The casino is really too small, with only a few hundred thousand people.

What happens in the morning is known to everyone at noon.

It is precisely because it is too small that the locals often feel empty, and they are not very interested in things other than casinos and Hong Kong City. Gossip about celebrities and gossip about wealthy families has become the key for people to have fun.

Among the big businessmen, both the Su family and the Tang family seem to be low-key.

This is mainly related to the business category. It does not need to be as eye-catching as entertainment companies, nor does it need to learn from gaming companies to advertise around to attract customers.

Therefore, on weekdays, he does not show off the mountains and waters, and he is only a little famous in the industry.

Even if Father Su's fourth aunt left some time ago, he turned his head and took the money to find a little white face, but he was only seen as a joke, and not many people really paid attention.

Compared with some families tearing at each other and fighting openly and secretly, it is indeed a bit difficult to find topics from Su Yehao's family.

At the gate of the golf club, Father Su said, "I am happy with a billion-dollar gift", which was successfully used as a talk after dinner, and it was widely circulated overnight.

This incident succeeded in making the father and son, plus a Zhao Yimeng, appear in the gossip tabloids again.

As the news was brewing, it was also passed to Hong Kong City and also appeared in the newspapers.

Seeing that Donghuang Group's share price rose, some shareholders saw the turning point, how could they not seize it as soon as possible, and took the opportunity to fuel the flames.

Even when the Zhao family and the couple chatted with the company executives, the news that Su Yehao had recently earned more than 2 billion was spread, and was published in regular newspapers by the media. By the way, they also helped specialize in investing in U.S. stocks. 's public fund has been advertised, and it was not wasted at all...

the next day. .

When Su Yehao saw his photo in the newspaper in Yin Liuli's apartment, he was stunned.

Yin Liuli, who brought the beef noodles, happened to see the newspaper that read "The major shareholder of Donghuang Group married a daughter to save herself! According to reliable sources, Sihai International is likely to raise one billion yuan!!?"

This title, full of Hong Kong city style, how to attract people, after all, there are only a few readers, if it is not attractive, then there is really no money to make, the market ceiling is too low, you can hit your head while squatting kind of.

In the past, Yin Liuli will probably pretend to be invisible. After being an ostrich for so long, she doesn't care about more than once or twice.

However, the word "marrying a daughter" was written on the news headline, which made her unable to calm down.

Putting the noodle bowl in front of Su Yehao, Yin Liuli pretended to be calm and asked lightly, "I remember yesterday at noon, you were going to have dinner with the boss of this company, right? Are you planning to marry you?"

Seemingly calm, the panic in his eyes cannot be faked.

Su Yehao saw it, shook his head again and again, and replied, "Fake news, we only talk about business when we eat with them, and we don't mention marriage at all. Miss Zhao family, you have seen it, men all over the world can choose casually, how can they marry casually? For the person who doesn't like it at all, that is, me."

"What doesn't she like? I think she has a good impression of you, otherwise why would she go to the tavern you run."

Yin Liuli said with a smile: "Both of you are rich, and you two are also on the right, the newspaper is so serious, maybe your parents have an idea and haven't told you for the time being?"

"...It's impossible. I guess someone wants to take advantage of the situation and use the fame of me and my family to increase the confidence of investors."

It was not the first day of doing business. Su Yehao had already understood the twists and turns behind him. When faced with undecided questions, he first considered his interests, and most of the answers he finally got were the truth.

Don't rush to eat breakfast.

Reaching out to Yin Liuli and letting her sit on his lap, Su Yehao stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around her slender waist, jokingly said, "Could it be that your man is married, you will still be happy? Just listen to the things in the newspaper, but I If the news of making money leaks out, my reputation will definitely increase, and it is possible to attract paparazzi to follow me, or else I will change houses for the time being?"


"Change a villa, although your apartment is comfortable, but there are so many people living in it, it's not convenient for me to come here every time. It's okay when there are not many people who know me. Next, I may make a lot of noise, and I need to occasionally. Famous hype, if you are found out, it will always be a little troublesome, mainly your own troubles, and it is very likely that you will not be able to continue to make appearances."

Su Yehao's so-called hype, of course, is to attract attention and play an advertising role.

Whether it is an Internet company, venture capital, movies, financing, etc., the bigger the reputation, the easier it is to take advantage of it, but once the private life is overturned, despite the openness of the local atmosphere, it will be difficult to deal with after all.

For example, on Xiao Nizi's side, now Su Yehao is having a headache and how to explain after meeting each other.

Yin Liuli thinks it makes sense, and rarely refuses. After thinking about it, she replies: "Besides, you rarely come back anyway. The big deal is that next time we go to other places to meet, there is no need to waste money."

burning text

Su Yehao nodded. In fact, he could go to his own hotel, golf club, yacht, etc.

Last year, Nong Qingying lived in a single-family villa in a golf club, but it was a little far from the golf course to the archway of the Great Sanba, so it was not as convenient to commute to get off work now.


After eating noodles, I drank a cup of yogurt to moisten my throat.

Su Yehao sat on the sofa in the living room, made a phone call to his and asked, "What happened in the newspaper, who did you tell me about making money? Well, if you lose money again, wouldn't it be a slap in the face, it would be better to keep a low profile."

"...The best thing is to just close your hands and put the money in your pocket. Isn't there no risk?"

Father Su avoided the key points lightly, with a hint of guilt in his tone.

Father Su has also seen the contents of the newspaper. From yesterday to now, he has been showing off in front of many people, so that he has no idea where the news was leaked and this incident was published in the newspaper.

The Zhao family, the second concubine, company executives, his own driver, business friends... There are indeed a lot.

When Su Yehao heard the words, his tone was dissatisfied:

"Isn't it all settled? You bring this up again. Could it be that Uncle Zhao and the others used the fake news of the marriage to promote external marketing? If I marry Zhao Yimeng, their stock price will definitely rise. Suspicious."

"It's possible, it's not a big deal anyway. Last night, your Uncle Zhao called me and said that there will be a board meeting today and put forward the issue of cooperation. There should be an answer in the afternoon. I'm busy, and I may still have time to go. When I go to Guangzhou, will you accompany me to go out for a walk?"

Dad asked.

Su Yehao agreed immediately.

He then listened to his father's ridicule and said, "It would be good to spread more fake news about marriage in the newspapers, it might scare others away, and then you will get your wish. Even if I really give a dowry of one billion Hong Kong dollars, her father Mom can't come back with a dowry of 100 million yuan? The money is still surnamed Su, and there is an extra 100 million yuan."

"It's early in the morning, don't be too busy dreaming, my love life is very good, I'm asking for trouble for provoke sharks."

"Shark? Is she fierce?"

Su Yehao was speechless for a while, and said vaguely, "Almost..."

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