Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 324: mid-June

The acquisition is over.

In this transaction, an executive who once held 4% of the shares received more than 10 million US dollars, and he did not plan to choose to retire.

Su Yehao talked to the Russian named Victor Bilan, and learned that the other party is 32 years old this year. He used to work in the marketing department of PepsiCo. He joined ICQ in February last year with 2 million US dollars, so he possessed A small amount of shares, currently serving as the director of operations.

It just happened that no suitable CEO and COO candidates were found, and the previous two founders both left.

Taller than the short one, Su Yehao asked him to try to serve as the chief operating officer first, for a three-month trial period, to help coordinate the company's rectification work.

It's rare to be busy for more than a week, and I can't be bothered by looking for money.

As the acquisition work came to an end, Su Yehao relaxed again and offered to take Nangong Tian to New York for two or three days.

Just go.

Before leaving, I arranged my work, rented a business jet out of my own pocket that day, and set off for New York temporarily.

After landing at LaGuardia Airport in Queens, New York, hop into a pre-leased stretcher Lincoln sedan and head straight to the Waldorf Astoria in Manhattan.

Everyone said that New York was good, but only after he really arrived, did Su Yehao realize that there was a little bit of gold and jade in it.

The roads are patched up, the traffic conditions are bad, and the planning of high-rise buildings is unreasonable.

There is a lot of **** on the streets, and the alleys are not cleaned by anyone, making them look messy, and many homeless people can be seen on the streets. .

The only thing that satisfied Su Yehao was probably the strange and exotic atmosphere, which looked a little novel.

After looking back.

Su Yehao sat in the car drinking Coke, crossed Erlang's legs, and said with a smile: "London is still a little more beautiful, New York is messy, and I heard that the crime rate is still very high. Those bodyguards knew that I was coming to New York, and they specially prepared them for me. A few sets of bulletproof handbags, obviously a lot more stressful than going to San Francisco.”

"Handbag?" Xiao Nizi asked curiously.

Su Yehao explained: "It's a bulletproof shield made into a handbag. It opens in a second, and it is bulletproof when you hold it in your hand. I don't know what it's called. Anyway, it's heavy and interesting."

"I've never been to New York, I just looked around, it's a bit messy, but it seems to be quite lively. If I had to choose a place to settle down, I should choose Paris. New York is like a rich man, Paris is more comfortable. "

After Xiao Nizi finished speaking, Su Yehao shook his head and said with a smile: "Our house in Dalangwan, the port city is so comfortable, we only run outside when we are crazy, and people can't understand what they say. As long as we have enough money, the quality of life will be high wherever , Mainly because of the novelty. So if you’re bored, it’s good to go out and travel. It’s better to settle down. If it wasn’t for the inconvenience of hotels, I wouldn’t buy a house in Silicon Valley.”

"It's really extravagant. In order to be more comfortable during business trips, I bought a house that big. I really hugged my thighs."

"Did you only know now?"


Arrive at the Waldorf Astoria and check in quickly.

The attitude of the hotel staff was very good. Su Yehao looked inside and out and asked how much money the hotel could make a year.

The waiter smiled and just said he didn't know.

He mentioned to Nangong Tian that Donghuang Group was transferring the hotel, at this time Xiao Nizi asked him:

"Your old lover asked you for help. Do you want to help her? The Donghuang Garden Hotel is so luxurious and beautiful. My mother and I have been there once. If the price is cheap, I should be able to buy it."

"What old lover? Young and ignorant, how can she have you."

Lightly avoiding the dark thunder, Su Yehao nodded and replied, "It's really good, I'm also considering whether to buy it or not. If I buy that hotel, how about you help me manage it? Your mother's club is actually Almost, you watched your mother do business since you were a child, so you have more or less experience."

"Ha... let me manage?"

Xiao Nizi was instantly moved. After the last time she made a movie, she had already had enough addiction to be a producer, and had no idea of ​​long-term engagement in the film and television production industry.

Managing such a big hotel sounds like a very grand look.

After Su Yehao struggled for a while, he shook his head and said again:

"Let's wait and see. If you make money, you can buy it at any time. The most important thing is to pay off the $200 million owed to McKinsey. The monthly interest is 1.5%. What hotel can make so much money every month, even if it is The casinos and hotels in Las Vegas can’t do it. Maybe other buyers are tempted first, and it’s not my turn to take the shot. It’s better to have less toss recently.”

"That's right, the interest rate is about to catch up with usury. The God of Wealth blesses Brother Hao to make a lot of money, and I will burn more incense when I get home..."

When traveling, Nangong Tian is in a particularly good mood.

Entering the room, lying on the bed and flipping through the menu, I called and asked for two pasta sets.

When you are full, go to the Statue of Liberty.

Just stand on the shore and take a look. In addition, ask the hotel to help you book tickets to visit the Museum of Modern Art in New York tomorrow.

That night, I went to Broadway to watch the opera "Cats".

Basically I don't understand, but the stage effect is quite good.

He seems to have no business in New York, but the Nasdaq stock exchange is here, which means that most of Su Yehao's worth is inseparable from here.

After trying to operate for more than half a century, New York's status as the world's financial center is almost unbreakable.

On the afternoon of the second day he came to New York, Su Yehao also went to visit Wall The streets are just streets, and the invisible atmosphere of money always made him feel that he was still very small.

On my third day in New York, I spent tens of thousands of dollars in stores on Fifth Avenue.

Su Yehao bought a bag for his mother, and Xiao Nizi also helped Jiang Yu pick a belt. The new clothes, shoes and jewelry were almost stuffed into the trunk of a rented Rolls-Royce.

Before you get bored, head back to Silicon Valley again.

John Zhou helped arrange a meeting with Yang Zhiyuan, the founder of Yahoo, and Su Yehao bought a bottle of aged whisky as a gift.

During the meeting, there was not much chat. The key was to advertise ICQ and TVT through the Yahoo search engine. The price was slightly cheaper, which was a shareholder benefit.

The positive impact of the acquisition of ICQ has already appeared one after another.

It just advertised for TVT, and TVT's single-day downloads exceeded 60,000, more than the users accumulated by TAT marketing for half a year...

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another half a month passed.


After initially sorting out the follow-up development plan, Su Yehao finally took Xiao Nizi home.

As soon as he got home, he saw Jiang Yu wearing a pink bikini and putting an air bed in the outdoor swimming pool to bask in the sun comfortably.

When Jiang Yu saw Su Yehao, he almost fell into the pool with fright, so he quickly went ashore and wrapped himself in a blanket, complaining, "Don't tell me in advance when you come back!"

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Su Yehao sneered at her while seducing her eyes: "please, this seems to be my home. I've been happy living alone recently, have you forgotten whose name is written on the property certificate?"


Chapter 324 Mid-June

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