a simple way, so I simply continue to drink stuffy...

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